Buses - GDR: books - history, types and construction
A book on buses? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of buses from East Germany.
DDR-Omnibusse 1945-1990 (Typenkompass)
The buses that transported workers and farmers across the country in the former GDR can now mostly be found in the scrap yards of East Germany. Only a few of these technical marvels were lucky enough to be preserved.
The main types and structures that the author has compiled for this Typenkompass have such illustrious names as Framo, Barkas, Phänomen, Fleischer, Hiller and Kafa. And because there are not too many people left who remember them, they deserve a tribute in a book in this proven series. All the data and all the facts about the GDR buses are gathered in this title.
Weite Strassen, laute Laster - Nutzfahrzeuge in der DDR
After the Second World War, the Soviet occupiers razed East Germany's only large truck manufacturer to the ground - VOMAG in Plauen. However, since trucks were urgently needed for reconstruction, new production facilities were set up in the former Horch works in Zwickau and in the former Werdau wagon factory.
In this volume, Ralf Weinreich describes the entire history of commercial vehicle construction in the GDR, from the difficult beginnings after the war to the fall of the Berlin Wall. In addition to the most important truck brands in Eastern Europe, Western imports are also portrayed.
Ralf Weinreich
288 pages, 24 x 21 cm / 9 x 8.25 in, hardback
350 b&w and colour photos
Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2019)
Weite Strassen, laute Laster - Nutzfahrzeuge in der DDR
Deutsche Autos - Personenwagen und Nutzfahrzeuge in der DDR
So much for just Trabant and Wartburg. Anyone who thinks that only these two cars waved their two-stroke flag in the GDR is seriously mistaken. There was certainly a lot of variety in the street scene of the workers' and farmers' state.
In the passenger car sector, for example, there were the F8, F9 and P70 models from IFA or EMW from Awtowelo, as well as cars from neighboring Eastern European countries. For trucks, there were models such as Horch, Framo or Barkas, again supplemented by trucks from neighbors.
Michael Dünnebier and Eberhard Kittler describe all of these vehicles and even more, with their history and technology, and illustrate them with around 600 images.
Eberhard Kittler, Michael Dünnebier
320 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
120 b&w and 436 colour photos
Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2017)
Deutsche Autos - Personenwagen und Nutzfahrzeuge in der DDR
DDR-Fahrzeuge Album: Personenwagen, Lastwagen und Omnibusse
The author describes all model series of cars, trucks and buses that were produced in the GDR between 1945 and 1990. 360 images from factory publications and private photo albums show the vehicles in their contemporary environment.
From the contents: - Dresden: Melkus RS 1000 - Eisenach: EMW, Wartburg - Gera: Fleischer buses - Hainichen / Karl-Marx-Stadt: Framo, Barkas, P2 M, P3 - Leipzig: EKF 1200 electric delivery van - Ludwigsfelde: IFA W50, L60 - Magdeburg: Tramp special transporter - Sebnitz: Sebnitz hoisting equipment factory - Waltershausen: Multicar - Werdau: Horch, Sachsenring S 4000, H6, G5, H6 B - Zittau: Phänomen, Robur - Zwickau: IFA F8/F9, AWZ P70, Trabant, Sachsenring
Bernd Regenberg
128 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, hardback
360 b&w and colour photos
Verlag Podszun (D, 2009)
DDR-Fahrzeuge Album: Personenwagen, Lastwagen und Omnibusse
This book is dedicated to the trucks and buses of Eastern Europe, with the focus on the economic area of the former Eastern Bloc with the CMEA states (Bulgaria, CSSR, GDR, Poland, Romania, Soviet Union and Hungary) as well as Yugoslavia. Michael Dünnebier gained first-hand information through personal impressions during numerous visits to Eastern European manufacturing plants, at trade fairs and exhibitions, and through discussions with company employees.
The focus of the study is on the history of the company and its type, especially during the planned economy period. However, the further history of the companies and the transition to the market economy up to the present day are also presented.
The first publication in Polish presenting commercial vehicles produced in the countries belonging to the Comecon, the so-called Eastern Bloc, which existed after World War II, until 1990. The author explains what kind of organisation the Comecon was and what kind of vehicles are defined as commercial vehicles. He presents the vehicle manufacturers and their production profile, as well as selected models of vans, trucks and buses, taking into account their construction and operating characteristics and technical data.
The vehicles are presented according to the manufacturers operating in each country, viz: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the German Democratic Republic, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Soviet Union. The descriptions of the manufacturers and their vehicles are preceded by short chapters providing information on the origins and development of the automotive industry in the countries mentioned.
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