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Voisin car books - history and models

A book on Voisin cars? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of Voisin cars.

Andre Lefebvre and the cars he created for Voisin and Citroën

Together with his colleagues at Citroën, Andre Lefebvre created the Traction Avant (1934), the TUB (1939) - Citroën's first front wheel drive utility van that was succeeded by the H and HY vans (1947) - the Deux Chevaux (1948), and, last but not least, the DS (1955).
From 1923 to 1931 Lefebvre also designed several highly original and outstanding competition cars and record-breaking automobiles for Voisin. He even drove some these cars in races and record attempts. It is obvious that during his 16 years with Gabriel Voisin he was very much influenced by the ideas of this illustrious aviation pioneer and car manufacturer.

The experience gained during that period gave him the self-confidence to persuade his successive bosses at Citroën that his unorthodox approach to automobile design was what the company needed; first he convinced André Citroën, later Pierre Michelin, then Pierre-Jules Boulanger, and finally Robert Puiseux and Pierre Bercot.
His oeuvre for Citroën alone earns him a place of honour among the great automobile designers of the past century. The fact that most present-day cars still carry the DNA of his design philosophy makes him stand out above other automotive pioneers and innovators. That is why it is amazing that so little is known about this fascinating and brilliant engineer.


Author:Gijsbert-Paul Berk
Details:144 pages, 25 x 18 x 1.8 cm / 9.8 x 7.1 x 0.71 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2009)
Andre Lefebvre and the cars he created for Voisin and Citroën

Andre Lefebvre and the cars he created for Voisin and Citroën

Language: English

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Gabriel Voisin - Journal d'un inconoclaste

From the dawn of the 20th century to the armistice of 1918, Gabriel Voisin played a decisive role in the early days of aviation and participated in its spectacular growth. He then made a remarkable foray into the field of architecture before devoting himself to the automobile.

Between the two wars, Gabriel Voisin made a deliberately singular contribution to the evolution of forms and techniques through a line of creations in his image. Iconoclastic and offbeat, in their aesthetics as well as their technology, Gabriel Voisin's automobiles demonstrated a premonitory relevance that went well beyond gratuitous provocation.

In the aftermath of the Liberation, Gabriel Voisin withdrew into his disillusionment and convictions while continuing to cast a critical and constructive eye on the future of individual mobility. A tireless researcher, an enlightened and visionary mind, and an inveterate protester, Gabriel Voisin left an indelible mark on the march of the 20th century.

This boxed book tells us the story of Gabriel Voisin and his exceptional automobiles.


Author:Serge Bellu
Details:208 pages, 29 x 24 cm / 11.4 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2013)
Gabriel Voisin - Journal d'un inconoclaste

Gabriel Voisin - Journal d'un inconoclaste

Language: French

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André Lefèbvre - de la Voisin Laboratoire à la Citroën DS

This book aims to pay tribute to André Lefebvre, a fiery pioneer who left such a great legacy to all car enthusiasts around the world.
Between 1923 and 1931, André Lefebvre also designed several very original and remarkable competition and record-breaking cars for Voisin. He even drove some of them in races and record attempts.

His work for Citroën earned him a place of honor among the great automobile designers of the 20th century. This is evidenced by the current cars that retain part of his designs and his philosophy in the automobile field.

Pages of the book André Lefèbvre (1)

With his colleagues from the Citroën design office, André Lefebvre designed iconic models: the Traction Avant in 1934, the TUB in 1939 (Citroën's first front-wheel drive utility vehicle, which was succeeded by the Type H in 1947), the 2 CV in 1948 and finally the DS in 1955.

Pages of the book André Lefèbvre (2)


Author:Gijsbert-Paul Berk
Details:160 pages, 29 x 24 cm / 11.4 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:230 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2019)
André Lefèbvre - de la Voisin Laboratoire à la Citroën DS

André Lefèbvre - de la Voisin Laboratoire à la Citroën DS

Language: French

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Last update: 03/02/2025