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Aircraft books (WW 2) - Germany - Luftwaffe (2/4)

A book on the Luftwaffe? Explore here illustrated books on the history and deployment of aircraft from Germany from World War II (2/4).

The Last Year of the Luftwaffe : May 1944 to May 1945

The classic story of a once all-conquering force struggling to stave off an inevitable and total defeat. This superbly written book gives a complete account of Luftwaffe operations during the last twelve months of the fighting in Europe - including the dramatic Bodenplatte (or 'Baseplate') offensive over the Ardennes in December 1944.

In this comprehensive examination of Hitler's air force, Dr Alfred Price examines its state from May 1944 to May 1945, analysing not only the forces available to it, but also the likely potential, and impact, of new aircraft and weapons systems. He also assesses the Luftwaffe's High Command's performance and the effect of Allied attacks and operations.

In doing so he rejects a number of long-standing myths, clarifies the impact of the jet and rocket fighters, and demonstrates that the Luftwaffe performed as well as could be expected under the harsh circumstances of fighting a losing war.


Author:Dr Alfred Price
Details:256 pages, 23.5 x 15.5 cm / 9.25 x 6.1 in, paperback
Illustrations:32 b&w photos
Publisher:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2015)
The Last Year of the Luftwaffe : May 1944 to May 1945

The Last Year of the Luftwaffe : May 1944 to May 1945

Language: English

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The Luftwaffe in Colour : The Victory Years 1939-1942

This remarkable work pulls the lid off one of the legendary air forces in history at the very peak of its power-unveiling the and machines as they truly existed day-to-day, underneath the propaganda of their own regime and the scare stories of their enemies.

In Hitler's Germany, colour photography was primarily co-opted for state purposes, such as the military publication Signal, or the Luftwaffe's own magazine, Der Adler (Eagle). But a number of men had cameras of their own, and in this painstakingly acquired collection, originally published in France, we can witness true life on Germany's airfields during the period of the Luftwaffe's ascendancy.

Thus not only do we see famous planes such as the Me-109, Ju-87 or He-111, but the wide variety of more obscure types with which the Germans began the war. The array of Arados, Dorniers, Heinkels - not to mention elegant 4-engine Condors - that were initially employed in the war are here in plain sight and full colour, providing not only an insight into WWII history but a model maker's dream.

Just as fascinating are the shots of the airmen themselves, along with their groundcrews - full of confidence and cheer as they bested every other air force in Europe during these years, with the single exception of the RAF's Fighter Command in late-summer 1940. But that was no big stumbling block to the Luftwaffe, which had bigger fish to fry in Russia and North Africa the following year.


Author:Christophe Cony, Jean-Louis Roba
Details:192 pages, 25.5 x 18 cm / 10 x 7.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:300 colour photos
Publisher:Casemate Books (GB, 2016)
The Luftwaffe in Colour : The Victory Years 1939-1942

The Luftwaffe in Colour : The Victory Years 1939-1942

Language: English

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Luftwaffe in Colour : From Glory to Defeat 1942-1945 (Volume 2)

Eighty years after its creation, the Luftwaffe is still one of the most fascinating forces in the history of aviation. A companion to Luftwaffe in Colour Volume 1, which covered the victory years from 1939 up to Spring 1942, this volume with nearly 400 images contains even more fascinating material on the machines of the Luftwaffe and the men who flew them, as their fate took an increasingly grim path.

Initially the Luftwaffe ruled the skies but thereafter fought an increasingly futile war of attrition which when combined with vital strategic mistakes in aircraft production, was its death knell.

Despite this the Luftwaffe produced the most successful air aces of all time who feature in this volume. Among many remarkable images we see one of the last Junkers 87 B-2 operational on the front line on the Eastern Front during the winter of 1942-1943, the huge BV 222 V-5 of Lufttransportstaffel in the port of Heraklion in late 1942, pilots in Tunisia in 1943, the aces Hans Philipp, Wolfgang Spate and Heinz Schnaufer and a vivid demonstration of the reversal in fortunes in 1944 as Allied bombers destroy 106 places, engulfing them in fire at Schwabisch-Hall on German soil.

In this painstakingly pieced together collection, originally published in France, the full detail behind the propaganda is once more revealed, in rare colour photographs.


Author:Jean Louis Roba, Christophe Cony
Details:160 pages, 25.5 x 18 x 1.9 cm / 10 x 7.1 x 0.75 in, paperback
Illustrations:ruim 400 colour photos
Publisher:Casemate Books (GB, 2017)
Luftwaffe in Colour : From Glory to Defeat 1942-1945 (Volume 2)

Luftwaffe in Colour : From Glory to Defeat 1942-1945 (Volume 2)

Language: English

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Luftwaffe Over Germany - Defense of the Reich

Definitive guide to the German air defense system until its collapse in 1945. It tells the story of one of the longest and most intense air battles in history. The daylight air struggles over Germany during World War II involved thousands of aircraft, dozens of units, and hundreds of aerial engagements.
Until now, there has been no single book that covers the complete story, from the highest levels of air strategy to the individual tales of Fw 190s, Bf 109s and Me 262s in air combat against the American bomber streams.

This ground-breaking work explores the detrimental effect of Luftwaffe theory and doctrine on the German air arms ability to defend the homeland once the Allied Combined Bomber Offensive began in earnest. By mid-1944, they had lost the battle - but had exacted a terrible price from the Americans in the process.

The product of a ten-year collaboration between two noted Luftwaffe historians, this work fills a major gap in the literature of World War II. The authors have examined original war diaries, logbooks, doctrine manuals, after-action reports, and interviews with many combat veterans to produce a richly detailed account. Illustrated with nearly two hundred photographs, as well as new maps and diagrams, this is the standard work on the subject.


Author:Donald L. Caldwell, Richard Muller
Details:336 pages, 26 x 21.5 x 2.4 cm / 10.25 x 8.5 x 0.94 in, hardback
Illustrations:200 photos
Publisher:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2014)
Luftwaffe Over Germany - Defense of the Reich

Luftwaffe Over Germany - Defense of the Reich

Language: English

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Last update: 03/02/2025