Hughes AH-64 Apache: libros - historia, técnica y despliegue

¿Un libro sobre helicópteros de combate Hughes AH-64 Apache? Encuentre aquí libros sobre la historia y el despliegue de helicópteros de combate Hughes.

AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter (Pilot's Flight Operation Instructions)

Developed and deployed in a short time due to the pressure of the Vietnam War, Bell's AH-1 Cobra performed well; but Army planners believed a better attack helicopter would be needed in the next war. In 1976, Hughes Helicopter's YAH-64A prototype bested the Cobra in firepower, performance and range, and won the competition to replace it.
It would be 1982 before production commenced, but eventually over 1100 would be produced including the advanced AH-64D Apache Longbow. Dubbed the Apache, the AH-64 is a four- blade, twin-engine, tandem-cockpit design with tailwheel landing gear.
The AH-64 features double and triple-rendundant systems that ensure maximum survivability in combat, and an awesome array of weapons that can include Hellfire missiles and a 30mm M230 Chain Gun that can be slaved to the pilot's head movements via a helmet mounted display (IHADSS).

The Apache first saw combat during the invasion of Panama in 1989, and conducted the first attack of Operation Desert Storm in 1991, flying into Iraq to destroy enemy radar systems. AH-64s are credited with destroying over 500 tanks during that conflict.
They continued their service in Bosnia and Kosovo, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The AH-64 is now also deployed by the United Kingdom, Israel, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Japan and other air forces worldwide.

Created by the Army for the AH-64A version of the Apache, this unclassified pilot's flight manual runs over 600 pages, and contains chapters about aircraft systems and procedures. It is reprinted here in its entirety.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Headquarters Department of the Army
Presentación:656 páginas, 25.5 x 20.5 x 3.3 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos y dibujos
Editor:Periscope Film (USA, 2011)
Serie:Pilot's Flight Operation Instructions
AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter (Pilot's Flight Operation Instructions)

AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter

Idioma: Inglés

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The Apache in European Service

The Apache helicopter is a revolutionary development in the history of war, designed to hunt, take out and destroy up to 256 targets in less than five minutes. Highly manoeuvrable and heavily armed, the combat-proven Apache is the primary attack helicopter for many countries worldwide and is feared by many armed forces as well as terror groups in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

With its armour, sensors and heavy-duty weaponry, the Apache is a formidable opponent on the battlefield. It is a deadly combination of strength, agility and firepower. In The Apache in European Service, Darren Willmin explores the immense flying capabilities and the weaponry systems of the Apache that serves with the British, Greek and Royal Netherlands forces.

Willmin's superb photographs capture the fundamentals of the Apache both from the ground and in the air. This unique collection will appeal to everyone with an interest in this truly amazing helicopter.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Darren Willmin
Presentación:96 páginas, 23.5 x 16.5 x 1 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:184 fotos a color
Editor:Fonthill Media (GB, 2016)
The Apache in European Service

The Apache in European Service

Idioma: Inglés

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AH-64 Apache

Der martialische AH-64 Apache ist ein schwerer Kampfhubschrauber, der in diesem Segment neue Maßstäbe setzte und bis heute eines der leistungsfähigsten Muster darstellt. Seit seiner Einführung 1986 war er in jedem nennenswerten Konflikt mit US-Beteiligung im Einsatz und hat sich stets überragend bewährt. Seine Besatzungen schätzen die hohe Kampfkraft, die starke Panzerung und gute Überlebensfähigkeit der Maschine unter Beschuss.

Christian Rastätter hat beste Verbindungen in US-Militär-Kreise und liefert hier mit seinem Insider-Wissen das ultimative Buch zu diesem beeindruckenden Hubschrauber.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Christian Rastätter
Presentación:224 páginas, 27 x 23.5 x 1.8 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:200 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2021)
AH-64 Apache

AH-64 Apache

Idioma: Alemán

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Última actualización: 03/02/2025