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Locomotive factories - GDR: books

Illustrated books on the manufacturers of locomotives, railcars, trams, railway carriages and wagons in the GDR.

Lokomotivbau 'Karl Marx' - Die Lokschmiede der DDR in Babelsberg

Potsdam, just outside Berlin, with the district of Babelsberg, is not only well-known for its traditional film studio, but also for its locomotive construction under the brand name "Locomotives from Babelsberg".
Founded in 1899 as a branch of the Märkische Lokomotivfabrik Orenstein & Koppel, after the Second World War, with the division of Germany, it became a state-owned enterprise with the approval of the Soviet Military Administration. Initially run as the "Lokomotivfabrik Karl-Marx Babelsberg", in 1951, with the merger of the locomotive and wagon factories under the umbrella of the Association of State-Owned Locomotive and Wagon Construction Companies of the GDR (VEB LOWA), it became the "Lokomotivbau Karl Marx Babelsberg" company.

This volume documents the reconstruction and early activities of the state-owned company, the construction of field and mine locomotives, fireless locomotives, narrow-gauge steam locomotives and the like.
Irrepeatable snapshots show the workers at their workplaces handling a variety of machines and equipment, at the lathes and milling machines, during the water pressure test of steam cylinders, as well as during locomotive assembly.
The look back behind the scenes of this famous locomotive forge is characterized by a good portion of the color of a bygone era.


Author:Udo Kandler
Details:112 pages, 21 x 29.5 x 1.7 cm / 8.25 x 11.6 x 0.67 in, hardback
Illustrations:188 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2018)
Lokomotivbau 'Karl Marx' - Die Lokschmiede der DDR in Babelsberg

Lokomotivbau 'Karl Marx' - Die Lokschmiede der DDR in Babelsberg

Language: German

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Die VES/M Halle in Farbe

In addition to the volume on the VES/M photographer Ruth Pelliccioni in the series "Alte Meister der Eisenbahn-Photographie", Ek-Verlag has compiled a representative selection of mostly previously unpublished color photographs taken between 1956 and 1992 as a further highlight from the photographer's extensive collection.

Experience real rarities in color: for example, early images of the high-speed locomotives 18 201 and 18 314, of 03 or 23 001, the first 44 converted to oil firing, of numerous Reko locomotives and color images of rare locomotives that were in Halle for weighing.
In addition, there are numerous images of the trial operation of new diesel and electric locomotives of the DR, starting with V 180 001 and the DR medium-distance railcars VT 4.12 to the "White Lady" 243 001 and the 230 series.


Author:Ek-Verlag Gmbh
Details:96 pages, 16.5 x 23.5 cm / 6.5 x 9.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:96 colour photos
Publisher:EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2012)
Series:Eisenbahn-Bildarchiv (56)
Die VES/M Halle in Farbe

Die VES/M Halle in Farbe

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025