Książka o samolotach Horten? Znajdziesz tu ilustrowane książki poświęcone historii, modelom i technice samolotów Horten.
The Horten Brothers and Their All-Wing Aircraft
The heretofore untold true story of Reimar, Wolfram, and Walter Horten's remarkable aeronautical achievements with the all-wing planform between 1933 and 1945 as told to aviation biographer David Myhra. Talking daily with Reimar Horten at his ranch at the foothills of the Andes Mountains in Argentina for two months, and also with Walter in Baden Baden, Germany, the two brothers described in detail their struggles in Nazi controlled Germany to perfect the all-wing planform. Astounding as their real-life story is of itself, the Horten brothers gave David Myhra hundreds of photographs to illustrate this new volume.
In this remarkable book David Myhra tells the story of the Horten brothers and their all-wing aircraft through the use of over 735 photos and three-view line drawings of their entire all-wing line. Most of these photos and drawings have not been available to the public until now. Even more astonishing, the Hortens, ridiculed in the mid-1930s for wasting their genius on silly all-wing aircraft, would be the only ones called on by Hermann Göring in December 1944 to build an all-wing "Amerika" atomic bomber and save Deutschland from certain and final destruction by the Allies through a negotiated peace settlement. The Horten Ho 18 "Amerika Bomber" was not meant to be. But it might have been if the war had not ended in May 1945 but, say, May 1946. This, then, is the fascinating true story of those naive boy-designers from Bonn, the Horten brothers and their silly all-wing airplanes.
David Myhra continues his efforts for a full accounting of the events surrounding the design, construction, and flight testing of the twin turbojet powered all-wing prototype Horten Ho 9 fighter/interceptor and its serial production prototype the Horten Ho 229 V3.
The Horten Ho 9 / Ho 229 - Retrospective (Volume 1)
Horten biographer David Myhra describes the design, construction, and flight testing of the twin turbojet powered all-wing prototype Horten Ho 9 fighter / interceptor and its serial production prototype the Horten Ho 229 V3.
David Myhra
200 strony, 29 x 23 x 2 cm, twarda oprawa
250 ilustracji
Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2004)
The Horten Ho 9 / Ho 229 - Retrospective (Volume 1)
Three Horten Ho 9s were constructed prior to war's end: the V1 sailplane, the twin 004B powered prototype V2, and the serial production prototype V3 by Gotha-Friedrichsroda. The V1 was destroyed at the U.S. Luftwaffe Aircraft Collection Center-Merseburg. The V2 crashed at Oranienburg killing its test pilot Erwin Ziller. The V3 was captured and taken by General George McDonald's Army Air Force Intelligence unit to the U.S. Luftwaffe Aircraft Collection Center.
The Ho 229 V3 was eventually shipped to Freeman Field, Ohio about September 1945, and is now in storage at the National Air and Space Museum, Silver Hill, Maryland awaiting restoration. Myhra has taken 150 photos of the Ho 9 from his collection, along with several dozen digital images, and has put together a unique Ho 9 photo collection.
Die Horten-Flugzeuge sind eine Geschichte herausragender technischer Innovationen und meisterhafter Flugzeugentwürfe, verbunden mit dem Mythos einer überragenden Geheimwaffe, die ihrer Zeit nach Meinung Vieler um Jahrzehnte voraus war.
Im Buch: - Die verschiedenen Horten-Strahlflugzeuge - Technische Beschreibung des Horten-Düsenjägers - War die Horten Ho IX das erste Tarnkappen-Flugzeug? - US-Stealth-Drohne RQ-170 - eine Horten-Kopie? - Projekt eines flugfähigen Horten-Nachbaus in den USA - Viele Originaldokumente und -pläne.
Die Horton-Nurflügler sind vor allem eines: legendäre Flugzeuge, die ohne Rumpf und Leitwerk fliegen. Mit der Entwicklung der Ho 229 nahmen die Horton-Brüder Konstruktionsprinzipien in Angriff, die ihrer Zeit weit voraus waren. Als unmotorisierter Gleiter flog die H IXV1 erstmals im März 1944 ? seinen Höhepunkt fand das Konzept allerdings erst Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts.
Die Autoren geben einen umfassenden Überblick über die Entwicklung und Erprobung der Horton Ho 229. Bestechende Grafiken und Konstruktionszeichnungen sowie eindrucksvolles Bildmaterial machen das Buch zu einem Standardwerk im zeitgeschichtlichen Luftfahrtprogramm.
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