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RWD aircraft - Poland: books - history and models

A book on RWD aircraft? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of RWD aircraft from Poland.

Najsłynniejsze polskie sportowe samoloty wyczynowe - RWD-5 bis, RWD-6, RWD-9, PZL-26

The book presents four of the most famous sport performance aircraft of Polish design:
- RWD-5 bis, the aircraft on which Stanisław Skarżyński flew solo over the Atlantic in May 1933
- RWD-6, the winning aeroplane flown by Żwirki i Wigury at the Challenge international aviation competition in 1932
- RWD-9, the aircraft which took two first places at the Challenge competition in 1934
- and the PZL-26, which took part in the Challenge in 1934, to this day the fastest tourist aircraft to have been produced in series in Poland.

On the basis of archival photographs, press information and not very accurate advertising and catalogue material, the author has recreated the appearance of these aircraft and details of construction and equipment to an awe-inspiring degree.
In addition the book contains detailed drawings, archival photographs, detailed technical descriptions of the presented constructions and excerpts from press publications.

Text in Polish.


Author:Wiesław Schier
Details:112 pages, 29 x 20.5 x 0.9 cm / 11.4 x 8.1 x 0.35 in, paperback
Illustrations:119 photos and drawings
Publisher:Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności WKŁ (PL, 2018)
Najsłynniejsze polskie sportowe samoloty wyczynowe - RWD-5 bis, RWD-6, RWD-9, PZL-26

Najsłynniejsze polskie sportowe samoloty wyczynowe - RWD-5 bis, RWD-6, RWD-9, PZL-26

Language: Polish

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Last update: 03/02/2025