Un livre sur les chasseurs Supermarine Spitfire ? Découvrez ici des livres sur l'histoire et la technique des chasseurs Supermarine de la 2e G.M. (2/3).
Supermarine Spitfire Manual - An insight into restoring, servicing and flying (Haynes Aircraft Manual)
Basé sur une restauration complète d'un Mk XVI à la base aérienne RAF Coningsby, cet ouvrage nous donne une étude technique détaillée du légendaire chasseur Supermarine Spitfire.
Illustré presque entièrement en couleurs, cet Haynes Aircraft Manual contient aussi des chapitres concernant l'histoire et l'évolution, l'entretien et la conservation de l'état de vol.
Restoring a Spitfire - An insight into building, restoring and returning Spitfires to the skies
The Spitfire remains one of the most iconic combat aircraft and to own an airworthy example is the Holy Grail for warbird collectors. For an aircraft that first flew more than 70 years ago it may seem incongruous that there is a flourishing industry centred on this aircraft in the 21st century.
Whether scratch-building or restoring an original Spitfire to airworthy condition, this is big business where aircraft change hands for several million pounds. Paul and Louise Blackah reveal what it takes to build or restore a Spitfire and return it to the skies.
Auteur :
Paul Blackah, Louise Blackah
Présentation :
224 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 1.6 cm, relié
Illustration :
40 photos en N&B et 260 en couleurs
Editeur :
Haynes Publishing (GB, 2014)
Restoring a Spitfire - An insight into building, restoring and returning Spitfires to the skies
How to fly the legendary fighter plane in combat using the manuals and instructions supplied by the RAF during the Second World War. An amazing array of leaflets, books and manuals were issued by the Air Ministry during the Second World War to aid pilots in flying the Supermarine Spitfire, here for the first time they are collated into a single book. An introduction is supplied by expert aviation historian Dilip Sarkar. Other sections include aircraft recognition, how to act as an RAF officer, bailing out, and so on.
The Merlin: The Engine That Won the Second World War
Le Rolls-Royce Merlin est l'un des moteurs d'avion les plus célèbres de l'histoire. Il a équipé des avions clés de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, notamment le Spitfire et le Hurricane, qui ont défendu la Grande-Bretagne lors de la bataille d'Angleterre en 1940. Il a aussi propulsé les bombardiers Lancaster et Halifax lors de missions au-dessus de l'Allemagne, ainsi que le Mosquito, reconnu pour ses bombardements de précision et missions de reconnaissance. Aux États-Unis, le Merlin a été utilisé dans le P-51 Mustang, qui escortait les bombardiers B-17 et B-29 lors des raids diurnes. Le Mustang a également servi en Afrique du Nord, en Méditerranée et dans le Pacifique. Ce moteur a joué un rôle crucial dans la victoire des Alliés. Le Merlin reste emblématique, et son bruit distinctif est encore audible en Angleterre, notamment lors des démonstrations du Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Il a récemment été mis à l'honneur lors du centenaire de la RAF, avec un Lancaster menant une formation de Spitfires et Hurricanes. L'ancien pilote Gordon Wilson raconte le développement et l'utilisation de ce moteur en temps de guerre, en partageant les témoignages des équipages qui en dépendaient.
Auteur :
Gordon A. A. Wilson
Présentation :
256 pages, 19.5 x 12.5 x 1.8 cm, relié
Illustration :
50 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :
Amberley Publishing (GB, 2020)
The Merlin: The Engine That Won the Second World War
WK275 : The Restoration and Preservation of the Last Supermarine Swift F4
WK275 is a unique historic airframe and the only Supermarine Swift F4 left in the world. The aircraft spent 46 years outside an army surplus store before being purchased off eBay in 2012 and restored by Jet Art Aviation to static display condition. It now resides with Vulcan to the Sky which draws 1,500 paying visitors a month who will see WK275 and the other famous artefacts on site.
Guy Ellis sets the scene of the importance of Britain's early jets, covers the development of the Swift, which puts WK275 in context, then traces the heritage of that aircraft, its operational life, how it was acquired and finally the full story of its restoration with a plethora of detailed photographs, drawings and publicity images.
The Swift pioneered the second generation of jet fighters and by recording the full story of one special aircraft, Guy Ellis has delivered a fitting tribute to British ingenuity. Ideal for exhibit visitors, vintage aircraft enthusiasts, restorers and Supermarine aficionados.
Auteur :
Guy Ellis
Présentation :
160 pages, 26 x 22.5 x 2.2 cm, relié
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :
Grub Street (GB, 2017)
WK275 : The Restoration and Preservation of the Last Supermarine Swift F4
Supermarine Spitfire MKV : The Mark V and its Variants (Flight Craft)
The story of the Supermarine Spitfire has been told across many years and the debate about it is enduring, yet the Spitfire remains a true icon. For aviation enthusiasts, for historians, for modellers, the word Spitfire conjures many stories and affections. This book presents the Spitfire enthusiast with an up-to-date history of the Spitfire - not just in its design and application in war, but also as a flying memorial and as an aero modellers' vital focus.
The text examines recently revealed forgotten aspects of the Spitfire story; by combining the elements of design, the story of a weapon of war and a revered scale model, this book frames an essential chapter in aviation history. Packed with original and contemporary images and information, and displaying unique Spitfire model collections, the narrative bridges an important gap and is a worthy addition to the Flight Craft series.
Auteur :
Lance Cole
Présentation :
96 pages, 30.5 x 21 x 0.6 cm, broché
Illustration :
150 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :
Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2019)
Série :
Flight Craft (15)
Supermarine Spitfire MKV : The Mark V and its Variants
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