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Piaggio Vespa ET, Sfera, Zip, Hexagon: service and repair manuals

A manual to fix your Piaggio Vespa ET, Sfera, Zip or Hexagon? Explore here workshop manuals for service and repair of Piaggio Vespa scooters. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

Piaggio & Vespa Scooters (1991-2009) - 50, 80, 100, 125 & 200 cc carburettor engines | Haynes Owners Workshop Manual

Haynes Owners Workshop Manual for maintenance and repair of Piaggio and Vespa scooters with 50, 80, 100, 125 and 200 cc engines (with carburettor).

Piaggio types:
- Sfera 50 (50 cc, 1991-1998), Sfera 80 (80 cc, 1993-1998), Sfera 125 (125 cc, 1996-1998),
- Typhoon 50 (50 cc, 1993-2009), Typhoon 80 (80 cc, 1994-1998), Typhoon 125 (125 cc, 1995-2004)
- Zip 50 2T (50 cc, 1993-2009), Zip RS (50 cc, 2009), Zip SP (50 cc, 1997-2005), Zip 4T (50 cc, 2001-2008), Zip 100 (100 cc, 2007-2008), Zip 125 (125 cc, 2001-2004)
- Fly 50 2T (50 cc, 2005-2009), Fly 50 4T (50 cc, 2006-2009), Fly 100 (100 cc, 2007-2009), Fly 125 (125 cc, 2005-2009)
- Skipper (125 cc, 1993-2000), Skipper ST (125 cc, 2001-2004)
- Hexagon (125 cc, 1994-2000), Super Hexagon (125 cc, 2001-2003)
- Liberty 50 2T (50 cc, 1997-2009), Liberty 50 4T (50 cc, 2001-2008), Liberty 125 (125 cc, 2000-2009)
- NRG MC2 (50 cc, 1997-2000), NRG MC3 DT (50 cc, 2001-2004), NRG MC3 DD (50 cc, 2001-2004), NRG Power DT (50 cc, 2005-2009), NRG Power DD (50 cc, 2005-2009)
- B125/Beverly (125 cc, 2002-2006)
- X9 125 (125 cc, 2001-2008), X8 125 (125 cc, 2005-2008).

Vespa types:
- ET2 (50 cc, 1997-2004), ET4 50 (50 cc, 2001-2004), ET4 125 (125 cc, 1996-2004)
- LX50 (2T 50 cc, 2005-2009), LX50 (4T 50 cc, 2005-2009), LX125 (125 cc, 2005-2009)
- LXV50 (50 cc, 2008-2009), LXV125 (125 cc, 2008-2009)
- GT125 (125 cc, 2003-2007), GT200 (200 cc, 2003-2006), GTS125 (125 cc, 2008-2009), GTV125 (125 cc, 2007-2009)
- S50 (50 cc, 2007-2009), S125 (125 cc, 2007-2009).

This Haynes manual on the Piaggio and Vespa scooters from the years 1991-2009 provides photos and detailed step-by-step instructions for maintenance and repair of the engine, the clutch and the gearbox.
The cooling system, fuel system, ignition, exhaust, steering, suspension, brakes, final drive and electrical system are also described.

  • Based on a complete strip-down and rebuild.
  • Includes a maintenance schedule, adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear and detailed wiring diagrams for easy reference.


Author:Matthew Coombs, Phil Mather
Details:416 pages, 27.5 x 21 x 1.8 cm / 10.8 x 8.25 x 0.71 in, paperback
Illustrations:hundreds of photos and drawings
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2009)
Series:Haynes Owners Workshop Manual (3492)

More information on the Haynes Repair Manuals

Piaggio & Vespa Scooters (1991-2009) - 50, 80, 100, 125 & 200 cc carburettor engines | Haynes Owners Workshop Manual

Piaggio & Vespa Scooters (1991-2009) - 50, 80, 100, 125 & 200 cc carburettor engines

Language: English

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Piaggio Hexagon 125 (1994-1996) / Suzuki GSF 600 N et S Bandit (1995-1998) | Revue Moto Technique RMT 99.3

Workshop manual from the French series Revue Moto Technique (RMT 99). Describes maintenance and repair of the:
- Piaggio Hexagon 125 (EXS1T, 1994-1996)
- Suzuki GSF 600 Bandit N and S (GN77A, 1995-1998).

  • This French repair manual on the Piaggio Hexagon 125 scooters and Suzuki GSF600 Bandit motorcycles contains extensive chapters about the engine (fuel system, cooling, lubrication and ignition), clutch and gearbox, the electrical system with the starter motor and alternator.
  • Also work on the front fork, steering column, suspension and brakes is covered in detail.
  • Complete with adjustment data, torque wrench settings and wiring diagrams.


