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Cars - Germany: books - history and models

A book on cars? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of cars from Germany.

2 Takte - 4 Räder : Die Geschichte des Zweitaktmotors im Autobau

Siegfried Rauch was the Nestor of German automotive journalism in the post-war period, having worked intensively on two-stroke construction as technical director and development engineer.
An unfinished manuscript dealing with this highly interesting technology was found in his estate.

Pages of the book 2 Takte - 4 Rader: Die Geschichte des Zweitaktmotors (1)

After years of intensive research, Frank Rönicke has now revised, updated and completed Rauch's last book - a precise and detailed technical documentation that describes the invention and development of the two-stroke engine and how it found its way into German automobiles.

Pages of the book 2 Takte - 4 Rader: Die Geschichte des Zweitaktmotors (2)


Author:Siegfried Rauch, Frank Rönicke
Details:184 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:245 b&w and 34 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2016)
2 Takte - 4 Räder : Die Geschichte des Zweitaktmotors im Autobau

2 Takte - 4 Räder : Die Geschichte des Zweitaktmotors im Autobau

Language: German

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Die Deutsche Autobahn - Erlebnis, Mythos, Lebensader

It is an economic driver, an export hit, a dream road and a permanent construction site: the German Autobahn. A visually stunning look at all its facets!
This illustrated book goes in search of what really goes on over 13 000 kilometers across Germany: from the history of the creation of our Autobahn to the spectacular architecture and the breathtaking landscapes along the routes to the people "behind it all": from truckers to toilet cleaners.


Author:Karl Johaentges
Details:192 pages, 29 x 27 x 2.1 cm / 11.4 x 10.6 x 0.83 in, hardback
Illustrations:210 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Frederking & Thaler (D, 2021)
Die Deutsche Autobahn - Erlebnis, Mythos, Lebensader

Die Deutsche Autobahn - Erlebnis, Mythos, Lebensader

Language: German

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Gasolin: Nimm Dir Zeit - und nicht das Leben

The petrol stations with their distinctive architecture and the old pump with the red and white Gasolin logo were widespread and well-known in Germany until the 1970s.
Some people will certainly still remember the Gasolin advertising slogan "Take your time - and not your life", which was emblazoned on many trucks. However, hardly anyone will know that the history of the Gasolin company goes back to the 1920s.

The author Ulrich Biene has meticulously examined contemporary documents and old photos and researched the history of the Gasolin brand.
In this book he provides information about the history of the brand from its beginnings to relics that can still be discovered today. The company history is rounded off with images that have in part never been published before.


Author:Ulrich Biene
Details:120 pages, 24.5 x 17.5 x 1.7 cm / 9.7 x 6.9 x 0.67 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH (D, 2020)
Gasolin: Nimm Dir Zeit - und nicht das Leben

Gasolin: Nimm Dir Zeit - und nicht das Leben

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025