Vélosolex / Solex mopeds: service and repair manuals
A repair manual on Vélosolex / Solex mopeds? Explore here workshop manuals for service and repair of Vélosolex / Solex mopeds.
They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.
Le Guide Vélosolex
Richly illustrated technical and historical manual for the Vélosolex and Solex mopeds.
This volume from the French series "Le Guide" gives a wealth of information on the history, the identification of the various Velosolex types, the model changes (on a year-by-year basis), the technology, the purchase and the restoration.
Describes also the daily maintenance and small repairs.
Richly illustrated with hundreds of photos and drawings.
Restoration guide for VéloSolex mopeds. Profusely illustrated, this volume of the "Restaurez Réparez" collection describes the complete restoration in words and images.
Restore your Solex with step-by-step instructions.
More than 800 photos show you all the work in detail.
The complete restoration is treated: - removal, overhaul and installation of the engine, clutch and roller - renovation of the cycle part, brakes and steering - renovation of the seat and ornaments - renovation of the electrical installation (lamps, ignition, etc.)
To go further, some repair techniques are developed, such as: re-magnetization of a magnetic flywheel, wheel spokes, sheet metal work, forming and welding, painting and making threads, polishing, zinc plating, nickel plating.
Also advice for purchasing and information on the history and identification of the model.
Franck Méneret, Sylvie Méneret
160 pages, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1.6 cm / 10.8 x 8.5 x 0.63 in, paperback
The TMB Bookshop presents not only technical books on Vélosolex / Solex . Click here to discover all books on Vélosolex / Solex (including make histories, type overviews, books about certain models, road test collections, etc.).
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