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Locomotive factories - Germany: books (1/3)

Illustrated books on the manufacturers of locomotives, railcars, trams, railway carriages and wagons in Germany (1/3).

Fotografie bei Hanomag - Menschen & Maschinen in Hannover-Linden

For over 150 years, Hannoversche Maschinenbau AG (Hanomag) was one of Germany's leading manufacturers of locomotives and vehicles. At Hanomag, production was accompanied by photography.
This book offers a first-ever look into Hanomag's industrial photography. The images not only document what was once Hanover's largest industrial company but also highlight Hanomag's connection to German history. Whether locomotives, construction machinery, cars, trucks, tractors, or even cannons - Hanomag's development reflects the evolution of industry and technology.


Author:Alfred Büllesbach, Horst-Dieter Görg
Details:96 pages, 23 x 28 x 1.4 cm / 9.1 x 11 x 0.55 in, hardback
Illustrations:about 100 photos
Publisher:Morisel Verlag (D, 2016)
Fotografie bei Hanomag - Menschen & Maschinen in Hannover-Linden

Fotografie bei Hanomag - Menschen & Maschinen in Hannover-Linden

Language: German

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Die Familie: 200 Jahre Henschel in Kassel - Sechs Generationen Unternehmensgeschichte

The Henschel family has shaped life in Kassel for six generations. Founded in 1810 by Georg Christian Carl Henschel as a foundry, the Henschel works developed into one of the most important machine and vehicle factories in Germany.
Over the decades, they have experienced all the highs and lows: inflation and the global economic crisis, the time as an armaments factory during the Second World War, the post-war years.

"Henschel is Kassel and Kassel is Henschel, " they said at the time. The Henschel family has always shown that economic success and social responsibility go hand in hand.
All of that is long gone. And yet, for example, the Sophie-Henschel-Platz in front of the Red Cross Hospital and the university on the site of the old main factory are reminders of the Henschel family.

In his richly illustrated book, author Thomas Siemon tells the story of the rise and fall of a large and influential family business. He portrays the entrepreneurial personalities who have given Henschel a face over the years and recalls the close connection between the factory and the city of Kassel.


Author:Thomas Siemon
Details:144 pages, 24 x 16 x 1.5 cm / 9 x 6.3 x 0.59 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:B & S Siebenhaar Verlag OHG (D, 2018)
Die Familie: 200 Jahre Henschel in Kassel - Sechs Generationen Unternehmensgeschichte

Die Familie: 200 Jahre Henschel in Kassel - Sechs Generationen Unternehmensgeschichte

Language: German

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Zugkraft für das Wirtschaftswunder: Die Entstehung der Neubaudampfloks im Bild

From 1950 onwards, the young Bundesbahn developed its legendary new steam locomotives, the machines that represent the end of steam locomotive development in Germany - from the shunting locomotive of the 82 series to the express train locomotive of the 10 series. A total of 168 locomotives of the 10, 23, 65, 66 and 82 series were produced.
This illustrated book documents their creation in unique factory photographs - from the raw steel plate to the finished locomotive.


Author:Jürgen U. Ebel
Details:160 pages, 29.5 x 21 cm / 11.6 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:300 b&w photos
Publisher:DGEG Medien GmbH (D, 2008)
Zugkraft für das Wirtschaftswunder: Die Entstehung der Neubaudampfloks im Bild

Zugkraft für das Wirtschaftswunder: Die Entstehung der Neubaudampfloks im Bild

Language: German

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Hanomag Lokomotiven

Hanomag built locomotives for 85 years, many of which were among the best in the world. Here is the glorious history of locomotive construction at Hanomag. The author highlights all the special features, documents the deliveries with quantities, lists the locomotives that still exist and presents a factory number directory.
The different types are shown with numerous previously unpublished illustrations.

From the content:
- History of locomotive construction by Hannoversche Maschinenbau AG, formerly Georg Egestorff, from 1846 to 1931
- Metzeltin type
- Anniversary locomotives
- The early years
- Prussia
- The last standard locomotives
- Branch and private railways
- Tram locomotives
- Europe
- Overseas
- Industrial railways
- Ironworks
- Construction locomotives
- Steam storage works locomotives
- Special features
- 1D locomotives
- Locomotives with five coupled axles
- New express train locomotives
- Locomotives still in existence
- List of factory numbers.


Author:Lothar Spielhoff
Details:192 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:340 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Verlag Podszun (D, 2004)
Hanomag Lokomotiven

Hanomag Lokomotiven

Language: German

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180 Jahre KraussMaffei - Die Geschichte einer Weltmarke

The extraordinary history of KraussMaffei goes back to the beginnings of German industry. Shaped by continuous change, the Maffei and Krauss locomotive factories developed into a producer of buses, tracked vehicles and machines.
After many changes of ownership, KraussMaffei is now one of the world's leading manufacturers of machines for processing plastics and rubber.

The authors have researched the 180-year history of this oldest large company in Munich for the first time and evaluate its role in the context of Bavarian and German history. It shows that KraussMaffei has been able to preserve its identity to this day despite all the changes.


Author:Johannes Bähr, Paul Erker, Maximiliane Rieder
Details:480 pages, 24 x 17 cm / 9 x 6.7 in, hardback
Illustrations:150 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Siedler Verlag (D, 2018)
180 Jahre KraussMaffei - Die Geschichte einer Weltmarke

180 Jahre KraussMaffei - Die Geschichte einer Weltmarke

Language: German

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Last update: 24/02/2025