Details:21 x 27 cm / 8.25 x 10.6 in, paperback
Illustrations:hundreds of photos and drawings
Publisher:ETAI (F, 1995)
Series:Revue Moto Technique (RMT 99.3)

More information on the Revue Moto Technique manuals

Piaggio Hexagon 125 (1994-1996) / Suzuki GSF 600 N et S Bandit (1995-1998) | Revue Moto Technique RMT 99.3

Piaggio Hexagon 125 (1994-1996) / Suzuki GSF 600 N et S Bandit (1995-1998)

Language: French

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Piaggio Sfera, Typhoon, Zip, Fly, Skipper, Hexagon, Liberty, NRG, B125, X8, X9 / Vespa ET2, ET4, LX, GT | Wartung und Reparatur

Delius Klasing workshop manual on the following Piaggio and Vespa scooters:

- Sfera 50 (50 cc, 1991-1998)
- Sfera 80 80 cc, 1993-1998)
- Sfera 125 (125 cc, 1996-1998)
- Typhoon 50 (50 cc, 1993-2009)
- Typhoon 80 80 cc, 1994-1998)
- Typhoon 125 (125 cc, 1995-2004)
- Zip 2T (50 cc, 1993-2009)
- Zip SP (50 cc, 1997-2005)
- Zip RS (50 cc, 2009)
- Zip 4T (50 cc, 2001-2008)
- Zip 100 100 cc, 2007-2008)
- Zip 125 (125 cc, 2001-2004)
- Fly 50 2T (50 cc, 2005-2009)
- Fly 50 4T (50 cc, 2006-2009)
- Fly 100 100 cc, 2007-2009)
- Fly 125 (125 cc, 2005-2009)
- Skipper (125 cc, 1993-2000)
- Skipper ST (125 cc, 2001-2004)
- Hexagon (125 cc, 1994-2000)
- Super Hexagon (125 cc, 2001-2003)
- Liberty 50 2T (50 cc, 1997-2009)
- Liberty 50 4T (50 cc, 2001-2008)
- Liberty 125 (125 cc, 2000-2009)
- NRG MC2 (50 cc, 1997-2000)
- NRG MC3 DT (50 cc, 2001-2004)
- NRG MC3 DD (50 cc, 2001-2004)
- NRG Power DT (50 cc, 2005-2009)
- NRG Power DD (50 cc, 2005-2009)
- B125/Beverly (125 cc, 2002-2008)
- X9 125 (125 cc, 2001-2008)
- X8 125 (125 cc, 2005-2008)


- ET2 2T (50 cc, 1997-2004)
- ET4 4T (50 cc, 2001-2004)
- ET4 125 (125 cc, 1996-2004)
- LX2 50 (LX50 2T) (50 cc, 2005-2009)
- LX4 50 (LX50 4T) (50 cc, 2005-2009)
- LXV50 (50 cc, 2008-2009)
- LX125 (125 cc, 2005-2009)
- LXV125 (125 cc, 2008-2009)
- S50 (50 cc, 2007-2009)
- S125 (125 cc, 2007-2009)
- GT125 (125 cc, 2003-2007)
- GTS125 (125 cc, 2008)
- GTV125 (125 cc, 2007-2009)
- GT200 (200 cc, 2003-2006).

This service manual on the a wide range Piaggio and Vespa scooters from the years 1991-2009 describes with 1356 photos and step-by-step instructions for maintenance and repair of the engines (50, 80, 100, 125 and 200 cc), clutch and gearbox.
Covers also the cooling system, fuel and exhaust systems, ignition, steering system, suspension, brakes, final drive and the electrical system.

  • Includes a maintenance schedule, adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • 30 clear wiring diagrams in colour.
  • German edition of the Haynes manual for this scooters.


Author:Phil Mather, Matthew Coombs
Details:432 pages, 27 x 21 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:1356 b&w and colour photos, drawings
Publisher:Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH (D, 2020)
Piaggio Sfera, Typhoon, Zip, Fly, Skipper, Hexagon, Liberty, NRG, B125, X8, X9 / Vespa ET2, ET4, LX, GT | Wartung und Reparatur

Piaggio Sfera, Typhoon, Zip, Fly, Skipper, Hexagon, Liberty, NRG, B125, X8, X9 / Vespa ET2, ET4, LX, GT

Language: German

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Piaggio Hexagon - 125, 150, 180 und 250 ccm (ab 1995) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Bucheli Reparaturanleitung on the Piaggio Hexagon scooters.

Engines: 125, 150, 180 and 250 cc.

Production years: since 1995.

Pages of the book [5216] Piaggio Hexagon 125-250 (ab 1995) (1)

This Bucheli manual on Piaggio Hexagon scooters describes extensively work on the engine (block, cylinder head, fuel system, ignition, electric components, intake and exhaust).
Covers also the clutch, gearbox, drivetrain, suspension, front and rear brakes.

  • Complete with technical specifications, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear wiring diagrams.


Details:126 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Bucheli Verlag (CH, 1999)
Series:Bucheli Reparaturanleitung (5216)

More information on the Bucheli repair manuals

Piaggio Hexagon - 125, 150, 180 und 250 ccm (ab 1995) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Piaggio Hexagon - 125, 150, 180 und 250 ccm (ab 1995)

Language: German

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Piaggio Sfera 50/80 (ab 1992), SKR 125 (ab 1994) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Bucheli Reparaturanleitung on the Piaggio scooters Sfera 50/80 (since 1992) and SKR 125 (since 1994).

Engines: 50, 80 and 125 cc 2-stroke.

