Barreiros trucks: boeken - historie en modellen

Een boek over Barreiros trucks? Ontdek hier geïllustreerde boeken over de historie, typen en techniek van Barreiros trucks.

Eduardo Barreiros and the Recovery of Spain

Born in an impoverished region of Galicia, possessed of little education and less money, Eduardo Barreiros (1919-1992) rose to become an immensely successful entrepreneur and one of Spain's most prominent industrialists.
In this engaging biography, the first on a Spanish entrepreneur in English, Hugh Thomas recounts Barreiros's origins as an auto mechanic, his success in the motor industry, his tragic alliance with the Chrysler Corporation, and his little-known role as a motor industry founder in 1980s Cuba.
Drawing on an unrivaled knowledge of Spanish history, Lord Thomas also brings to light Barreiros's critical role in the modernization of the Spanish economy in the post-Civil War years.

The book offers a detailed portrait of Don Eduardo's personality, character, and numerous entrepreneurial endeavors, as well as a full account of the difficulties the Franco-era government threw in the path of his capitalist activities.
The relationship between Barreiros and the Chrysler Corporation is also described, along with the failed Dodge Dart project that ultimately cost Barreiros his business.
Finally, the book recounts Don Eduardo's late-in-life efforts to help establish a motor industry in Castro's Cuba - a paradoxical conclusion for a great capitalist.


Auteur:Hugh Thomas
Uitvoering:448 blz, 23.5 x 15.5 x 3.5 cm, hardcover
Uitgever:Yale University Press (USA, 2018)
Eduardo Barreiros and the Recovery of Spain

Eduardo Barreiros and the Recovery of Spain

Taal: Engels

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Barreiros: La automoción en España - hombres, empresas, vehículos

This book is dedicated to keeping alive the memory of Eduardo Barreiros and his men who, with ingenuity and hard work, contributed to giving life to the Spanish automobile industry in a country destroyed by the terrible civil war and in which there were no other means of transport left than the mule and the espadrille. Thus, Barreiros participated in the reconstruction of Spain and in its economic development with companies that came practically from nothing.

About the author

Mario Gamarra de Artaza (Bilbao, 7 July 1931). From childhood, he stood out for his great skills in the mechanical arts, drawing and literature.
Thanks to his ingenuity, he was able to make the first lorry called "El Abuelo", with which Eduardo Barreiros won the Portuguese Government's competition for the manufacture of three hundred vehicles, which would open the doors of fame for him.

Text in Spanish.


Auteur:Mario Gamarra de Artaza
Uitvoering:384 blz, 20.5 x 16 x 1.6 cm, softcover
Illustraties:geïllustreerd (E, 2020)
Barreiros: La automoción en España - hombres, empresas, vehículos

Barreiros: La automoción en España - hombres, empresas, vehículos

Taal: Spaans

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¡Es un motor español!: historia empresarial de Barreiros

Eduardo Barreiros was one of the most representative Spanish businessmen of the "years of development". From a small workshop in Orense, he was able to build a large industrial business complex that contributed decisively to the motorisation of Spain.
In 1963, the association with Chrysler, in one of the largest American investments in Spain, launched him to international prominence.
Subsequently, the American partner gradually gained ground over the Spanish partner in capital increases, until the company became Chrysler España in 1969.

This book documents this business achievement using numerous sources, including the Eduardo Barreiros Foundation Archive, the INI Archive, the Suanzes Archive and the testimonies of some of its protagonists.

Text in Spanish.


Auteur:J. Luis García Ruiz, Manuel Santos Redondo
Uitvoering:368 blz, 19 x 13.5 x 2.2 cm, softcover
Uitgever:Editorial Síntesis (E, 2001)
¡Es un motor español!: historia empresarial de Barreiros

¡Es un motor español!: historia empresarial de Barreiros

Taal: Spaans

Kopen bij Amazon NL
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Laatste update: 03/02/2025