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Mopeds - Germany: books - history, types and construction

A book on mopeds? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of mopeds from Germany.

Die Mopeds der Wirtschaftswunderzeit

"The volume is fun - both when you leaf through it for the first time and when you study it seriously, " wrote the Süddeutsche Zeitung about the first edition in 1987.
This is the fourth edition, completely revised and expanded. The author has tracked down more than 80 German moped manufacturers who offered their sometimes strange vehicles between 1945 and the 1960s.

Pages of the book Die Mopeds der Wirtschaftswunderzeit (1)

From the contents: Achilles, Ardie, Adler, AMO, Amor, Anker, Ardie, AWD, Bastert, Bauer, Beckmann, Bismarck, Brennabor, Brüsselbach, Bücker, Ceres, Cito, Credé/Sitta, Delius, DKW, Dreistern, Drewer, Dürkopp, EMS, Express, Falter, Fichtel & Sachs, FMR, Goebel, Göricke, Goldberg, Gritzner, Hanke & Warnecke, Hecker, Heidemann, Heinkel, Heitmann & Wittler, Hercules, Horex, Ilo, Kalkhoff, KaWe, Kreidler, Lutz, Maico, Mars, Meister/Mammut/Phänomen, Metzger & Schlegel, Miele, M.O.N., Monachia, Neckermann, NSU, Panther, Patria, Patzner, Rabeneick, Rauscher, Rex, Rixe, Rolifix, Schmincke, Schürhoff, Sigurd, Simson, Staiger, Stoewers Greif, Stricker, Sudbrack, Tornax, Torpedo, Triumph, UT, Vaterland, Velo, Victoria, Wanderer, Windt, Wittekind, Wittler, Zündapp, Zweiradunion.

Pages of the book Die Mopeds der Wirtschaftswunderzeit (2)


Author:Brigitte Podszun
Details:144 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:410 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Verlag Podszun (D, 2009)
Die Mopeds der Wirtschaftswunderzeit

Die Mopeds der Wirtschaftswunderzeit

Language: German

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Leichtkrafträder in Deutschland - Die 80-Kubik-Klasse seit 1980 (Typenkompass)

After insurance premiums in the 50 cc class literally exploded in the late 70s, a new class was introduced in 1980, which was intended to make people forget the old mopeds with their high premiums.

Today, we wonder why people thought that this would reduce the number of accidents and increase sales. Not surprisingly, it didn't work. By the end of the 80s, this class was dead and the German manufacturers were insolvent.
Until then, however, the youngsters had an unprecedented range of models to choose from, and that is exactly what this nostalgic model compass is about.

Pages of the book [TK] Leichtkrafträder in Deutschland (1)


Author:Frank O. Hrachowy
Details:128 pages, 20.5 x 14 cm / 8.1 x 5.5 in, paperback
Illustrations:122 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2012)
Leichtkrafträder in Deutschland - Die 80-Kubik-Klasse seit 1980 (Typenkompass)

Leichtkrafträder in Deutschland - Die 80-Kubik-Klasse seit 1980

Language: German

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Deutsche Fahrrad Hilfsmotoren der vierziger und fünfziger Jahre

Twowheeler expert Manfred Nabinger meticulously tracked down the bicycle auxiliary motors of the 1940s and 1950s. He presents 28 brands, with plenty of illustrations and expert commentary.

From the contents: Amo, Argus, Blankenmeister, Bloche, Diesel-Kobold, Eilenriede, Ermo, Flink, Frali, Front, Frontal, Gritzner, Haza, Heinkel, Ilo, Kratzsch, Küchen, Lohmann, Lutz, MAW, Mosquito, Mota, Nordap, Panther, Patzner, Pekü, Pränafa, Rabeneick, Rex, Ruppe, Steppke, Thaler, Victoria, VMO, Wittekind, Zündapp.


Author:Manfred Nabinger
Details:120 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:240 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Verlag Podszun (D, 2008)
Deutsche Fahrrad Hilfsmotoren der vierziger und fünfziger Jahre

Deutsche Fahrrad Hilfsmotoren der vierziger und fünfziger Jahre

Language: German

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Jungs, Eure 50er - Mofas, Mokicks und Leichtkrafträder der 70er

50s were very popular in the 70s: new mopeds, mokicks and light motorcycles appeared practically every month. You could find them at bicycle dealers, in the Neckermann catalog and finally in the supermarket.
The German manufacturers were ahead for a long time, but the competition from Japan and France caught up and left Zündapp and Co. behind. What remains are photos and memories.

Frank Rönicke takes us on a journey through the colorful world of little dreams, in a time when entire school classes went out together to get their driver's license and experience a little bit of freedom.


Author:Frank Rönicke
Details:96 pages, 22 x 24 cm / 8.7 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:18 b&w and 150 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2021)
Jungs, Eure 50er - Mofas, Mokicks und Leichtkrafträder der 70er

Jungs, Eure 50er - Mofas, Mokicks und Leichtkrafträder der 70er

Language: German

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Jungs, Eure 50er - Noch mehr zu den 50ern der 70er

Today, the 50s and 70s are more popular than ever; the boys and girls of those days, now established personalities, are once again interested in the vehicles of their youth. They want to bring back a piece of their youth with the same vehicle they once owned, or they can finally fulfill a dream that they didn't have the money for back then. Or both!

Frank Rönicke follows up the successful first volume about the 1950s with a second volume that aims to add to everything that unfortunately could not find space in volume 1.


Author:Frank Rönicke
Details:96 pages, 22.5 x 24 x 1.2 cm / 8.9 x 9 x 0.47 in, hardback
Illustrations:120 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2022)
Jungs, Eure 50er - Noch mehr zu den 50ern der 70er

Jungs, Eure 50er - Noch mehr zu den 50ern der 70er

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025