Pages of the book [5197] Piaggio Sfera 50/80, SKR 125 (1)

This Bucheli manual on Piaggio Sfera 50/80 and SKR125 scooters describes extensively work on the engine (block, cylinder head, fuel system, ignition, electric components, intake and exhaust).
Covers also the clutch, gearbox, drivetrain, suspension, front and rear brakes.

  • Complete with technical specifications, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear wiring diagrams.


Details:56 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Bucheli Verlag (CH, 2009)
Series:Bucheli Reparaturanleitung (5197)

More information on the Bucheli repair manuals

Piaggio Sfera 50/80 (ab 1992), SKR 125 (ab 1994) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Piaggio Sfera 50/80 (ab 1992), SKR 125 (ab 1994)

Language: German

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Klassische Piaggio Automatik-Roller - Sfera, SKR, Storm, NRG, Quartz, TPH, Zip, Hexagon (seit 1990)

As an alternative to its somewhat outdated concept, Piaggio developed the Sfera, SKR, Storm, NRG, Quartz, TPH, Zip and Hexagon models described here in the 1990s.
They initially reached a younger audience and are now widely used as robust everyday vehicles. They all offer automatic drive and a low centre of gravity, respectable storage space, a stable chassis and a tubular steel frame with a plastic body in modular construction.

Models: Sfera, SKR, Storm, NRG, Quartz, TPH, Zip, Hexagon
Engines: 50 80 125 and 150 cm³
All maintenance and repair options for the chassis, engine and drive are presented with many illustrations. Colored circuit diagrams, technical data and tool and tire tips round off the information provided.


Author:Hans J. Schneider
Details:200 pages, 21 x 15 cm / 8.25 x 5.9 in, paperback
Illustrations:460 photos and drawings
Publisher:Schneider Media (D, 2019)
Klassische Piaggio Automatik-Roller - Sfera, SKR, Storm, NRG, Quartz, TPH, Zip, Hexagon (seit 1990)

Klassische Piaggio Automatik-Roller - Sfera, SKR, Storm, NRG, Quartz, TPH, Zip, Hexagon (seit 1990)

Language: German

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Vespa ET, LX, LXV, S Automatik-Roller: Alle luftgekühlten Zwei- und Viertakter (ab 1996)

As the world's leading scooter manufacturer, Piaggio has been offering modern versions of the legendary Vespa since 1996 with the ET and LX series, as well as with the LXV, S, Sprint, and the newly developed Primavera.
The models are characterized by a steel body and front suspension inspired by aircraft technology, maintaining the brand's tradition. However, the engine and power transmission with belt-driven automatic systems are state-of-the-art.
After largely discontinuing the 50 cc two-stroke models, Piaggio introduced economical and eco-friendly four-stroke models across all series, mostly with 125 cc in Germany, and also with 50 and 150 cc in other markets.

This manual describes all maintenance, adjustment, and assembly procedures, including the disassembly of bodywork and chassis, removal and disassembly of the engine, OHC valve control, and automatic transmission, as well as maintenance of the braking system, carburetor, injection system (ET 50 Iniezione), and electrical system.
Color wiring diagrams, a troubleshooting guide, technical data, tables for tightening torques and cylinder dimensions, as well as an index, complement the clearly structured manual.

- Two-stroke: Vespa ET, LX, LXV, S
- Four-stroke: ET, LX, LXV, S, Sprint, Primavera.


Author:Hans J. Schneider
Details:168 pages, 21 x 15 x 1.1 cm / 8.25 x 5.9 x 0.43 in, paperback
Illustrations:581 colour photos and drawings
Publisher:Schneider Media (D, 2022)
Vespa ET, LX, LXV, S Automatik-Roller: Alle luftgekühlten Zwei- und Viertakter (ab 1996)

Vespa ET, LX, LXV, S Automatik-Roller: Alle luftgekühlten Zwei- und Viertakter (ab 1996)

Language: German

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Piaggio Vespa ET 4, Sfera 125 (ab 1996) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Bucheli Reparaturanleitung on the Piaggio Vespa ET 4 and Sfera 125 scooters.

Production years: since 1996.

Pages of the book [5209] Piaggio Sfera 125/Vespa ET 4 ab Baujahr 1996 (1)

This Bucheli manual on Piaggio Vespa ET4 and Sfera 125 scooters describes extensively work on the engine (block, cylinder head, fuel system, ignition, electric components, intake and exhaust).
Covers also the clutch, gearbox, drivetrain, suspension, front and rear brakes.

  • Complete with technical specifications, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear wiring diagrams.


Details:63 pages, 29 x 21 cm / 11.4 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Bucheli Verlag (CH, 1998)
Series:Bucheli Reparaturanleitung (5209)

More information on the Bucheli repair manuals

Piaggio Vespa ET 4, Sfera 125 (ab 1996) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Piaggio Vespa ET 4, Sfera 125 (ab 1996)

Language: German

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The TMB Bookshop presents not only technical books on Piaggio Vespa . Click here to discover all books on Piaggio Vespa (including make histories, type overviews, books about certain models, road test collections, etc.).

Years: 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Last update: 14/02/2025