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Cargo ships - Netherlands: books - history and shipping lines

A book about Dutch cargo ships? Here you will find books about the history, shipping companies and ships from the Netherlands.

Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 7) - Koelvaart

In "Nederlandse Koopvaardijschepen in beeld" the ships that were part of the fleets of the Dutch shipping companies from 1945 onwards are brought into the spotlight using the most beautiful photographic material. The often nostalgic images, provided with an explanation, are preceded by a short description of the shipping companies, whose ships are shown in the booklet.

Part 7 is the first of two planned publications on refrigerated shipping. In international refrigerated/freezer shipping, the Netherlands played a relatively modest role for a long time, given the prominent position that specialized shipping companies in, for example, Germany, France and the Scandinavian countries have always occupied.
This only changed in the eighties, mainly because the Scheepvaartkantoor Groningen - since 1973 Seatrade Groningen - built up a large fleet, partly by including ships from other, also foreign, shipping companies in the "Seatrade pool".

The most important Dutch shipping companies with reefer ships were - besides Seatrade - Anthony Veder, Pinkster, Dammers & van der Heide, Vroon and Jaczon. Several foreign companies also brought several ships under the Dutch and Netherlands Antilles flag, such as the Caraïbische Scheepvaart Maatschappij (United Fruit), Primlaks and the Italian GF Group.

This booklet describes the shipping companies and shipping lines that have had reefer ships in their fleet since 1945, with the exception of Dammers & van der Heide and Seatrade. A special edition will be dedicated to these large shipping companies, which merged in 1989.


Author:Dick Gorter
Details:120 pages, 23 x 25 x 1.5 cm / 9.1 x 9.8 x 0.59 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Uitgeverij de Alk B.V. (NL, 2009)
Series:Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (7)
Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 7) - Koelvaart

Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 7) - Koelvaart

Language: Dutch

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Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 8) - Kleine Handelsvaart (2)

In "Nederlandse Koopvaardijschepen in beeld" the ships that were part of the fleets of the Dutch shipping companies from 1945 onwards are brought into the limelight using the most beautiful photo material. The often nostalgic images, provided with an explanation, are preceded by a short description of the shipping companies, whose ships are shown in the booklet.

Part 8 is the second that is dedicated to the Kleine Handelsvaart, and to three Frisian shipping companies. After the Second World War and especially in the last decades, a number of Frisian shipping families have developed strongly.

By far the largest was the Scheepvaartkantoor Holwerda, which expanded considerably, especially in the period 1970-1986. This was partly done in collaboration with the Harlingen entrepreneurial family Van der Schoot, who built up a fleet from 1956 onwards, of which 23 ships were part, in addition to seven ships jointly owned with Holwerda.
The de Jong family of the Suikerwerkfabriek "Frisia" also participated in some Van der Schoot ships. The oldest Harlingen shipping company, C. Kuhlman Jzn, began purchasing a number of coasters in the mid-fifties, in which the same de Jong family also played a major role.


Author:Dick Gorter
Details:120 pages, 23 x 25 x 1.5 cm / 9.1 x 9.8 x 0.59 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Uitgeverij de Alk B.V. (NL, 2009)
Series:Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (8)
Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 8) - Kleine Handelsvaart (2)

Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 8) - Kleine Handelsvaart (2)

Language: Dutch

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Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 13) - Seatrade

This second special edition in the series is entirely devoted to Seatrade and Dammers & Van der Heide. The Shipping Office 'Groningen', founded in 1951 by five Groningen shipowners - since 1973 Seatrade Groningen - started focusing on refrigerated/freezer shipping in 1962 and grew explosively.
The takeover of Dammers & Van der Heide in 1989 and the reefer activities of Vroon in 2005 strengthened Seatrade's position to such an extent that the company has grown into the largest refrigerated shipping company in the world.

Included are all refrigerated vessels that are (co-)owned (or have been) by Seatrade and Dammers or their shareholders, as well as purchased and resold to third parties, sailing in the Seatrade Pool and managed by Triton Schiffahrt or Thien & Heyenga. Their reefers sailing under foreign flags are also included.

In "Nederlandse Koopvaardijschepen in beeld" the most beautiful photo material is used to highlight the ships that were part of the fleets of the Dutch shipping companies from 1945 onwards. The often nostalgic images, provided with an explanation, are preceded by a short description of the shipping companies, whose ships are shown in the booklet.


Author:Dick Gorter
Details:252 pages, 24.5 x 22.5 x 2 cm / 9.7 x 8.9 x 0.79 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Uitgeverij de Alk B.V. (NL, 2012)
Series:Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (13)
Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 13) - Seatrade

Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 13) - Seatrade

Language: Dutch

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Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 15) - SeaTrade (2) - Pool- en managementschepen

In the Seatrade Reefer Pool and the affiliated Hamburg Reefer Pool, GreenSea Pool and the United Reefers Pool (Vroon and Sun Group) acquired in 2005, or (also) in management at Seatrade Groningen, hundreds of reefer vessels have sailed. In some of these, Seatrade had/has a financial interest or were/are fully owned and are included in part 13 of this series.

The present booklet shows all reefers, (largely) owned by third parties or chartered from third parties in the long term, sailing in the aforementioned pools, whether or not also under technical and nautical management at Seatrade Groningen.
For the sake of completeness, the reefers that Seatrade itself purchased after the publication of the first booklet are also included.


Author:Dick Gorter
Details:360 pages, 23 x 25 x 2.6 cm / 9.1 x 9.8 x 1.02 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Uitgeverij de Alk B.V. (NL, 2014)
Series:Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (15)
Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 15) - SeaTrade (2) - Pool- en managementschepen

Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 15) - SeaTrade (2) - Pool- en managementschepen

Language: Dutch

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Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 18) - Lijnvaart op West Afrika

In "Nederlandse Koopvaardijschepen in beeld", the most beautiful photographic material is used to highlight the ships that were part of the fleets of the Dutch shipping companies from 1945 onwards.
The often nostalgic images, provided with an explanation, are preceded by a short description of the shipping companies whose ships are shown in the booklet.

Part 18 of the series is dedicated to the shipping companies with scheduled services to Africa, in particular West Africa. The main shipping company at the time was the Holland West-Afrika Lijn, founded by HSM and VNS, among others.

Also in the picture are Nederlands-Franse Scheepvaart Maatschappij, D.G. Neptun, Elder Dempster Lines, Vanuden Africa, Leif Høegh, NileDutch Africa Line and Universal Africa Lines.
In 1961 KPM opened a liner service from the Adriatic Sea to East Africa. Van Nievelt, Goudriaan maintained two liner services to South and East Africa from 1979 to 1983, Africa Europe Shipping Line and Elephant Shipping Line.
Joon Shipping & Trading took over a container service to South Africa and Australia in 1989. Safmarine Container Lines operated two container ships under the Dutch flag in the trade to South Africa.


Author:Dick Gorter
Details:120 pages, 22 x 24 cm / 8.7 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Uitgeverij de Alk B.V. (NL, 2018)
Series:Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (18)
Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 18) - Lijnvaart op West Afrika

Nederlandse koopvaardijschepen in beeld (deel 18) - Lijnvaart op West Afrika

Language: Dutch

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Last update: 03/02/2025