Helicópteros Mil - Rusia / URSS: libros - historia y modelos

¿Un libro sobre helicópteros Mil ? Encuentre aquí libros ilustrados sobre la historia, los tipos y la técnica de helicópteros Mil de Rusia y la Unión Soviética.

Mil Mi-6 and Mi-26 Heavy-Lift Helicopters (Flight Craft)

Developed in the early 1950s to meet a Soviet Army requirement and first flown in June 1957, the Mi-6 was the largest-yet helicopter created in the Soviet Union. Its notable features included a power-plant consisting of two turbo-shaft engines (for the first time on a Soviet helicopter) and stub wings offloading the main rotor in forward flight.
The cabin was big enough to accommodate artillery systems and tactical ballistic missiles.

Built by two plants, the Mi-6 saw service with the Soviet Air Force (including participation in the Afghan War) and the air arms of several Soviet allies. It also proved valuable as a civil air-lifter during oilfield exploration in Siberia, remaining in service right the way up to 2002.

A worthy successor to the Mi-6 appeared in 1977 - the Mi-26. With its 20-ton payload, it was (and still is) the world's largest and most capable transport helicopter.
Again, the Mi-26 had both military and commercial uses (the former included participation in several armed conflicts); the type is still in production, being updated to meet modern requirements, and has been exported to several countries in Asia and Latin America.

The book describes the history, variants and service career of the Mil' 'big lifters' and contains a detailed overview of the scale model kits covering these types which are currently available on the market.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Yefim Gordon
Presentación:96 páginas, 29.5 x 21 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2016)
Serie:Flight Craft (10)
Mil Mi-6 and Mi-26 Heavy-Lift Helicopters (Flight Craft)

Mil Mi-6 and Mi-26 Heavy-Lift Helicopters

Idioma: Inglés

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Mi-28 Night Hunter and Others

The Mil design bureau, led by Mikhail Leonteyevich Mil, was one of the leading soviet plants promoting combination of helicopters and firepower. Mil was personally involved in the development of pre-war A-7 autogyro equipped with machine gun for its own defence and two more for ground targets destroying.

However, this type did not reach mass production. But Mil was since that time thinking about arming the rotorcraft, especially after his practise during design of several Bratukhin helicopters, of which some models were intended for artillery spotting and clearly showed that helicopter can play an important role in the army and can be a part of front line units.

Páginas del libro Mi-28 Night Hunter and Others (1)

When the Mi-1 helicopter was test flown for the first time on 20th of September 1948, it was clear a very versatile type was born. It became the first mass produced soviet helicopter with vide variety of special variants both for civil and military applications.

The Mi-1 was the first in a line of Mil helicopters, which were not only built used in the Sovjet Union but also in other countries.

In this book Jakub Fojtik describes the history, development and use of the Mil Mi-28 helicopter.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Jakub Fojtik
Presentación:80 páginas, 29.5 x 21 x 0.7 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:220 fotos a color
Editor:Kagero Oficyna Wydawnicza (PL, 2017)
Mi-28 Night Hunter and Others

Mi-28 Night Hunter and Others

Idioma: Inglés

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Mil - seit 1948 (Typenkompass)

Der russische Hubschrauberhersteller Mil entstand 1948 und ist berühmt für seine robusten und oftmals ans Gigantische grenzenden Hubschrauberkonstruktionen.
Einige der leistungsfähigsten Helikopter weltweit entstammen den Fabrikhallen nahe Moskau, so wie der weltberühmte Kampfhubschrauber Mil Mi-24 oder die riesige Mil Mi-26, der bis heute größte in Serie hergestellte Hubschrauber der Welt. Diese Maschine hat eine Zuladung von unglaublichen 22 Tonnen.

Páginas del libro [TK] Mil - seit 1948 (1)

Jörg Mückler beschreibt in diesem Typenkompass alles, was es über den russischen Hersteller zu wissen gibt. Jeder Typ wird anhand eines Fotos, einer historischen Beschreibung und eines technischen Datenblatts vorgestellt.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Jörg Mückler
Presentación:128 páginas, 20.5 x 14 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:140 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2018)
Mil - seit 1948 (Typenkompass)

Mil - seit 1948

Idioma: Alemán

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Última actualización: 03/02/2025