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Wartburg 311, 313 and 1000: books - history and models

A book on Wartburg 311, 313 or 1000 cars? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of Wartburg cars.

Wartburg - Vom 311 zum 353 (1956-1991)


With its four doors, initially diverse body options, and elegant features, the Wartburg was the flagship of the GDR auto industry in 1956. However, the planned economy and the persistent use of outdated two-stroke technology gradually left the dream car from Eisenach behind.

In the 1960s, the charming sedans, convertibles, station wagons, and coupes increasingly gave way to a gray, sober practicality that better fit the socialist worldview. However, the two-stroke engine remained, as Frank Rönicke's richly illustrated monograph vividly demonstrates.


Author:Frank Rönicke
Details:224 pages, 25 x 21.5 x 2 cm / 9.8 x 8.5 x 0.79 in, hardback
Illustrations:400 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2024)
Wartburg - Vom 311 zum 353 (1956-1991)

Wartburg - Vom 311 zum 353 (1956-1991)

Language: German

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Wartburg 311 / 313 / 1000 (1956-1965) (Schrader Typen Chronik)

The cars from Eisenach were not called "Wartburg" until 1955: founded in 1896 as "Fahrzeugfabrik Eisenach", taken over by BMW in 1927, nationalized after the Second World War and renamed "Automobilwerk Eisenach" (AWE), the state-owned company produced the only notable domestic alternatives to the famous "Trabbis" under the most difficult conditions.

Pages of the book Wartburg 311 / 313 / 1000 (1956-1965) (1)

With concise texts, contemporary illustrations and meaningful photos, this volume of the popular STC series is a worthy monument to the first Wartburgs.
Frank Rönicke is a proven expert on the subject of motorization in the GDR and has already published many titles on this topic.


Author:Frank Rönicke
Details:96 pages, 22 x 24 cm / 8.7 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:44 b&w and 119 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2014)
Series:Schrader Typen Chronik
Wartburg 311 / 313 / 1000 (1956-1965) (Schrader Typen Chronik)

Wartburg 311 / 313 / 1000 (1956-1965)

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025