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Motorcycles and mopeds (since 1945) - Germany: books

A book on motorcycles and mopeds? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of motorcycles and mopeds from Germany since 1945.

German Racing Motorcycles

For a considerable period covered by this book, there were two distinct Germanys; West and East. Under very different political regimes they produced some highly innovative and competitive racing machinery.
German motorcycles were often in the vanguard of technical progress, and were good enough to win world titles. In this respect, the top names in the solo categories were NSU and Kreidler, while BMW, Fath, Munch and Konig did the business on three wheels.

Like Japan, Germany was faced with rebuilding a shattered country following at the end of World War 2. Like the Japanese, they overcame all the problems not only to create an economic miracle, but also to construct world-beating motorcycles.
Much of this success was thanks to Germany's pool of skilled engineers, both at factory and private level. Thus, Germany could be said to have contributed to the development of the sport in a wide variety of ways, engineers, machines, riders, circuits, and even record-breakers. The German motorcycle racing story has them all.

Contents: Adler, BMW Solos, BMW Sidecars, DKW, Fath, Horex, König, Kreidler, Maico, Münch, MZ, NSU, Simson & Zündapp.


Author:Mick Walker
Details:226 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 1.7 cm / 11 x 8.5 x 0.67 in, paperback
Illustrations:500 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Redline Books (GB, 1999)
German Racing Motorcycles

German Racing Motorcycles

Language: English

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Deutsche Motorräder - Marken und Modelle seit 1945

This is the first volume of a comprehensive reference work on German motorcycle construction: a complete chronicle of all German motorcycles from their beginnings to the present day. From Simson to Kreidler to Zündapp and others, all types, brands and relevant data are presented.

The two-wheeler expert Frank Rönicke does not only cover the glorious post-war period. Despite the dominance of a large German motorcycle manufacturer since the 1970s, the variety of two-wheelers that have emerged from German factories and are still produced remains extremely extensive.


Author:Frank Rönicke
Details:288 pages, 28.5 x 22 x 2.5 cm / 11.2 x 8.7 x 0.98 in, hardback
Illustrations:850 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2023)
Deutsche Motorräder - Marken und Modelle seit 1945

Deutsche Motorräder - Marken und Modelle seit 1945

Language: German

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Die Motorräder der Wirtschaftswunderzeit

The German motorcycles from 1945 to around 1960 are presented clearly and comprehensively. At that time there were more than 40 German manufacturers, including such popular ones as BMW, NSU and Zündapp, but also many that hardly anyone knows today.
A fascinating illustrated book and a reliable reference work in equal measure.

From the contents: Adler, Anker (Pamag), Ardie, AWD, Bastert, Bauer, Bismarck, BMW, Bücker, DKW (Auto Union), Dürkopp, Express, Geier, Göricke, Gritzner, Hecker, Hercules, Hoffmann, Horex, Maico, Mars, Meister, Miele, MZ, NSU, Panther, Patria, Rabeneick, Riedel, Rixe, Sudbrack, Tornax, Torpedo, Triumph, UT, Victoria, Zündapp.


Author:Brigitte Podszun
Details:144 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:290 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Verlag Podszun (D, 2005)
Die Motorräder der Wirtschaftswunderzeit

Die Motorräder der Wirtschaftswunderzeit

Language: German

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Deutsche Motorräder - seit 1960

The book series "Deutsche Motorräder" offers a unique chronicle of German motorcycle development since 1894. At that time, Alois Wolfmüller and the Hildebrand brothers built the world's first series-produced motorcycle, a machine with a 1.5-liter four-stroke engine. Although the company went under in 1897, the idea lived on.

Pages of the book Deutsche Motorrader - seit 1960 (1)

This volume covers the years since 1960, the years in which the number of German motorcycle manufacturers decreased drastically. On around 300 pages with over 400 photos, it offers the exact brand and model histories of those suppliers who were still active after the years of crisis in the German economy.

The focus of the observations is of course on the big players in the industry, but the small and smallest manufacturers are also duly presented: all types, all brands, all data. Large and small series as well as manufacturers, manufacturers of built-in engines and all West and East German motorcycles.

Pages of the book Deutsche Motorrader - seit 1960 (2)


Author:Frank Rönicke
Details:304 pages, 24 x 17 cm / 9 x 6.7 in, hardback
Illustrations:166 b&w and 248 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2006)
Deutsche Motorräder - seit 1960

Deutsche Motorräder - seit 1960

Language: German

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DMAX Kult-Eisen - Unsere Motorräder der 70er, 80er und 90er

At the beginning of the 1970s, it was the Japanese who rediscovered the motorcycle after its decline in the 1950s - this time as a leisure and sports machine.
Only a few German brands, including BMW, were able to profit from this trend and make their own mark. Otherwise, the Japanese dominated the European motorcycle market, especially Honda, the world market leader.

Pages of the book DMAX Kult-Eisen - Unsere Motorrader der 70/80/90er (1)

In this latest DMAX volume, Joachim Kuch presents the most innovative "cult motorcycles" that were on German roads between the early 1970s and the late 1990s.

Pages of the book DMAX Kult-Eisen - Unsere Motorrader der 70/80/90er (2)


Author:Joachim Kuch
Details:224 pages, 30.5 x 23 cm / 12 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:5 b&w and 114 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2018)
DMAX Kult-Eisen - Unsere Motorräder der 70er, 80er und 90er

DMAX Kult-Eisen - Unsere Motorräder der 70er, 80er und 90er

Language: German

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Jungs, Eure 400er - Die 27 PS-Motorräder der 70er und 80er

After mopeds and mokicks came the big two-wheeled world: as an alternative to larger, more expensive machines, many apprentices and students found happiness in the 27 hp class.
The range of products offered by manufacturers was huge. Nevertheless, they all had one thing in common: whether they had 400 cc displacement, maybe 500 cc, or even 250, they never had more than 27 hp.

In this volume, Joachim Kuch, himself a former 400 cc pilot, takes readers on a journey back in time to the 1970s and 1980s. Rich in facts and with many advertising photos and brochures typical of the time, he transports his readers back to the time of flared jeans and colorful Nolan helmets.


Author:Joachim Kuch
Details:96 pages, 23 x 24.5 x 1 cm / 9.1 x 9.7 x 0.39 in, hardback
Illustrations:120 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2021)
Jungs, Eure 400er - Die 27 PS-Motorräder der 70er und 80er

Jungs, Eure 400er - Die 27 PS-Motorräder der 70er und 80er

Language: German

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Nurnberger Motorradindustrie: Eine Chronik

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Last update: 03/02/2025