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Agricultural tractors: books - history (6/6)

A book on agricultural tractors? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of agricultural tractors (6/6).

Tracteurs du monde, de 1853 à nos jours

In a century and a half - a few seconds of human history - the tractor has established itself as a traction tool, like the automobile, the truck or the airplane in the field of transport. It is now part of our environment and no one is surprised anymore to encounter it on the road, in vineyards, construction sites, ports, green spaces, beaches and elsewhere.

Through a very rich iconography, this work presents a fresco of its evolution, from the age of steam to that of electronics, passing through the invention of the pneumatic and that of the diesel engine.
Six hundred photographs, including a large part of the period, illustrate the productions of dozens of manufacturers from Europe and the New World. Appendices trace the chronology of the series for some important brands and a complete index facilitates the reader's research.


Author:Jean Noulin, Jean Cherouvrier
Details:192 pages, 31 x 23.5 cm / 12.2 x 9.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:50 b&w and 300 colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2003)
Tracteurs du monde, de 1853 à nos jours

Tracteurs du monde, de 1853 à nos jours

Language: French

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100 ans de tracteurs à chenilles

A hundred crawler tractors manufactured by 35 of the world's leading manufacturers are presented, clearly described and abundantly illustrated in this new edition, which contains more than 300 photographs, sections, operating diagrams, sales notices and advertising posters.

Pages of the book 100 ans de tracteurs a chenilles (1)

This book traces above all the history of the crawler tractor in France from its appearance in 1916 to the present day. The last chapter, completely revised, paints a portrait of contemporary flexible tracks, taking into account the very latest technological developments. An exceptional iconography and a fascinating story make it a reference work that will find its place in the libraries of collectors who love old machinery.
The author Jean Noulin is the author at ETAI of a good number of works on agricultural machinery that he wrote with his co-author Jean Chérouvrier †. He updated this work published many years ago and tried to find new color photos and information that were missing in the first edition. The layout has been completely revised, improved and completed.


Author:Jean Noulin
Details:192 pages, 28 x 21.5 cm / 11 x 8.5 in, hardback
Illustrations:300 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2009)
100 ans de tracteurs à chenilles

100 ans de tracteurs à chenilles

Language: French

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Tracteurs de A à Z

This album offers a panorama of the most fascinating vintage tractors in the world, through an exceptional journey to the heart of past productions of current or defunct brands, such as Allis Chalmers, Le Percheron, Latil, Ferguson, Vierzon, Lanz or Zetor from Czechoslovakia.

Nick Baldwin and Andrew Morland, two of the leading experts on the subject, provide a detailed account of the history and progress of all these and many other manufacturers from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Sweden and the United States, not forgetting, in one chapter, the rarer models from Austria, the Soviet Union, Finland and the Netherlands.


Author:Nick Baldwin, Andrew Morland
Details:192 pages, 28 x 21.5 cm / 11 x 8.5 in, hardback
Illustrations:50 b&w and 350 colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, )
Tracteurs de A à Z

Tracteurs de A à Z

Language: French

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Last update: 03/02/2025