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Bombers: books - history, types and construction

A book on bombers? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of bombers.

Torpedo Bombers - Rare photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War)

The torpedo bomber first appeared during the later years of World War One but served their most useful role in the Second World War. The most famous attacks include Taranto, where Fairey Swordfish destroyed the Italian Battle fleet and the infamous surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. In both these cases the attacks were against ships laying in harbour and therefore stationary.
Heavy defensive anti-aircraft fire was the greatest danger to the torpedo bombers in those circumstances but ships under way in the open sea had far more room to take evasive action. The lengthy time it took a torpedo to reach its target allowed many ships to escape destruction.
However noteable exceptions were the sinking HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse by the Japanese during the early stages of the war in the Far East. During the hunt for the Bismark it was an air-launched torpedo from a Swordfish that severley damaged the ship's steering gear and enabled the Royal Navy to close in for the final kill.

This is a highly illustrated history one of the most deadly types of attack aircraft.
Some of the types included are the Fairey Swordfish, Bristol Beaufort, Fairey Albacore, Bristol Beaufighter, Heinkell He 115, Marchetti SM.79, Fokker T.VIII, Grumman Avenger and the Nakajima B5N.


Author:Peter C. Smith
Details:120 pages, 24.5 x 19 x 0.8 cm / 9.7 x 7.5 x 0.31 in, hardback
Illustrations:120 b&w photos
Publisher:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2007)
Series:Images of War
Torpedo Bombers - Rare photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War)

Torpedo Bombers - Rare photographs from Wartime Archives

Language: English

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Alliierte Bomber - 1939-1945 (Typenkompass)

The Second World War was the first major conflict in which bombers played a crucial role. At the beginning of the war, the Allied air forces were often poorly equipped and some of them used completely outdated aircraft, but within a few years there was rapid development.

The result was well-known classics such as the Avro Lancaster, the De Havilland Mosquito and the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. But the lesser-known models are also described in detail in pictures and text.

Pages of the book [TK] Alliierte Bomber - 1939-1945 (1)

Each type is presented with a photo, a historical description and a technical sheet.


Author:Alexander Lüdeke
Details:128 pages, 20.5 x 14 cm / 8.1 x 5.5 in, paperback
Illustrations:84 b&w and 48 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2013)
Alliierte Bomber - 1939-1945 (Typenkompass)

Alliierte Bomber - 1939-1945

Language: German

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Bomber - seit 1945 (Typenkompass)

Since the Second World War, the development of aviation has taken a giant leap, not least due to the development of jet engines and swept wings. The technological leap was also correspondingly great in bombers - groundbreaking designs such as the B-47, the famous B-52 or the Avro Vulcan just a few years after the end of the Second World War impressively demonstrate this.

The intended role of the bombers also changed significantly - away from the area bomber operating in a group to the single-flying nuclear weapon carrier.

In this Typenkompass, Frank Schwede shows the bombers since 1945 with important operational data, technical information and meaningful images.


Author:Frank Schwede
Details:128 pages, 20.5 x 14 cm / 8.1 x 5.5 in, paperback
Illustrations:36 b&w and 93 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2014)
Bomber - seit 1945 (Typenkompass)

Bomber - seit 1945

Language: German

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Bomber - Weltweit

At the beginning of the Cold War, bombers were primarily used for nuclear deterrence. Until the early 1990s, strategic bombers were in the air 24 hours a day so that they could attack enemy targets at any time with little warning. Today, bombers are mainly used in the conventional role.
Famous aircraft such as the powerful, eight-engine Boeing B-52 or the supersonic B-1 (both USA) or their Russian counterparts such as the TU-95 and the Tu-22M2/3 are just the most prominent examples.

Pages of the book Bomber - Weltweit (1)

Heiko Thiesler presents all the important bombers in the world in words, pictures and tables.

Pages of the book Bomber - Weltweit (2)


Author:Heiko Thiesler
Details:176 pages, 30.5 x 24 cm / 12 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:185 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2018)
Bomber - Weltweit

Bomber - Weltweit

Language: German

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Jagdbomber - weltweit

Fighter bombers are among the most versatile and powerful military aircraft of all. They are used to combat ground, sea and air targets and can therefore usually carry a considerable variety of different weapons.
They often evolved from pure fighter aircraft and still have their outstanding flight characteristics.

Pages of the book Jagdbomber - weltweit (1)

Famous examples are the Panavia Tornado or the Su-24 Fencer - machines that make anyone interested in them race. This volume by Heiko Thiesler presents the most important fighter-bombers from 1945 onwards in words and pictures.

Pages of the book Jagdbomber - weltweit (2)


Author:Heiko Thiesler
Details:192 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:32 b&w and 169 colour photos,12 drawings
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2018)
Jagdbomber - weltweit

Jagdbomber - weltweit

Language: German

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