Scania trucks: boeken - historie en modellen (2/2)

Een boek over Scania trucks? Ontdek hier geïllustreerde boeken over de historie, typen en techniek van Scania trucks (2/2).

Scania at Work - LB 110, 111, 140 and 141

In the 1970s nearly every driver acknowledged the Scania 141 as the King of the Road. It was the most powerful truck of its day, the favourite for long-haul work throughout Europe. It set a standard for other manufacturers to match and it created a premium image for Scania that still persists.
In this highly illustrated book Patrick Dyer shows how the Scania LB 110, 111, 140 and 141 models developed from the L75. It's a story of careful attention to trends in the transport market and equally thorough commitment to engineering detail and driver comfort.


Auteur:Patrick Dyer
Uitvoering:144 blz, 21.5 x 27 x 1.7 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Old Pond Publishing Ltd (GB, 2009)
Scania at Work - LB 110, 111, 140 and 141

Scania at Work - LB 110, 111, 140 and 141

Taal: Engels

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Scania 112 & 142 - At Work

In the eight years from 1980 when Scania introduced the 2-series trucks covered in Patrick Dyer's book, they produced no less than 135,311 units. For much of that time the 142 held the title of the most powerful production truck in Europe.

Why was this range so successful? One reason was that the Scania's advanced modular manufacturing system allowed it to cover weight categories from 16 to 174 tons without any special types. Operators could specify exactly the rigth truck for their needs and Scania's production and efficiency were streamlined.
Scania got both the engineering and design just right, matching improved versions of their tried and tested running gear with new frames and a modern, class-leading cab designed by Italian stylist, Giorgetto Giugiaro.

"Scania 112 and 142 at Work" is Patrick Dyer's seventh book in the series. Once more he has been able to draw on two hundred fine photographs, some from Scania's own archive, as well as working shots by truck enthusiasts.


Auteur:Patrick W. Dyer
Uitvoering:144 blz, 21.5 x 27 x 1.6 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:200+ z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Old Pond Publishing Ltd (GB, 2014)
Scania 112 & 142 - At Work

Scania 112 & 142 - At Work

Taal: Engels

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Scania 113 & 143 at Work

Patrick Dyer's ninth book in the 'at work' series marks a return to Scania to study the 3-series trucks produced between 1988 and 1996, with the emphasis on the 113 and 143 models.
In much the same way as these trucks evolved from the previous 2-series and LB (1-series) so too does the book, taking the story forward from the previous titles covering those ranges.

For Scania, masters of the modular system and evolutionary engineering processes, the 3-series represented the pinnacle of development for designs born decades earlier. Industry recognition of its achievement came early with the range being awarded the Truck of the Year title in 1989.

With over 200 photographs provided by the manufacturer and enthusiasts, Scania 113 & 143 at Work charts the story of the 3-series through informative text in the popular and familiar style of previous 'at work' titles from the same author.


Auteur:Patrick W. Dyer
Uitvoering:144 blz, 22 x 27.5 x 1.4 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:200+ kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Old Pond Publishing Ltd (GB, 2017)
Scania 113 & 143 at Work

Scania 113 & 143 at Work

Taal: Engels

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Scania V8 - King of the Road 1969-1996

De kracht, het geluid en de enorme levensduur maakten de in 1969 geïntroduceerde Scania V8-motor legendarisch. Alle typen Scania trucks met de DS 14 / DSC 14 turbomotor, van de 0-serie tot de 3-serie, zowel de frontstuur- als de torpedomodellen, worden in dit prachtige boek uitvoerig beschreven.
Ook de technische uitrusting waaronder versnellingsbakken, chassis, cabines en de beschikbare varianten komen aan bod.

Behalve de V8 dieselmotor zelf, worden ook de ontwikkelingsstadia van de verschillende trucks beschreven, zoals het G-P-R-T modulaire systeem, de vierassers en de Streamline cabine van de laatste zware vrachtwagens tot 500 pk. Bovendien worden de zeldzame Scania bussen met V8-motor gepresenteerd.
Technische gegevens en een selectie reproducties van originele brochures vervolledigen de geschiedenis van de "King of the Road".

Bladzijden uit het boek Scania V8 - King of the Road 1969-1996 (1)

Meer dan 300 zwart/wit- en kleurenfoto's uit het Scania fabrieksarchief en van gerestaureerde voertuigen illustreren de geschiedenis van de Scania V8 - van het allereerste prototype tot de de R 143 roadtrains.

Bladzijden uit het boek Scania V8 - King of the Road 1969-1996 (2)


Auteur:Gerald Sandrieser
Uitvoering:216 blz, 29.5 x 21 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:320 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Verlag Klaus Rabe (D, 2018)
Scania V8 - King of the Road 1969-1996

Scania V8 - King of the Road 1969-1996

Taal: Duits

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Laatste update: 03/02/2025