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Aircraft books - Switzerland - history and models

A book on aircraft from Switzerland? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of aircraft from Switzerland.

Museumsflugzeuge und Museen - Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz

This Typenkompass book deals with the museum aircraft and museums that can be found in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It offers an interesting and broad mix of information about the aircraft and the museums, including useful information about location, opening times, etc.

Pages of the book Museumsflugzeuge und Museen - D, A, CH (1)

As a hobby photographer, the author Marc Volland spends many hours at airfields and air shows all over the world. His photos and articles have already been published in international specialist magazines.

Pages of the book Museumsflugzeuge und Museen - D, A, CH (2)


Author:Marc Volland
Details:128 pages, 24 x 17 cm / 9 x 6.7 in, paperback
Illustrations:1 b&w and 161 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2014)
Museumsflugzeuge und Museen - Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz

Museumsflugzeuge und Museen - Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz

Language: German

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Balair - Als Fliegen noch Fliegen war

It comes at the right time: When the last flight of the Balair successor airline Belair takes off from Zurich in autumn 2017, the first comprehensive history of the large Basel airline will be available.
What the editor, writer and author Trudi von Fellenberg has written is nothing less than a reappraisal of what is probably the most exciting chapter of Swiss civil aviation ever.

Richly illustrated with many rare photos, reliably researched and enriched with heart and a pinch of aviation petrol and kerosene, the author not only presents aircraft, but also the people behind the airline.
In numerous interviews with women and men from the very beginning, she has succeeded in capturing the "spirit" of Balair and creating a lasting monument to this oldest Swiss airline and its employees, crew members, mechanics, loadmasters and salespeople.


Author:Trudi von Fellenberg-Bitzi
Details:256 pages, 22 x 14.5 x 2.7 cm / 8.7 x 5.7 x 1.06 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:AS Verlag (CH, 2017)
Balair - Als Fliegen noch Fliegen war

Balair - Als Fliegen noch Fliegen war

Language: German

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Last update: 04/02/2025