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Scammell trucks: books - history, types and construction

A book on Scammell trucks? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of Scammell trucks.

There are currently no books available (yet) on this subject.

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British Lorries 1900-1945

S.W. Stevens-Stratten

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Steam Wagons

Steam Wagons

Derek A. Rayner

English | paperback | 40 p. | 2003

Steam Lorries

Steam Lorries

Anthony Coulls

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British Lorries 1945-1965

British Lorries 1945-1965

Rinsey Mills

English | hardback | 192 p. | 2006

Commercial Vehicles Built Before 1960

Commercial Vehicles Built Before 1960

Royston Morris

English | paperback | 96 p. | 2022

British Lorries of the 1950s

British Lorries of the 1950s

Malcolm Bobbitt

English | paperback | 96 p. | 2017

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Last update:01-09-2024