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Airbus H145M, Caracal and Tiger: books - history

A book on Airbus H145M, Caracal or Tiger helicopters? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of Airbus helicopters.

Airbus Helicopters H145M - Einsatzhubschrauber der Spezialeinheiten

The agile H145M LUH SOF (Light Utility Helicopter/Special Operation Forces) is the military variant of the H145, which has been successfully operated around the world for years. The proven model has been extensively improved in terms of performance and equipped with armor, armament and electronic self-protection.
Equipped in this way, the nimble machine is the ideal new tool for the secretive German Special Forces Command (KSK), among others, which will use it to deploy to Mali in 2020.

The author was exclusively involved in the KSK's tough training missions for over a year and describes the technology and use of the H145M like no other.


Author:Christian Rastätter
Details:224 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:200 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2020)
Airbus Helicopters H145M - Einsatzhubschrauber der Spezialeinheiten

Airbus Helicopters H145M - Einsatzhubschrauber der Spezialeinheiten

Language: German

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Airbus Helicopters Tiger - Der europäische Kampfhubschrauber

The Airbus Helicopters Tiger, which first flew in 1991, is the first combat helicopter manufactured in Europe and has been in series production since 2002. The armed forces of Germany, France, Spain and Australia currently fly the model.
The range extends from armed reconnaissance and close air support to combating enemy helicopters and tanks. Since it was put into service, the helicopter has already taken part in several conflicts.

Pages of the book Airbus Helicopters Tiger (1)

Michael Normann describes the entire development history, production, technology and use here with a great deal of detailed knowledge and a sound technical basis.


Author:Michael Normann
Details:224 pages, 26.5 x 23.5 x 1.7 cm / 10.4 x 9.25 x 0.67 in, hardback
Illustrations:210 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2022)
Airbus Helicopters Tiger - Der europäische Kampfhubschrauber

Airbus Helicopters Tiger - Der europäische Kampfhubschrauber

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025