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Suzuki GT 50-125-200-250-350-380-550-750: service and repair manuals

A manual to fix your Suzuki GT 50, GT 125, GT 200, GT 250, GT 350, GT 380, GT 550 or GT 750? Explore here service and repair manuals on Suzuki motorcycles. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

Suzuki GT 50, ZR 50 & TS 50 (1979-1990) | Haynes Owners Workshop Manual

Haynes Owners Workshop Manual on the Suzuki motorcycles:
- GT50 (49 cc, 1977-1979)
- TS50 KN (49 cc, 1979), TS50 ER (49 cc, 1980-1984)
- ZR50 X1 (49 cc, 1979-1983), ZR50 S (49 cc, 1983-1990) and ZR50 SL (49 cc, 1981-1984).

This Haynes manual on the Suzuki GT 50, ZR 50 and TS 50 mopeds and provides photos and detailed step-by-step instructions for maintenance and repair of the engine, the clutch and the gearbox.
The cooling system, fuel system, ignition, exhaust, steering, suspension, brakes, final drive and electrical system are also described.

  • Based on a complete strip-down and rebuild.
  • Includes a maintenance schedule, adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear and detailed wiring diagrams for easy reference.


Details:27 x 1 x 21 cm / 10.6 x 0.4 x 8.27 in, paperback
Illustrations:hundreds of photos and drawings
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 1991)
Series:Haynes Owners Workshop Manual (0799)

More information on the Haynes Repair Manuals

Suzuki GT 50, ZR 50 & TS 50 (1979-1990) | Haynes Owners Workshop Manual

Suzuki GT 50, ZR 50 & TS 50 (1979-1990)

Language: English

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Suzuki GT / T 250 & 350 Twins 247 cc, 305 cc, 315 cc (1969-1978) | Haynes Owners Workshop Manual

Haynes Owners Workshop Manual on the Suzuki motorcycles:
- T 250 (247 cc, 1969-1973)
- GT 250 (247 cc, 1973-1978)
- T 305 (305 cc, 1968)
- GT 350 (315 cc, 1969-1973).

This Haynes manual on the Suzuki T250, GT250, T305 and GT350 provides photos and detailed step-by-step instructions for maintenance and repair of the engine, the clutch and the gearbox.
The cooling system, fuel system, ignition, exhaust, steering, suspension, brakes, final drive and electrical system are also described.

  • Based on a complete strip-down and rebuild.
  • Includes a maintenance schedule, adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear and detailed wiring diagrams for easy reference.


Author:Jeff Clew
Details:120 pages, 27 x 21 x 0.6 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 x 0.24 in, paperback
Illustrations:hundreds of photos and drawings
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 1988)
Series:Haynes Owners Workshop Manual (0120)

More information on the Haynes Repair Manuals

Suzuki GT / T 250 & 350 Twins 247 cc, 305 cc, 315 cc (1969-1978) | Haynes Owners Workshop Manual

Suzuki GT / T 250 & 350 Twins 247 cc, 305 cc, 315 cc (1969-1978)

Language: English

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Suzuki GT 380, GT 550 & GT 750 Triples (1972-1977) | Clymer Service and Repair Manual

Clymer Manual for maintenance and repair of the Suzuki motorcycles:
- GT380 (1972-1977)
- GT550 (1972-1977)
- GT750 (1972-1977).

This Clymer workshop manual on 3-cylinder Suzuki GT 380, GT 550 and GT 750 motorcycles describes maintenance and repair of the engine, clutch and gearbox, the fuel and exhaust systems, the electrical system and the cooling system.
Also covers the front suspension and steering system, the rear suspension and drivetrain, the brakes and the frame.

  • Step-by-step instructions, many photos and drawings.
  • Includes adjustment data, torque wrench settings, troubleshooting tables.
  • Contains no wiring diagrams!


Details:160 pages, 25.5 x 18 x 0.9 cm / 10 x 7.1 x 0.35 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Clymer (USA, 1977)
Series:Clymer Motorcycle Service and Repair Manual (M368)

More information on the Clymer Repair Manuals

Suzuki GT 380, GT 550 & GT 750 Triples (1972-1977) | Clymer Service and Repair Manual

Suzuki GT 380, GT 550 & GT 750 Triples (1972-1977)

Language: English

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How to restore: Suzuki 2-Stroke Triples - GT350, GT550 & GT750 (1971-1978) (Enthusiast's Restoration Manual)

The definitive step-by-step colour illustrated guide to complete restorationof Suzuki GT350, GT550 and GT750 2-Stroke Triples.
If you can still remember the signature of many 70s motorcycles - the characteristic sound and smell of a 3-cylinder 2-stroke engine - then you'll find pleasure in the knowledge that many of these classics are still alive and well today, in sheds, garages and barns across the country.
Restoration is not as difficult as it may at first appear, and benefiting from Ricky Burns' hands-on knowledge and experience, this step-by-step illustrated guide will give any potential restorer all the advice, tips and shortcuts needed to make an economical, easy restoration happen.
This book covers dismantling and rebuilding, sourcing parts, special tools, tackling bodywork, restoring engines and mechanical parts, and much more.

Pages of the book How to restore: Suzuki 2-Stroke Triples (1971-1978) (1)

Contents of the book:
- Real life restoration, carried out by the author
- Aimed at the beginner and seasoned motorbike restorer alike
- Advice on project choice and the preparation process
- Step-by-step guidance with hundreds of photographs
- Dismantling, restoring and sourcing parts, and rebuilding
- Recommendations on repairs, renovations and parts replacements
- Special tools, their purchase, use and alternatives
- Restoring mechanical parts such as engine, gearbox, brakes and electrics
- Tackling bodywork: spraying, polishing, seat re-covering, decals, forks and tyres
- How to save yourself time and money.


