Instrukcja napraw dla automatycznej skrzyni biegów GM Hydra-Matic twojego Chevrolet? Znajdziesz tu instrukcje napraw i konserwacji pick-upów Chevrolet.
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Haynes TechBook covering the overhaul of General Motors Hydramatic automatic transmissions and transaxles, installed in Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Oldsmobile and Pontiac passenger cars, vans and pick-ups.
Covers the following models: - automatic transmissions THM200-4R (1981-1989), THM350 (1969-1989), THM375B, THM400 (1964-1990, also used by American Motors, Jaguar, Rolls-Royce and Bentley) and THM700-R4 (1982-1992) - transaxles THM 125/125C (1980-1989), THM 3T40 (1990-1994), THM 440-T4 (1984-1990) and THM 4T60 (1990-1993) (used in GM models with front wheel drive).
Over 1400 photos and complete step-by-step instructions for the overhaul of the complete transmission (torque converter, planetary gears, brake bands, oil pump and switch block).
Also chapters about working principles, identification, tools, measuring instruments, removal and assembly.
Guide to Automatic Transmission Repair - American Car Transmissions and Transaxles (1974-1980) | Chilton Repair Manual
Chilton Repair & Maintenance Guide. Describes theory, fault finding, specifications, repair and overhaul of American automatic transmissions and transaxles from the period 1974-1980.
GM Automatic Overdrive Transmission Builder's and Swapper's Guide
In this book, expert mechanic and drag racer Cliff Ruggles demystifies the popular GM 700-R4 and 4L60 automatic transmissions. Keeping the enthusiast in mind, Ruggles explains the history of these transmissions, presents critical identification guidelines, and leads the reader through the complete disassembly, repair and upgrade, and assembly processes. DIY-ers will learn how to test their transmission to ensure its proper operation before installing it in the car.
This book includes information about high-performance modifications, both from the factory and the aftermarket. These include internal parts and external components such as shift kits and torque converters that will help you make your transmission perform at its best. It also covers common installation issues such as mounting, shifters and linkages, wiring harnesses, and more, and includes a special section by Ro McGonegal on swapping these transmissions into earlier performance and musclecar chassis.
Cliff Ruggles
128 strony, 27.5 x 22 x 0.8 cm, miękka oprawa
300 kolorowych zdjęć
CarTech Inc (USA, 2008)
S-A Design (SA140)
GM Automatic Overdrive Transmission Builder's and Swapper's Guide
GM Turbo 350 Transmissions : How to Rebuild and Modify
Choć nie jest tak wytrzymała jak jej starszy brat, Turbo 400, skrzynia biegów Turbo 350 jest znakomita, trwała, sprawna, a po modyfikacji solidna sama w sobie. Miliony samochodów i ciężarówek GM zostało zbudowanych z automatycznymi skrzyniami biegów Turbo 350. Zawsze nadchodzi czas, gdy stara skrzynia biegów wykazuje oznaki zużycia. W pewnym momencie nawet najlepsze skrzynię biegów muszą zostać przebudowane.
W tej książce autor techniczny z dziedziny motoryzacji Cliff Ruggles przeprowadzi Cię przez skomplikowaną procedurę odbudowy popularnej automatycznej skrzyni biegów GM z napędem na tylne koła. Dzięki swojemu sprawdzonemu stylowi Ruggles krok po kroku przechodzi przez procedury odbudowy i ulepszania osiągów w serii pełnokołorowych zdjęć. Zawiera instrukcje dotyczące demontażu i montażu, procedur rozbiórki, kontroli i wymiany części, a także modyfikacji wydajności i instalacji zestawu zmiany biegów. Wskazówki oszczędzające czas są również częścią każdej odbudowy.
Automatyczne skrzynię biegów są zagadką dla większości. Nawet jeśli zdecydujesz się zlecić profesjonaliście naprawę skrzyni biegów i jej osiągi, informacje zawarte w tej książce są kluczowe dla zrozumienia, w jaki sposób moc jest przenoszona z silnika na drogę.
Cliff Ruggles
144 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 1 cm, miękka oprawa
bogato ilustrowane, kolorowych zdjęć
CarTech Inc (USA, 2015)
S-A Design Workbench (SA326)
GM Turbo 350 Transmissions : How to Rebuild and Modify
How to Rebuild & Modify GM Turbo 400 Transmissions : Complete Step-By-Step Rebuild Guide
Over the last 50 years, literally millions of GM cars and trucks have been built with Turbo 400 automatic transmissions. While these transmissions are respected for their durability and versatility, there always comes a point where the old transmission shows signs of wear. At some point, even the best transmissions need to be rebuilt.
Respected automotive technical author Cliff Ruggles takes readers through the complex rebuild procedure of GMs most popular rear-wheel drive automatic transmission in this great book. Enthusiasts have embraced the reliable GM Turbo Hydra-Matic 400 three-speed automatics for years, and the popularity of these transmissions is not slowing down. With his proven style, Ruggles walks through the step-by-step rebuild and performance upgrade procedures in a series of full-color photos for each of these models. Time saving tips are part of every buildup.
