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Lambretta scooters: service and repair manuals

A repair manual on Lambretta scooters? Explore here workshop manuals for service and repair of Lambretta scooters. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

The Book of the Lambretta - All 125cc & 150cc Models (1947-1957) | Clymer Manual Reprint

Floyd Clymer manual (reprint of the edition of 1957) for maintenance and repair of Lambretta scooters from the years 1947-1957.

Versions: A, B, C, LC, D, LD, LDA and LDB.

Engines: 125 and 150 cc.

This Clymer workshop manual for Lambretta scooters contains complete technical specifications and detailed instructions for maintenance and repair of all components: 125 and 150 cc engines, carburettor, fuel system, ignition, clutch, gearbox, front fork, rear suspension, brakes, electrical system and lighting.


Author:R.H. Warring
Details:116 pages, 21.5 x 14 x 0.7 cm / 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.28 in, paperback
Illustrations:b&w photos
Publisher:Floyd Clymer / VelocePress (USA, 2010)
Series:Floyd Clymer Manual Reprint
The Book of the Lambretta - All 125cc & 150cc Models (1947-1957) | Clymer Manual Reprint

The Book of the Lambretta - All 125cc & 150cc Models (1947-1957)

Language: English

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Lambretta Scooters - inclusive Serveta & SIL (1958-2000) | Haynes Service & Repair Manual

Haynes Service & Repair Manual on the Lambretta scooters: - Li 125 (123 cc, 1958-1964) and Li 150 (148 cc, 1958-1978)
- TV 175 (175 cc, 1963-1964) and TV 200 (GT) (198 cc, 1963-1966)
- SX 125 (123 cc, 1967-1969) and SX 200 (198 cc, 1966-1978)
- DL 125 (GP) (123 cc, 1969-2000), DL 150 (GP) (148 cc, 1969-2000) and DL 200 (GP) (198 cc, 1969-2000).

This Haynes manual on the Lambretta Li125, Li150, TV175, TV200, SX125, SX200, DL125, DL150 and DL200 scooters provides photos and detailed step-by-step instructions for maintenance and repair of the engine, the clutch and the gearbox.
The cooling system, fuel system, ignition, exhaust, suspension, final drive and brakes are also covered.

  • Based on a complete strip-down and rebuild.
  • Includes a maintenance schedule, adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Very clear and detailed wiring diagrams in colour for easy reference.
  • Contains also a brief model history.


Author:Phil Mather
Details:352 pages, 27 x 21 x 1.4 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 x 0.55 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated with 900 b&w and 64 colour photos
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2017)
Series:Haynes Service & Repair Manual (5573)

More information on the Haynes Repair Manuals

Lambretta Scooters - inclusive Serveta & SIL (1958-2000) | Haynes Service & Repair Manual

Lambretta Scooters - inclusive Serveta & SIL (1958-2000)

Language: English

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The Second Book of the Lambretta - All Li & Tv Models (1957-1970) | Clymer Manual Reprint

Floyd Clymer manual (reprint) for maintenance and repair of Lambretta Li and Tv scooters from the years 1957-1970.

Versions: Li and Tv, including the GP, Special and SX models, J Range and Starstream.

Engines: 125, 150, 175 and 200 cc.

This Clymer workshop manual for Lambretta scooters contains complete technical specifications and detailed instructions for maintenance and repair of all components: 125, 150, 175 and 200 cc engines, carburettors, fuel system, ignition, clutch, gearbox, front fork, rear suspension, brakes, electrical system and lighting.


Author:R.H. Warring
Details:132 pages, 21.5 x 13 x 0.8 cm / 8.5 x 5.1 x 0.31 in, paperback
Illustrations:b&w photos
Publisher:Pitman / Clymer / VelocePress (USA, 2012)
Series:Floyd Clymer Manual Reprint
The Second Book of the Lambretta - All Li & Tv Models (1957-1970) | Clymer Manual Reprint

The Second Book of the Lambretta - All Li & Tv Models (1957-1970)

Language: English

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The Workshop Guide To Restoring Your Lambretta - Part 1

Restoring a Lambretta is a huge challenge to take on but one that can be very rewarding at the same time. Regardless of the condition of the machine, there are several key stages required to carry out the work in full. From the initial process of stripping down and dry building followed by the full engine and bodywork rebuild up to completion.

