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Lastwagen - Spanien: Bücher - Geschichte, Typen und Technik

Ein Buch über Lastwagen? Entdecken Sie hier Bildbände über die Geschichte, Typen und Technik der Lastwagen aus Spanien.

Nuestros clásicos industriales 1950-1990

After the success of "Nuestros automóviles clásicos en imágenes (1950-1990)", Javier Navarro Fortuño collects in a new catalog, each and every one of the models of industrial vehicles of Spanish production, including not only trucks, vans and buses, but also vans, SUVs, derivatives of passenger cars and motor-cars with steering wheel.

In this new work, following the format of "Nuestros automóviles clásicos en imágenes (1950-1990)", the reader will be able to find all the information regarding each brand and each model that has been mass-produced in Spain, accompanied by more than 1200 photographs showing different details and versions of each of them.
A true illustrated atlas, dedicated for the first time in the history of the Spanish automotive industry, to some vehicles manufactured more than 25 years ago, which due to their industrial nature had been the great forgotten in automobile books.

Autor:Javier Navarro Fortuño
Ausführung:319 Seiten, 24 x 17 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:1200+ Fotos
Verlag:Temporae Libros (E, 2021)
Nuestros clásicos industriales 1950-1990

Nuestros clásicos industriales 1950-1990

Sprache: Spanisch

Kaufen bei Amazon DE

El automóvil en España

The history of automobiles in Spain, viewed through the lens of national creativity and emerging industries, remains largely unknown in today's society. This beautiful book aims to shed light on this history by examining prominent brands and industrial vehicle factories, including trucks, buses, and military vehicles.
These diverse facets contribute to understanding Spanish creativity in the automotive realm. The content is accompanied by a wealth of photographs, vintage advertisements, and other graphic materials of significant historical value.

This reference work is a real encyclopedia on the Spanish car and commercial vehicle industry. It not only describes known makes like Hispano-Suiza, Elizalde, Nacional-Pescara, Pegaso, Barreiros and Seat, but also many lesser known manuafactures.

Text in Spanish.

Ausführung:254 Seiten, 27 x 23.5 x 3.5 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:zahlreiche farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Susaeta Ediciones (E, 2014)
El automóvil en España

El automóvil en España

Sprache: Spanisch

Kaufen bei Amazon DE

Motores en guerra - Guerra Civil Española

This book gathers valuable information about the vehicles that served in the Spanish Civil War: the country of origin, the factory that manufactured them, the way in which they passed to each of the contenders. All of this is accompanied by numerous interesting photographs.

Seiten aus dem Buch Motores en guerra - Guerra Civil Española (1)

Text in Spanish.

Autor:Josep M. Mata Duaso
Ausführung:296 Seiten, 27 x 23.5 x 4 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:zahlreiche farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Susaeta Ediciones (E, 2012)
Motores en guerra - Guerra Civil Española

Motores en guerra - Guerra Civil Española

Sprache: Spanisch

Kaufen bei Amazon DE

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Lastwagen & Busse Osteuropas

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Deutsch | gebunden | 320 S. | 2019

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Samochody użytkowe RWPG

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Polnisch | gebunden | 184 S. | 2023

Allrad- und Kettenfahrzeuge - Spezialisten im Gelande

Allrad- und Kettenfahrzeuge - Spezialisten im Gelände

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Deutsch | gebunden | 134 S. | 2006

Electric Trucks - A History

Electric Trucks - A History of Delivery Vehicles, Semis, Forklifts and Others

Kevin Desmond

Englisch | kartoniert | 269 S. | 2019

Letzte Aktualisierung:01-09-2024