Lockheed F-104 Starfighter: boeken - historie en inzet

Een boek over Lockheed F-104 Starfighter straaljagers? Ontdek hier geïllustreerde boeken over de historie, techniek en inzet van Lockheed straaljagers.

F-104 Starfighter Units in Combat (Osprey)

This title covers the technical characteristics of the F-104 Starfighter, one of the most widely-used and popular aircraft in history. Although built in small numbers for the USAF, the F-104C fought and survived for almost three years in Vietnam. There, it was engaged in some of the war's most famous battles including the legendary operation Bolo, where seven North Vietnamese MiGs were destroyed without the loss of a single US fighter.
This small, tough and very fast fighter, dubbed 'The Missile with a Man in It', was called upon to do things it was not specifically designed for, and did them admirably. Featuring illustrations and photographs detailing the variety of nose-paint schemes and weapons configurations, this comprehensive appraisal of the F-104 Starfighter is ideal for modelling and aviation enthusiasts alike.

Contents: Basic outline of chapters: - Design and development - April-November 1965 - Vietnam June 1966-July 1967, 435th Tactical Fighter Sqn - Combat in Indo-Pakistani Wars - F-104s and Taiwan - Appendices.


Auteur:Peter Davies
Uitvoering:96 blz, 25 x 18.5 x 0.7 cm, softcover
Illustraties:Rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen (z/w en kleur)
Uitgever:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2014)
Serie:Combat Aircraft (101)
F-104 Starfighter Units in Combat (Osprey)

F-104 Starfighter Units in Combat

Taal: Engels

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F-104 Starfighter - Lockheed's Sleek Cold War Interceptor (Legends of Warfare)

De Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, ontwikkeld in de late jaren 50, was ontworpen als een all-weather interceptor met een focus op snelheid, klim en hoogte. Hoewel het bekend werd om zijn indrukwekkende snelheid, ging dit ten koste van zijn lage snelheid handling en landingsmogelijkheden. De F-104 had een relatief korte levensduur bij de Amerikaanse luchtmacht, maar bleef tientallen jaren in gebruik bij verschillende NAVO-landen. Toen hij in het buitenland werd ingezet, kreeg de Starfighter de reputatie dat hij moeilijk te vliegen was en een hoog ongevallenpercentage had.

Tegenwoordig worden veel F-104's tentoongesteld in musea en zijn ze populaire "poortwachters" geworden op militaire bases. Dit boek biedt een gedetailleerde fotografische geschiedenis van de Starfighter, met hoofdstukken over de prototypeversies en verschillende modellen, waaronder de A, B, C/D, G, N, Canadese CF-104, Japanse F-104J en F-104S.


Auteur:David Doyle
Uitvoering:144 blz, 23.5 x 25.5 x 2.1 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:210 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2023)
Serie:Legends of Warfare
F-104 Starfighter - Lockheed's Sleek Cold War Interceptor (Legends of Warfare)

F-104 Starfighter - Lockheed's Sleek Cold War Interceptor

Taal: Engels

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F-104 Starfighter - Flying with Air Forces around the World (Duke Hawkins)

This huge book - 180 pages!! - brings a complete portrait of the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. Types include the early versions, but mainly the F-104F/ G/J/S and even the F-104S-ASA/M. Of course, the two-seat TF-104G isn't forgotten.
The Starfighter has been active for exactly 50 years, but even today, some are still flown in the USA. These aircraft, flown by Starfighter Aerospace, are not forgotten in this book.

In this book, we show you all the differences between the subtypes. Detailed photos of the fuselage, wings, landing gear, vertical and horizontal tails are mixed with spectacular action photographs from active aircraft from many countries.
An important chapter in this book is dedicated to the cockpit of the Starfighter. We show every detail of the single seat F-104G, the S and both cockpits of the two-seat Starfighter!
As with every of the Duke Hawkins books, an extensive maintenance chapter is included, showing some rarely seen details!

Starfighters from the following countries are included in this book: USA, Canada, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Greece, Norway, Denmark, Taiwan and Spain. With over 450 photos!
We cooperated with several organizations restoring one or more Starfighters, such as the Friends of the Starfighter in Norway, the Dutch Starfighter Association and the Canadian Starfighter Museum.


Auteur:Robert Pied, Nicolas Deboeck
Uitvoering:180 blz, 24 x 24 x 1 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:HMH Publications (B, 2022)
Serie:Aircraft in Detail (25)
F-104 Starfighter - Flying with Air Forces around the World (Duke Hawkins)

F-104 Starfighter - Flying with Air Forces around the World

Taal: Engels

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Lockheed F-104 Starfighter : A History

The F-104 Starfighter is quite possibly one of the most photographed aircraft of all time. It is certainly one of the most iconic. Here, Martin Bowman offers up a well researched, comprehensive and thoroughly entertaining history of this impressive interceptor aircraft and fighter bomber.

