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Steyr farm tractor books - history

A book on Steyr agricultural tractors? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of Steyr agricultural tractors.

Steyr - Traktoren seit 1947 (Typenkompass)

Shortly after World War II, Steyr introduced its first tractor, the 26-horsepower Model 180, using the truck assembly line. The successor model, Steyr 80, marked the rise to becoming Austria's leading tractor manufacturer. Innovative concepts increased demand abroad.
In the mid-1990s, the Case Corporation acquired the tractor brand, which now belongs to CNH Global.
Ulf Kaack describes the success story of the red tractors up to the present and provides an overview of all models with technical data.

Pages of the book [TK] Steyr - Traktoren seit 1947 (1)


Author:Ulf Kaack
Details:128 pages, 20.5 x 14 cm / 8.1 x 5.5 in, paperback
Illustrations:125 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2021)
Steyr - Traktoren seit 1947 (Typenkompass)

Steyr - Traktoren seit 1947

Language: German

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Last update: 24/02/2025