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Hanomag car books - history and models

A book on Hanomag cars? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of Hanomag cars.

90 Jahre Hanomag Kommißbrot: Deutschlands erster Kleinwagen aus Hannover

Germany's first mass-produced small car came from Hanover. Simple in design, robust, and with an unusual shape, the first prototypes hit the road in autumn 1924.
Engineers Fidelis Böhler and Carl Pollich, both from Swabia, presented their idea and prototypes to Hanomag in Hanover. Factory director Dr.-Ing. Gustav ter Meer quickly recognized the potential and approved production.
By the time production of the 2/10 model ended in 1928, 15.775 vehicles had been built in Hanover-Linden - a success far beyond the region.
This richly illustrated book tells the story of the small car in ten chapters, covering its assembly line production, racing history, personal memories, and anecdotes up to the present. It also includes articles on the small truck version and the reconstruction of the assembly line.


Author:Georg Olms
Details:112 pages, 22.5 x 27 x 1.5 cm / 8.9 x 10.6 x 0.59 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Georg Olms Verlag (D, 2018)
90 Jahre Hanomag Kommißbrot: Deutschlands erster Kleinwagen aus Hannover

90 Jahre Hanomag Kommißbrot: Deutschlands erster Kleinwagen aus Hannover

Language: German

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Fotografie bei Hanomag - Menschen & Maschinen in Hannover-Linden

For over 150 years, Hannoversche Maschinenbau AG (Hanomag) was one of Germany's leading manufacturers of locomotives and vehicles. At Hanomag, production was accompanied by photography.
This book offers a first-ever look into Hanomag's industrial photography. The images not only document what was once Hanover's largest industrial company but also highlight Hanomag's connection to German history. Whether locomotives, construction machinery, cars, trucks, tractors, or even cannons - Hanomag's development reflects the evolution of industry and technology.


Author:Alfred Büllesbach, Horst-Dieter Görg
Details:96 pages, 23 x 28 x 1.4 cm / 9.1 x 11 x 0.55 in, hardback
Illustrations:about 100 photos
Publisher:Morisel Verlag (D, 2016)
Fotografie bei Hanomag - Menschen & Maschinen in Hannover-Linden

Fotografie bei Hanomag - Menschen & Maschinen in Hannover-Linden

Language: German

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Last update: 24/02/2025