First-hand insights gathered from pilots who have flown the Starfighter in a variety of international contexts make for a rich and diverse narrative, interspersed throughout with a good selection of black and white and colour illustrations that really bring the story to life. Over the course of an eventful history, the Starfighter has been caught up in an extensive variety of conflicts across the world.

This book not only acquaints us with the landmark milestones of a widely utilised aircraft type, it also illuminates our understanding yet further of the dynamic history of aviation in the second half of the twentieth century.


Auteur:Martin W. Bowman
Uitvoering:256 blz, 24.5 x 17 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:200 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2018)
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter : A History

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter : A History

Taal: Engels

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Lockheed F-104 Starfighter - Interceptor, Strike, Reconnaissance Fighter (Profiles of Flight) (Profiles of Flight)

The Starfighter was once described as 'a delight to fly, but one mistake and it will kill you'. It is one of the world's fastest fighters with a top speed of Mach 2.2 and a service ceiling of 58,000 feet.
First delivered to the USAF in 1958 it was also sold to the Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Turkish and Italian Air Forces. It could carry a variety of air to air and air to surface missiles and was powered by a single General Electric J79 turbojet that developed 17,900 lb of thrust with afterburner. The Italian Air Force continued to fly it into the 21st Century.

This book contains the world famous colour profiles created by Dave Windle of the type in different operational modes, configurations and colour schemes. Martin Bowman has written detailed descriptions and photographs to create the perfect enthusiast's reference.


Auteur:Dave Windle, Martin Bowman
Uitvoering:88 blz, 18 x 25 x 1.2 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:30 profieltekeningen in kleur, 50 z/w-foto's
Uitgever:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2011)
Serie:Profiles of Flight
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter - Interceptor, Strike, Reconnaissance Fighter (Profiles of Flight) (Profiles of Flight)

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter - Interceptor, Strike, Reconnaissance Fighter (Profiles of Flight)

Taal: Engels

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F-104 Starfighter (Pilot's Flight Operation Instructions)

Created by famed Lockheed designer Kelly Johnson, the F-104 Starfighter was designed to compete with Soviet Mig-15s. Equipped with a huge and powerful J79 engine, the aircraft could reach speeds well in excess of Mach 2.0, while its thin, trapezoidal wing provided extremely low drag with terrific acceleration and rate of climb.

Unforgiving and sensitive to control inputs, the F-104 killed many pilots and developed a reputation as a "widow-maker". Despite its shortcomings, the Starfighter enjoyed a long career.
It flew in the air support role during "Rolling Thunder" in the Vietnam War. It also saw extensive service in foreign air forces and NATO. NASA continued to use the F-104 as a support aircraft until 1995.

This pilot's flight operating handbook was originally produced by the USAF. It has been slightly reformatted but is reproduced here in its entirety.


Auteur:United States Air Force, NASA
Uitvoering:292 blz, 25.5 x 20.5 x 1.5 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Periscope Film (USA, 2011)
Serie:Pilot's Flight Operation Instructions

F-104 Starfighter Special Camouflages

The Lockheed F-104 Starfighter is a single-engine, supersonic jet interceptor aircraft originally developed for the United States Air Force by Lockheed. One of the Century Series of aircraft, it was operated by the air forces of more than a dozen nations from 1958 to 2004.
A total of 2,578 Starfighters were produced and deployed, mostly by NATO members.

This second title in the new 'Spotlight On' series presents detailed scale drawings and colour profiles of the F-104 Starfighters in their special camouflage schemes. The book contains colour plates and highly detailed profiles with comprehensive captions showing the variety of the F-104 family special camouflages schemes.

A rarely documented aspect of post-war aviation history. Mushroom Model Publications feature superb colour illustrations of camouflage and markings.


Auteur:Lieuwe de Vries
Uitvoering:48 blz, 29.5 x 21 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:z/w- en kleurenfoto's, profieltekeningen in kleur
Uitgever:MMP Books (PL, 2015)
F-104 Starfighter Special Camouflages

F-104 Starfighter Special Camouflages

Taal: Engels

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F-104 Starfighter

Der Name Starfighter ist Legende! 1954 flog der raketenhafte Jäger zum ersten Mal und bald darauf purzelten alle bisherigen Steigzeit-, Höhen- und Geschwindigkeitsrekorde, denn die Maschine bestand fast nur aus Triebwerk und rasiermesserscharfen Stummelflügeln.

Bladzijden uit het boek F-104 Starfighter (1)

Auch die Bundeswehr flog das Muster als F-104G. Der Ruf des Starfighters ist nach wie vor legendär und Gerhard Lang setzt ihm hier ein Denkmal.

Bladzijden uit het boek F-104 Starfighter (2)


Auteur:Gerhard Lang
Uitvoering:144 blz, 22 x 24 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:160 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2019)
Serie:Die Flugzeugstars
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Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter

Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter

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Laatste update: 23/02/2025