Cliff Ruggles
144 strony, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1 cm, miękka oprawa
bogato ilustrowane, kolorowych zdjęć
CarTech Inc (USA, 2011)
S-A Design (SA186)
How to Rebuild & Modify GM Turbo 400 Transmissions : Complete Step-By-Step Rebuild Guide
This clear, concise text leads you through every step of the rebuild of your Turbo Hydramatic transmission, from removal, teardown, and inspection to assembly and installation. This book also covers transmission identification, principles of operation and maintenance, troubleshooting, and in-car repairs. It includes heavy-duty and high-performance modifications: coolers, high-stall converters, shift-programming kits, internal beef-ups, and more.
More than 750 photos, drawings, and charts combine with text give you the most authoritative book of its kind.
Covers the Turbo Hydramatic transmissions: - 250 (1973-1977) - 250 C (1979-1984) - 350 (1969-1981) - 350 C (1979-1984) - 375 B (1974-1976)
How to Rebuild and Modify GM 4L80E Transmissions (1991-2013)
As the successor to the venerable and popular Turbo Hydramatic 400 (TH400), the 4L80E was the next flag bearer in GM's line of automatic transmissions. While serving as the smaller, lighter cousin to the 4L85E, the abundance of 4L80E transmissions manufactured between 1991 and 2013 ensures that these highly capable 4-speed overdrive units will be in service for years to come.
Automatic transmissions are often seen as mysterious and overly complicated, but much of the guesswork has been simplified to its basic elements in this easy-to-follow guide. This book covers the process of identifying the best versions, tearing down the 4L80E, rebuilding, reassembly, and troubleshooting. Upgrades that are available for the 4L80E, which is a popular topic among performance fans and transmission swappers, are also included.
This detailed, step-by-step instructional manual is authored by racer and builder Eric McClellan. Meticulous step-by-step photos of the rebuild process are featured along with torque specs and unique identification of all major and most minor components.
Eric McClellan
144 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 1 cm, miękka oprawa
450 kolorowych zdjęć
CarTech Inc (USA, 2021)
S-A Design Workbench
How to Rebuild and Modify GM 4L80E Transmissions (1991-2013)
Introduced in 2006, the 6L80 has become the most popular General Motors transmission in production today. Millions are on roads around the world, and the 6L series of transmissions has overtaken the 4L60E as the most popular rebuild in the majority of transmission shops and dealerships today.
Automatic transmissions are often seen as mysterious and overly complicated, but much of the guesswork has been simplified to its basic elements in this easy-to-follow guide. This book covers the identification process, operation, diagnostic pointers, common failures, and repair and rebuild procedures for the 6L80 transmission. Upgrades that are available to make the 6L80 more robust are covered as well as the companies that offer upgrades.
This detailed, step-by-step instructional manual is authored by engineer, instructor, speaker, and author Steve Garrett. Meticulous step-by-step photos of the rebuild process are featured along with torque specifications and identification of all major and most minor components.
Allison Transmissions - 1000 and 2000 Series - How to Rebuild & Modify
Introduced in 1999 by Allison and 2001 by General Motors, the Allison 1000- and 2000-series transmissions have become the most popular heavy-duty transmissions in production today. Used by multiple manufacturers, including GM, Freightliner, International, etc., millions are on roads around the world.
Automatic transmissions are often seen as mysterious and overly complicated, but much of the guesswork has been simplified to its basic elements in this easy-to-follow guide. This book covers the identification process, operation, diagnostic pointers, common failures, and repair and rebuild procedures for the 1000- and 2000-series transmissions. Upgrades to make the 1000 more robust for performance applications are covered as well as the companies that offer upgrades.
This detailed instructional manual is authored by Steve Garrett, a service engineer and instructor for General Motors and a member of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA). Quality photos of the rebuild process are featured along with torque specifications and identification of all major and most minor components. If you are looking at performing a rebuild project on your own or you just want to know how your Allison works, this is the book for you.
Models covered: - LCT 1000 and LCT 2000 series (2001-2019) - A 1000 and A 2000 series (1999-2023).
Steve Garrett
144 strony, 26.5 x 21 x 1.3 cm, miękka oprawa
502 kolorowych zdjęć
CarTech Inc (USA, 2023)
S-A Design Workbench (SA540)
Allison Transmissions - 1000 and 2000 Series - How to Rebuild & Modify
Chevy Differentials How to Rebuild the 10- and 12-Bolt
Millions of Chevrolet vehicles were built and sold in the 1960s and 1970s, and the great majority of those were rear-wheel-drive models with differentials known as 10-bolts or 12-bolts. High-performance limited-slip versions of these differentials also have been installed in Camaros, Chevelles, Corvettes, and many other GM muscle cars from 1964 through the 1970s, as well as Chevy and GMC trucks. If you have owned a GM performance car from the 1960s or 1970s, you have owned one of these sturdy, reliable, and versatile differentials.
Many of these differentials are now more than 40 years old and are due for an overhaul. In Chevy Differentials: How to Rebuild the 10- and 12-Bolt, author Jefferson Bryant walks you through the entire process of disassembling, evaluating, and rebuilding the perfect differential for your GM application. In this step-by-step guide, you learn how to completely disassemble the differential, evaluate components, and select replacement parts. You're also shown all of the up-to-date techniques for re-assembling the differential and axle. Informative sections on axle identification and replacement parts are also provided.
Jefferson Bryant
144 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, miękka oprawa
bogato ilustrowana
CarTech Inc (USA, 2015)
S-A Design (SA310)
Chevy Differentials How to Rebuild the 10- and 12-Bolt
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