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Ignition systems: service and repair manuals

A repair manual on ignition systems? Explore here workshop manuals for service and repair of ignition systems. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

How to Build & Power Tune Distributor-type Ignition Systems (3rd Edition) (Veloce SpeedPro)

A lot is talked about ignition systems, and there is a bewildering choice of expensive aftermarket parts, which all claim to deliver more power. Des Hammill cuts through the myth and hyperbole and tells readers what really works, so that they can build an excellent system without wasting money on parts and systems that simply don't deliver.

Ignition timing and advance curves for modified engines is another minefield for the inexperienced, but Des uses his expert knowledge to tell readers how to optimise the ignition timing of any high-performance engine.

The book applies to all four-stroke gasoline/petrol engines with distributor-type ignition systems, including those using electronic ignition modules: it does not cover engines controlled by ECUs (electronic control units).


Author:Des Hammill
Details:98 pages, 25 x 21 x 1.3 cm / 9.8 x 8.25 x 0.51 in, paperback
Illustrations:8 b&w and 90 colour photos
Publisher:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2017)
How to Build & Power Tune Distributor-type Ignition Systems (3rd Edition) (Veloce SpeedPro)

How to Build & Power Tune Distributor-type Ignition Systems (3rd Edition)

Language: English

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Ignition and Timing - A Guide to Rebuilding, Repair and Replacement

A guide to ignition and timing, for classic car owners and restorers. Aimed at both keen amateurs and professionals alike, "Ignition and Timing" covers the history and evolution of the automotive ignition system, and how to fit, modify and maintain your system for optimum timing and maximum performance.

Topics covered include:
- Post-war distributors and aftermarket systems
- Understanding and fault-testing the coil ignition system
- How to fit electronic ignitions and modify the distributor, including twin-point distributors
- Rebuilding and maintenance
- Lucas, Delco and Bosch systems
- Identification charts for your distributor
- How to achieve optimum timing and how to use a timing light.


Author:Colin Beever
Details:96 pages, 24.5 x 19 x 0.7 cm / 9.7 x 7.5 x 0.28 in, paperback
Illustrations:90 colour photos, 10 diagrams
Publisher:The Crowood Press Ltd (GB, 2015)
Ignition and Timing - A Guide to Rebuilding, Repair and Replacement

Ignition and Timing - A Guide to Rebuilding, Repair and Replacement

Language: English

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High-Performance Ignition Systems

Performance modification on enthusiast cars and trucks entails the modification of many systems in concert with each other. Induction systems, exhaust, rotating assemblies, cylinder head modification, all areas where modifications yield exciting and measurable results.
While decidedly not as sexy to most, ignition systems are just as important as all of the other systems, and modifying your ignition system is vital in extracting all the performance possible out of your engine build. What good is air flow if your ignition system can't light the fire?

This is a completely updated guide to understanding automotive ignition systems, from old-school points and condensers to modern computer-controlled distributorless systems, and from bone-stock systems to highly modified.

Author Todd Ryden leads you through the various components in this update, explaining the theory behind the operation and how the parts work with each other to achieve the ultimate goal of efficient combustion.
The inside scoop on all the new coils, wires, spark plugs, distributors, magnetos, inductive systems, CD ignitions, multiple-spark systems, computer ignition controls, rev limiters - all are covered for both street and race applications.


Author:Todd Ryden
Details:144 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm / 11 x 8.5 x 0.31 in, paperback
Illustrations:250 colour photos
Publisher:CarTech Inc (USA, 2014)
Series:S-A Design (SA79)

More information on the CarTech S-A Design books

High-Performance Ignition Systems

High-Performance Ignition Systems

Language: English

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Systèmes d'allumage électronique

The "Mécanique automobile: diagnostic et réparation" series is a collection of books on the theory, verification of systems, subsystems and components, fault diagnosis and repair techniques for automobiles and light trucks in French.

This volume deals with electronic ignition systems.

Table of Contents:

1 - Ignition Systems
2 - Checking and Maintaining Ignition Systems
3 - Sensors and Diagnostic Methods
4 - Fuels and Other Energy Sources.


Author:Jack Erjavec
Details:138 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 0.9 cm / 11 x 8.5 x 0.35 in, spiral binding
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings in colour
Publisher:Éditions Reynald Goulet (CDN, 2015)
Series:Diagnostic et réparation
Systèmes d'allumage électronique

Systèmes d'allumage électronique

Language: French

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Praxishandbuch Lucas & Co. - Klassische Zündanlagen einstellen und warten

This practical guide provides a detailed introduction to the ignition system of classic vehicles. It explains how it works, offers valuable tips on maintenance, care, and repair, and includes numerous illustrations.

The focus is on post-war coil ignition systems from Lucas, Delco, and Bosch. The book covers correct adjustments, component optimization, handling of spark plugs, contacts, and cables, as well as the installation of electronic ignition systems suitable for classic cars.
It is designed for all experience levels, from beginners to experts.

German edition of the Crowood book "Ignition and Timing".


Author:Edition Oldtimer Markt
Details:96 pages, 30 x 22 x 1.5 cm / 11.8 x 8.7 x 0.59 in, hardback
Illustrations:Colin Beever
Publisher:Heel-Verlag GmbH (D, 2016)
Praxishandbuch Lucas & Co. - Klassische Zündanlagen einstellen und warten

Praxishandbuch Lucas & Co. - Klassische Zündanlagen einstellen und warten

Language: German

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Batterie-Zündanlagen | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Automotive technical manual by Bucheli about classic ignition systems with battery, ignition coil, contact breaker, distributor and spark plugs. Many cut-away drawings and detailed illustrations.
Reprint of the 7th edition (1978).

Pages of the book [0297] Batterie-Zündanlagen (1)


Details:99 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Bucheli Verlag (CH, 2017)
Series:Bucheli Reparaturanleitung (297)

More information on the Bucheli repair manuals

Batterie-Zündanlagen | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung


Language: German

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Last update: 04/03/2025