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Austro-Daimler car books - history and technology

A book on Austro-Daimler? Here are illustrated books on the history, models and technology of Austro-Daimler cars.

Austro Daimler (Band 1): 1899-1919

Josef Eduard Bierenz, a close associate of Gottlieb Daimler and a general importer, sought a production site for a car factory in Austria at the end of the 19th century. In 1899, Eduard Fischer, a factory owner from Wiener Neustadt, learned about Daimler's plans in Stuttgart. By May 1900, the first car was built in Wiener Neustadt, followed by 16.000 more until 1934.

The book explores technical innovations by Paul Daimler, Ferdinand Porsche, and others, as well as the social changes that brought the nobility and bourgeoisie closer together. Key figures such as Theodor Dreher and Emil Jellinek-Mercedes played an important role. Ingenious designs like the "Prinz Heinrich Car" helped Austro Daimler gain worldwide recognition.

It also provides insights into the daily lives of directors Fischer and Porsche, as well as factory workers, particularly during World War I. With many previously unpublished images, this book offers a detailed account of the Austrian automobile factory from 1913 onward.


Author:Christian Zach
Details:432 pages, 29.5 x 21 cm / 11.6 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Kral Verlag (A, 2019)
Austro Daimler (Band 1): 1899-1919

Austro Daimler (Band 1): 1899-1919

Language: German

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Austro Daimler (Band 2): 1920-1935

This book covers technical developments, racing successes, and the impact of the Great Depression on the European automotive industry in the 1930s.

Kral Verlag is honored to publish the second volume, "Austro Daimler. 1920-1935", which Christian Zach was able to complete before his passing. The book is published posthumously under the expert supervision and editorship of Gerhard Weinzettl, chairman of the "Austro Daimler Section."


Author:Christian Zach
Details:432 pages, 29.5 x 21 cm / 11.6 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Kral Verlag (A, 2021)
Austro Daimler (Band 2): 1920-1935

Austro Daimler (Band 2): 1920-1935

Language: German

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