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Military aircrafts: books - history, types and construction

A book on military aircrafts? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of military aircrafts.

Avions espions

Ever since humans were able to fly heavier-than-air aircraft, they have used airplanes to gather information about their adversaries.
This book traces the history of aerial reconnaissance. It covers topics such as the place of spy planes in military doctrine, events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the end of Gary Powers' U-2, the Open Skies Treaty, and the US Air Force's Big Safari program.

The authors describe 70 famous spy planes - their design, development, and operational history - and provide photos and technical data sheets detailing their main characteristics.
From propeller-driven planes to jet-powered aircraft, this is an excellent reference work on the history of these "eyes in the sky" that for more than a century have distinguished themselves in military aviation by incredible technologies combined with a touch of mystery.


Author:Norman Polmar, John F.Bessette
Details:240 pages, 28.5 x 22 cm / 11.2 x 8.7 in, hardback
Illustrations:300 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2017)
Avions espions

Avions espions

Language: French

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Jagdflugzeuge - Weltweit

Fighter aircraft are among the most powerful and technically sophisticated aircraft designs. Their name says it all: they were developed to hunt down enemy aircraft, catch up with them and engage them in aerial combat. To this end, new technical ground was continually broken, especially after the Second World War; developments were rapid in places and the machines became more powerful every year. The motto was: higher, faster, further.

In this volume, Heiko Thiesler presents the approximately 50 most important models since 1945 in his usual well-founded manner. Drawings and performance data round off this richly illustrated compendium.


Author:Heiko Thiesler
Details:176 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:180 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2020)
Jagdflugzeuge - Weltweit

Jagdflugzeuge - Weltweit

Language: German

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First World War in the Air

Phil Carradice | English | paperback | 192 p. | 2012

Last update: 03/02/2025