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Samolotów morskich: książki - historia i technika (1/2)

Książka o łodziach latających? Znajdziesz tu ilustrowane książki o historii, typach i technice łodzi latających (1/2).

The Pan Am Clipper : The History of Pan American's Flying Boats 1935-1945

Covers one of aviation history's most inspiring and magical periods. One of the most romantic planes ever built, flying in a Clipper was intended to rival a great ocean liner.
Illustrated with more than 100 archive photographs, this impressive book is a tribute to a technical wonder that continues to fascinate many people today.

Autor:Roy Allen
Szczegóły:112 strony, 30 x 27 x 1.2 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:zdjęć czarno-białych, 10 rysunki
Wydawca:Amber Books Ltd (GB, 2018)
The Pan Am Clipper : The History of Pan American's Flying Boats 1935-1945

The Pan Am Clipper : The History of Pan American's Flying Boats 1935-1945

Język: angielski

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Flying Boats : Air Travel in the Golden Age

"Flying Boats: Air Travel in the Golden Age" sets out to do justice to a time of glamorous, unhurried air travel, unrecognisable to most of today's air travellers, but sorely missed by some.
During the 1930s, long-distance air travel was the preserve of the flying boat, which transported well-heeled passengers in ocean-liner style and comfort across the oceans.

But then the Second World War came, and things changed. Suddenly, landplanes were more efficient, and in abundance: long concrete runways had been constructed during the war that could be used by a new generation of large transport aircraft; and endless developments in aircraft meant they could fly faster and for further distances.
Commercial flying boat services resumed, but their days would be numbered.

Autor:Charles Woodley
Szczegóły:192 strony, 23.5 x 15.5 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:92 zdjęć czarno-białych i 21 kolorowych, 8 rysunki
Wydawca:The History Press Ltd (GB, 2018)
Flying Boats : Air Travel in the Golden Age

Flying Boats : Air Travel in the Golden Age

Język: angielski

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High Hulls : Flying Boats of the 1930s and 1940s

For a time, the flying boat was seen as the way of the future. These aircraft, so strange and foreign to the modern mind, once criss-crossed the world and fulfilled essential military roles. In his latest book for Fonthill, Charles Bain looks at the golden age of the flying boat, when these sometimes strange and often beautiful vessels spanned the globe.
These vessels - a combination of ship and airplane - found themselves working as patrol aircraft, passenger aircraft, transports, and even as combat aircraft.

This volume contains their stories, from memorable aircraft such as the Short Sunderland and Boeing 314 Clipper, to the craft that roamed the Pacific Theatre of the Second World War, to forgotten giants from Saunders-Roe and even strange jet fighters that once landed like ducks. It even includes the flying boat that has not let time get in the way of doing its job - the Martin Mars.

Each of these aircraft has a story worthy of the telling, and often a memorable role to play in the history of aviation. 'High Hulls' delves deeply into a long-vanished part of aviation's golden age.

Autor:Charles Bain
Szczegóły:336 strony, 25.5 x 18 x 2.5 cm, twarda oprawa
Ilustracje:105 zdjęć czarno-białych i 43 kolorowych
Wydawca:Fonthill Media (GB, 2018)
High Hulls : Flying Boats of the 1930s and 1940s

High Hulls : Flying Boats of the 1930s and 1940s

Język: angielski

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Jet Flying Boats

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Ailes de feu - les pompiers du ciel

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Najnowsza aktualizacja:01-09-2024