Author:Ricky Burns
Details:176 pages, 27 x 20.5 cm / 10.6 x 8.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:586 colour photos
Publisher:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2015)
Series:Enthusiast's Restoration Manual
How to restore: Suzuki 2-Stroke Triples - GT350, GT550 & GT750 (1971-1978) (Enthusiast's Restoration Manual)

How to restore: Suzuki 2-Stroke Triples - GT350, GT550 & GT750 (1971-1978)

Language: English

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Suzuki GT 250 X7, GT 200 X5 & SB 200 Twins (1978-1983) | Haynes Owners Workshop Manual

Haynes Owners Workshop Manual on the Suzuki motorcycles:
- GT250 X7 (247 cc, 1978-1983)
- GT200 X5 (196 cc, 1979-1982)
- SB200 (196 cc, 1979-1983).

This Haynes manual on the Suzuki GT 250 X7, GT 200 X5 and SB 200 provides photos and detailed step-by-step instructions for maintenance and repair of the 2-cylinder engines, the clutch and the gearbox.
The cooling system, fuel system, ignition, exhaust, steering, suspension, brakes, final drive and electrical system are also described.

  • Based on a complete strip-down and rebuild.
  • Includes a maintenance schedule, adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear and detailed wiring diagrams for easy reference.


Author:Pete Shoemark
Details:124 pages, 27 x 21 x 0.7 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 x 0.28 in, paperback
Illustrations:hundreds of photos and drawings
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 1988)
Series:Haynes Owners Workshop Manual (0469)

More information on the Haynes Repair Manuals

Suzuki GT 250 X7, GT 200 X5 & SB 200 Twins (1978-1983) | Haynes Owners Workshop Manual

Suzuki GT 250 X7, GT 200 X5 & SB 200 Twins (1978-1983)

Language: English

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Suzuki 50 GT-TS-ER / Yamaha XS 750-XS 850 | Revue Moto Technique RMT 36

Workshop manual from the French series Revue Moto Technique (RMT 36). Describes maintenance and repair of the:
- Suzuki 50 GT-TS and 50 GT-ER (4 and 5 gears)
- Yamaha XS 750 E, XS 750 ES and XS 850.

  • This French repair manual on Suzuki 50 GT-TS and ER / Yamaha XS 750 and XS 850 motorcycles contains extensive chapters about the engine (including the carburettor or injection system, fuel system, cooling, lubrication and ignition), clutch and gearbox, the electrical system with the starter motor and alternator.
  • Also work on the front fork, steering column, suspension and brakes is covered in detail.
  • Complete with adjustment data, torque wrench settings and wiring diagrams.


Details:21 x 27 cm / 8.25 x 10.6 in, paperback
Illustrations:hundreds of photos and drawings
Publisher:ETAI (F, )
Series:Revue Moto Technique (RMT 36)

More information on the Revue Moto Technique manuals

Suzuki 50 GT-TS-ER / Yamaha XS 750-XS 850 | Revue Moto Technique RMT 36

Suzuki 50 GT-TS-ER / Yamaha XS 750-XS 850

Language: French

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Suzuki GT 380 / GT 550 (1972-1979) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Bucheli Reparaturanleitung on the Suzuki GT 380 J, GT 380 K, GT 380 L, GT 550 J and GT 550 K.

Production years: 1972-1979.

Pages of the book [0503] Suzuki GT 380 / GT 550 (1972-1979) (1)

This Bucheli manual on Suzuki GT380 and GT550 motorcycles describes extensively work on the engine (block, cylinder head, fuel system, ignition, electric components, intake and exhaust).
Covers also the clutch, gearbox, drivetrain, suspension, front and rear brakes.

  • Complete with technical specifications, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear wiring diagrams.


Details:112 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Bucheli Verlag (CH, 2013)
Series:Bucheli Reparaturanleitung (503)

More information on the Bucheli repair manuals

Suzuki GT 380 / GT 550 (1972-1979) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Suzuki GT 380 / GT 550 (1972-1979)

Language: German

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Suzuki GT 750 - 3 Zylinder (1971-1976) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Bucheli Reparaturanleitung on the Suzuki GT 750 J, GT 750 K, GT 750 L, GT 750 M and GT 750 A.

Production years: 1971-1976.

Pages of the book [0527] Suzuki GT 750 - 3 Zylinder (1971-1976) (1)

This Bucheli manual on Suzuki GT750 motorcycles describes extensively work on the 3-cylinder engine (block, cylinder head, fuel system, ignition, electric components, intake and exhaust).
Covers also the clutch, gearbox, drivetrain, suspension, front and rear brakes.

  • Complete with technical specifications, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear wiring diagrams.
  • German translation of the Haynes book "Suzuki 750 Owners Workshop Manual".


Details:156 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Bucheli Verlag (CH, 2013)
Series:Bucheli Reparaturanleitung (527)

More information on the Bucheli repair manuals

Suzuki GT 750 - 3 Zylinder (1971-1976) | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Suzuki GT 750 - 3 Zylinder (1971-1976)

Language: German

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The TMB Bookshop presents not only technical books on Suzuki . Click here to discover all books on Suzuki (including make histories, type overviews, books about certain models, road test collections, etc.).

Years: 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983

Last update: 03/02/2025