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Diesel Locomotives - Poland: Books - History and Types

Books on the history, types and technology of diesel locomotives of the PKP (Polskie Koleje Państwowe) and other railway companies in Poland.

Lokomotywy spalinowe produkcji polskiej

A book devoted to the history of the construction and development of all types of standard-gauge, wide-gauge and narrow-gauge diesel locomotives manufactured by:
- Pierwszą Fabrykę Lokomotyw w Polsce S.A. (FabLok) in Chrzanów
- Wytwórnię Parowozów Zakładów Ostrowieckich in Warsaw
- Zakłady Mechaniczne Hipolita Cegielskiego in Poznań
- Zakłady Naprawcze Taboru Kolejowego (ZNTK)
- and many smaller industrial plants and workshops.

Both native designs and those produced on the basis of foreign licenses have been described. The description of the construction of each locomotive is completed with drawings and photos.
Shunting and line locomotives for PKP, industrial locomotives, including special locomotives for coal mines (underground and surface) and unrealized diesel locomotive designs are presented.

Text in Polish.


Author:Bogdan Pokropiński
Details:240 pages, 24.5 x 19.5 x 1.5 cm / 9.7 x 7.7 x 0.59 in, hardback
Illustrations:168 photos and drawings
Publisher:Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności WKŁ (PL, 2016)
Lokomotywy spalinowe produkcji polskiej

Lokomotywy spalinowe produkcji polskiej

Language: Polish

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