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DKW car books - history and models (1/2)

A book on DKW cars? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of DKW cars (1/2).

DKW: the Complete History of a World Marque

Long considered the definitive book on DKW (Dampf-Kraft-Wagen), this classic book is now available in a complete English language edition. Featuring over 640 color and black and white images, it covers all of the automobiles and motorcycles manufactured by the legendary DKW from its founding in the early twentieth century to its closing in the 1960s.
Described in detail are the technical developments of the famed two-stroke engine, thanks to which DKW earned its excellent worldwide reputation. Prior to World War II, DKW was the world's largest producer of motorcycles with great success in both the racing and civilian markets.
Clearly presented is the complex company history, including its 1932 merger with Audi, Horch and Wanderer to form the Auto Union, and later takeover by Daimler-Benz then Volkswagen. Many of the superb quality images come from factory archives and include manufacturing views, as well as line schemes and plans.

The original German edition publisher Frank Rönicke, who knew the author Siegfried Rauch (1906-1997) personally and was able to inherit his archive, has revised and supplemented the original text for this new edition and added a series of color photos to this classic of DKW literature.


Author:Siegfried Rauch
Details:288 pages, 28 x 21.5 cm / 11 x 8.5 in, hardback
Illustrations:649 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2014)
DKW: the Complete History of a World Marque

DKW: the Complete History of a World Marque

Language: English

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DKW - Die Geschichte der legendären Marke

By converting a two-stroke toy engine into an auxiliary bicycle engine, Jörg Rasmussen initiated the rise of DKW in the early 1920s.
By 1928, DKW had already established itself as the world's most successful motorcycle brand. At the same time, the company entered the car manufacturing business and in 1930 developed the world's first series-produced car with front-wheel drive - again with a two-stroke engine, of course. However, after Auto Union was taken over by VW in the 1960s, the two-stroke engine had served its purpose.

Pages of the book DKW - Die Geschichte der legendaren Marke (1)

Frank Rönicke presents everything that was once famous in the two-stroke world.

Pages of the book DKW - Die Geschichte der legendaren Marke (2)


Author:Frank Rönicke
Details:304 pages, 30.5 x 23 cm / 12 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:490 b&w and 222 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2018)
DKW - Die Geschichte der legendären Marke

DKW - Die Geschichte der legendären Marke

Language: German

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Der letzte Auto Union Sportwagen aus Chemnitz

Frieder Bach, a proven expert on DKW and Auto Union history, takes the reader on a journey of discovery. The chance discovery in the archives of a rough sketch of a long-distance sports car (DKW F-9 Berlin-Rome), which was not allowed to be built because of the Second World War, inspired the author to build it 80 years later.
Step by step, we witness the unique process. Frieder Bach had to use all of his knowledge of vehicle history to complete the project. He was supported by numerous colleagues. A golden hour for the automotive trade.


Author:Frieder Bach
Details:120 pages, 23 x 23 x 1 cm / 9.1 x 9.1 x 0.39 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Mironde Verlag (D, 2020)
Der letzte Auto Union Sportwagen aus Chemnitz

Der letzte Auto Union Sportwagen aus Chemnitz

Language: German

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Related titles:

DKW Typenkunde

DKW Typenkunde - Nachkriegsfahrzeuge und ausländische Lizenzmodelle

Ralf Friese | German | hardback | 144 p. | 2018

Kenner fahren DKW !

Kenner fahren DKW ! Prototypen, Weltrekordler, Seltenheiten.

Frieder Bach | German | hardback | 132 p. | 2014

Audi 1910-2000 - Auto Union, DKW, Horch, Wanderer

Audi 1910-2000 - Auto Union, DKW, Horch, Wanderer

Werner Oswald | German | hardback | 304 p. | 2020

The TMB Bookshop presents not only general books on DKW . Click here to discover all books on DKW (including technical books like workshop manuals, restauration manuals, driver's handbooks, parts catalogues, etc.).

Last update: 03/02/2025