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Railways - Luxembourg: books - history and rolling stock

Books on the history and the rolling stock of the CFL (Société national des Chemins the Fer Luxembourgeois) and other Luxemburg railway companies.

Charly Schmalspurbahn Luxemburg - Echternach 1904 - 1954

Die Schmalspurbahn, liebevoll als "Charly" bekannt, verband von 1904 bis 1954 die Hauptstadt Luxemburg mit der Abteistadt Echternach und durchquerte dabei das malerische Müllertal.
Der Spitzname stammt von Charles Rischard, einem damaligen Regierungsmitglied, das sich für den Bau der Bahn einsetzte. Die Strecke wurde wegen der landschaftlichen Schönheit des Müllertals und der Forderung nach einer schnellen Verbindung zwischen Hauptstadt und Echternach errichtet.

Der Bau des "Charly" verzögerte sich bis 1904 aufgrund von Meinungsverschiedenheiten über die Kosten der Adolphe-Brücke. Die Bahn wurde vom Staat gebaut und von den Luxemburger Sekundärbahnen (LSB) betrieben. "Charly" wurde ein wichtiges Bindeglied zwischen Wohn- und Arbeitsstätten, besonders für die Bewohner der Täler der Schwarzen Ernz und der Sauer.

Das Buch, reich bebildert mit über 700 Fotos, historischen Karten und technischen Zeichnungen, beleuchtet die Herausforderungen, denen die Bahn in betrieblicher, technischer und politischer Hinsicht gegenüberstand.
Es bietet einen faszinierenden Einblick in eine nostalgische, aber auch raue Zeit und richtet sich an Technikliebhaber, Eisenbahnfreunde und Geschichtsinteressierte. Es dokumentiert die Geschichte über zwei Weltkriege, Übernahmen durch verschiedene Unternehmen und den letztendlichen Verlust der legendären Schmalspurlinie.

Author:Jean-Paul Meyer
Specs:356 pages, 33 x 24 cm / 13 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:700+ b&w and colour photographs
Publisher:Editions Gérard Klopp (L, 2018)
Book: Charly Schmalspurbahn Luxemburg - Echternach 1904 - 1954

Charly Schmalspurbahn Luxemburg - Echternach 1904 - 1954

Language: German

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Benelux Rail 1970-1980

This tenth volume reaches back into days long gone.

Packed with pictures of forgotten liveries, station buildings, semaphores, lay-outs and rolling stock. Significant technical, economical and socials aspects are described.
A publication addressing developments long before privatization began. The latest edition on this long running series may therefor inspire historians, travelling photographers, geographers and railway modelers alike.

English and Dutch text.

Author:Marcel Vleugels
Specs:304 pages, 25 x 17.5 x 3 cm / 9.8 x 6.9 x 1.18 in, hardback
Illustrations:365 b&w and colour photographs
Publisher:Uitgeverij 't Nijvere Lezerke (NL, 2016)
Book: Benelux Rail 1970-1980

Benelux Rail 1970-1980

Language: English + Dutch

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Benelux Railways

The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg are three separate European countries that have their own railway systems, with much integration between each other. They are united by all running regular passenger train services, mostly hourly or more frequent, within each country and beyond.

Nederlandse Spoorwegen supplies the principal rail service within the Netherlands, supplemented by other operators such as Arriva and Syntus, who run a few local lines.
All the passenger services within Belgium are operated by NMBS/SNCB (Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen or Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer Belges), uniting the Flemish and Wallonian parts of the country.
CFL (correctly called Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois) has a surprisingly large rail network, with frequent internal services and innumerable cross-border operations, including those from Germany and France.

John Law has been visiting the railways of this part of Europe since the early 1970s and has travelled on nearly all the lines opened to passenger traffic.
He has photographed the changing scene over the years and has compiled a huge number of images, the best of which are within these pages.

Author:John Law
Specs:96 pages, 23.5 x 16.5 x 1.1 cm / 9.25 x 6.5 x 0.43 in, paperback
Illustrations:180 b&w and colour photographs
Publisher:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2017)
Book: Benelux Railways

Benelux Railways

Language: English

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Benelux Railways - Locomotives & Multiple Units (7th Edition)

This guide offers a comprehensive overview of locomotives and multiple units in service on the railways of Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
Key features include a brief historical background, detailed fleet lists, and information on international high-speed trains. It covers the organizational structures of Belgian National Railways (SNCB), Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), and Luxembourg Railways (CFL), along with private operators and maintenance companies.

The guide provides tips on fares, travel from the UK, detailed railway network maps, numbering schemes, livery details, depot allocations, and technical data for each class. Additionally, it lists preserved steam, diesel, and electric locomotives, along with museum information and over 90 color illustrations.
Compiled and updated by David Haydock, former editor of Today's Railways Europe, this guide is the result of extensive research with contributions from contacts across the Benelux countries, making it the most comprehensive resource on rolling stock in the region.

Author:David Haydock
Specs:176 pages, 21 x 15 x 1.2 cm / 8.25 x 5.9 x 0.47 in, paperback
Illustrations:90 colour photographs
Publisher:Platform 5 Publishing Ltd (GB, 2017)
Book: Benelux Railways - Locomotives & Multiple Units (7th Edition)

Benelux Railways - Locomotives & Multiple Units (7th Edition)

Language: English

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