Vought F-8 Crusader : livres - histoire et déploiement
Un livre sur les chasseurs Vought F-8 Crusader ? Découvrez ici des beaux livres sur l'histoire, la technique et le déploiement des chasseurs Vought.
The Crusader and Corsair
This is a lavishly illustrated celebration of two icons of the air, the Vought F-8 Crusader and A-7 Corsair II. The Vought F-8 Crusader was a classic post-war aircraft; loved by its pilots, this big machine was nicknamed 'The Last of the Gunfighters' because of its primary armament of four 20 mm Colt cannon.
The F-8 entered service with the US Navy in 1957 and remained as one of its front line fighters until 1976, having served with distinction during the Vietnam War. Reconnaissance versions served on until 1987, while it was the French Navy who doggedly held onto their F-8s until the arrival of the Rafale in 2000.
The A-7 Corsair II came about as a replacement for another US Navy aircraft, the A-4 Skyhawk, and in an effort to cut down on research and development costs, the new light attack aircraft used the same components as the F-8. Much shorter than its older sibling, the A-7 entered service in 1967 and was immediately pressed into service alongside the F-8 in Vietnam with both the US Navy and, later, the USAF. Retired by the ANG in 1991, the A-7 remained operational until 2014 with the Greek Air Force.
Le Vought F-8 Crusader, autrefois appelé le "dernier des Gunfighters", est devenu un avion légendaire dans les marines américaine et française et a joué un rôle majeur dans le ciel du Nord-Vietnam à la fin des années 1960. Ce livre propose une histoire orale du Crusader, avec des entretiens avec seize des dix-sept pilotes survivants qui sont devenus des tueurs de MiG pendant la guerre du Vietnam. Le contre-amiral Paul T. Gillcrist, qui commandait un escadron de Crusader de la flotte, une escadre aérienne de porte-avions et tous les escadrons de chasseurs de la flotte du Pacifique, offre un point de vue personnel. Au cours de son commandement d'escadron, il a effectué trois déploiements dans le golfe du Tonkin, effectuant 167 missions de combat à bord du Crusader et obtenant dix-sept décorations de combat. L'analyse de l'auteur des combats aériens au-dessus du Nord-Vietnam de 1965 à 1973 révèle des informations inattendues et confirme de nombreuses leçons tactiques de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée.
Revered by Naval Aviators as the 'last of the gunfighters' due to its quartet of Colt-Browning Mk 12 20 mm cannon, the F-8 Crusader enjoyed great success against VPAF MiG-17s during the Rolling Thunder campaign of 1966-68. But, the MiG-17's unequalled low-speed manoeuvrability, small size and powerful cannon armament meant that the American forces didn't have it all their own way. This fully illustrated book, featuring photographs, maps and battlescene artwork, reveals the tactics that were developed by pilots on both sides to give themselves the edge in air-to-air dogfights, allowing the reader to understand how the differing design and development doctrines played a part in combat.
Contents: Introduction - Chronology - Design and Development - Technical Specifications - The Strategic Situation - The Combatants - Combat - Statistics and Analysis - Aftermath - Further Reading - Index.
Auteur :
Peter Mersky
Présentation :
80 pages, 25 x 18.5 x 0.8 cm, broché
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos et des dessins (en N&B et couleurs)
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