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AMG sports car books - history and models

A book on AMG sports cars? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of AMG sports cars.

Mercedes AMG (2000-2006) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio book about the AMG models from the period 2000-2006. Describes the AMG Mercedes-Benz C30, C32 and C55, CLK430, CLK55, CLK-TDM CLK-GTR, CL55, CL65, CLS55, E55, the G-car - G55, ML55, S55, S65, SL55, SL65, SLK32, SLK55 and the SLR McLaren.

  • The articles, taken from contemporary British and American car magazines, provide much information about history, model changes and technology.
  • Also driving impressions, tests, comparison tests, technical specifications, etc.


Details:200 pages, 27 x 20 x 1.3 cm / 10.6 x 7.9 x 0.51 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated, geheel in colour
Publisher:Brooklands Books (GB, 2007)

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Mercedes AMG (2000-2006) - Brooklands Portfolio

Mercedes AMG (2000-2006)

Language: English

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Mercedes AMG (1983-1999) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio book about the AMG models from the period 1983-1999. Describes the AMG Mercedes-Benz 190 and 190 E, 280, 300 CE and 300 to, 500 SE, SEL, SEC and SL, 560 SEC and E, AMG Hammer, SL60, C180, C36, C43, C55, E36, E50, E55, E60, S55 and CLK-GTR.

  • The articles, taken from contemporary British and American car magazines, provide much information about history, model changes and technology.
  • Also driving impressions, tests, comparison tests, technical specifications, etc.


Details:160 pages, 27 x 20 x 1.1 cm / 10.6 x 7.9 x 0.43 in, paperback
Illustrations:b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Brooklands Books (GB, 2007)
Series:Gold Portfolio

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Mercedes AMG (1983-1999) - Brooklands Portfolio

Mercedes AMG (1983-1999)

Language: English

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AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (3ème édition)

"A" for Aufrecht, "M" for Melcher, "G" for... Grossaspach. Behind these three letters are Hans-Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the G symbolizing the city of origin of the former.
In 1967, these pioneers created AMG, a workshop - the first - dedicated to engine preparations and customization based on Mercedes. A new concept was born: high performance, exclusivity, all married to the legendary quality and comfort of the brand with the star.

Pages of the book AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (1)

Renowned for its road and sports transformations, AMG finally, after twenty years, attracted the attention of its neighbor from Stuttgart. Almost the entire Mercedes range has since received the AMG "bug".
This book, prefaced by Jacques Laffite, tells this success story in detail. From the 300 SEL 6.3 of 320 hp of the sixties to the brand new GT and the latest models bearing a "45", "55" or a "63 AMG", including the competition versions, the 300 E "Hammer" and the special transformations, all eras are revisited.

Pages of the book AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (2)


Author:Michel Tona
Details:192 pages, 29 x 24 cm / 11.4 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:480 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2019)
AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (3ème édition)

AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (3ème édition)

Language: French

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Last update: 12/03/2025