This guide has been produced from over 35 years of experience and explains each stage and the techniques required to carry out each process along the way. It is helping owners to achieve their goal of completing a full Lambretta restoration.

Part 1 includes the following chapters:
1) Choosing and buying the right Lambretta
2) Stripping down and the planning process
3) Dry building
4) Painting and polishing
5) Engine stripdown
6) Engine build overview.


Author:Stuart Owen
Details:80 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 0.5 cm / 11 x 8.5 x 0.2 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Independently Published (USA, 2021)
The Workshop Guide To Restoring Your Lambretta - Part 1

The Workshop Guide To Restoring Your Lambretta - Part 1

Language: English

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The essential guide to servicing your Lambretta

Though more than 50 years have passed since the last Innocenti-produced Lambretta rolled off the production line many thousands of them are still in daily use across the globe.
Regardless of how much they are ridden servicing is required to make sure that they always run perfectly.

Servicing isn't about a full strip-down or rebuild just careful checking and fine adjustment which needs to be done regularly. It doesn't matter how old the Lambretta in question is or if it has recently been rebuilt, every time you go out on the road general wear and tear is taking place even if you don't notice it.

Only a few minutes are required regularly to either adjust or check everything over. It doesn't have to be a long-drawn-out affair and when done frequently means you are safe in the knowledge that your Lambretta is performing to its optimum level. This manual will be a great help for this.
Owning a Lambretta should be a pleasure, not a chore and carrying out essential maintenance means you will have many trouble-free years of enjoyment out of one.


Author:Stuart Owen
Details:40 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 0.2 cm / 11 x 8.5 x 0.08 in, paperback
Publisher:Independently Published (USA, 2021)
The essential guide to servicing your Lambretta

The essential guide to servicing your Lambretta

Language: English

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The Workshop Guide To Restoring Your Lambretta - Part 2

Restoring a Lambretta is a huge challenge to take on but one that can be very rewarding at the same time. Regardless of the condition of the machine, there are several key stages required to carry out the work in full. From the initial process of stripping down and dry building followed by the full engine and bodywork rebuild up to completion.

This guide has been produced from over 35 years of experience and explains each stage and the techniques required to carry out each process along the way. It is helping owners to achieve their goal of completing a full Lambretta restoration.

Part 2 includes the following chapters:
1) The engine rebuild
2) Rebuild first stage
3) Rebuild second stage
4) Rebuild third stage
5) Checking over and test riding
6) Finishing off.


Author:Stuart Owen
Details:80 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 0.5 cm / 11 x 8.5 x 0.2 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Independently Published (USA, 2021)
The Workshop Guide To Restoring Your Lambretta - Part 2

The Workshop Guide To Restoring Your Lambretta - Part 2

Language: English

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Related titles:

The Lambretta Bible (1947-1971)

The Lambretta Bible - All Lambretta models built in Italy (1947-1971)

Pete Davies | English | paperback | 160 p. | 2017



Peter J. Davies | German | hardback | 184 p. | 2015

Lambretta - Illustrated Guide to the Identification

Lambretta - Illustrated Guide to the Identification

Vittorio Tessera | English + Italian | paperback | 340 p. | 2013

Innocenti Lambretta (Edizione ampliata)

Innocenti Lambretta (Edizione ampliata)

Vittorio Tessera | Italian | hardback | 2012

The TMB Bookshop presents not only technical books on Lambretta . Click here to discover all books on Lambretta (including make histories, type overviews, books about certain models, road test collections, etc.).

Years: 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971

Last update: 12/03/2025