Samochody osobowe DeSoto: książki - historia i modele
Książka o samochodach DeSoto? Znajdziesz tu ilustrowane książki o historii, typach i technice samochodów osobowych DeSoto.
De Soto (1952-1960) - Brooklands Portfolio
Brooklands Portfolio book about De Soto models from the years 1952-1960. Describes the De Soto FireDome 8, Powermaster 6, Adventurer, FireFlite, Indy Pace Car, Firesweep, Diplomat and Wagons.
- The 40 articles, taken from contemporary British and American car magazines, provide much information about history, model changes and technology.
- Also driving impressions, tests, comparison tests, technical specifications, etc.
Wydanie: | 92 strony, 27 x 20.5 x 0.6 cm, miękka oprawa |
Ilustracje: | 250 zdjęcia i rysunki |
Wydawca: | Brooklands Books (GB, 1998) |
ISBN: | 9781855204492 |
It's Delightful! It's Delovely! It's... DeSoto Automobiles
In between DeSoto's introduction in 1928 and its demise in 1961 would come 32 years of wonderful styling, bright colors, and power to spare. DeSoto's were billed as ''a lot of car for the money'' and sales proved it.
DeSoto was purely an American effort. One look at the graceful flying lady mascot on the hood of a DeSoto S-11 is all it takes to see that it was a different era-a time in American automotive history that is forever gone.
Revisit this era in a concise history of this magnificent marque- illustrated with colorful pictures, period advertising, artist renderings, and contemporary black and white factory photos that show the fine details of these beautiful cars.
Autor: | Dennis David |
Wydanie: | 128 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 0.6 cm, miękka oprawa |
Ilustracje: | 120 czarno-białych zdjęć |
Wydawca: | Iconografix (USA, 2006) |
ISBN: | 9781583881729 |
It's Delightful! It's Delovely! It's... DeSoto Automobiles
Język: angielski
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DeSoto 1938-1954 - Part Interchange Guide
F.D. Harper | angielski | miękka oprawa | 134 str. | 2016
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