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Ford transmissions: service and repair manuals

A repair manual on Ford automatic transmissions? Explore here workshop manuals for service and repair of Ford automatic transmissions. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul Manual (1964-1996) - Fundamentals, diagnosis, overhaul, modifications | Haynes TechBook

Haynes TechBook covering the overhaul of Ford automatic transmissions and transaxles, installed in Ford, Lincoln and Mercury passenger cars, vans and pick-ups.

Covers the following models:
- In-line transmissions for rear wheel drive: Ford C3 (1974-1986), C4 (1964-1982), C5 (1981-1986), C6 (1966-1996) and AOD (1980-1994).
- Transaxles for front wheel drive: Ford ATX / FLC (1984-1994) and AXOD (1986-1990).

Exclusions: This manual does not cover the electronic versions of the AOD (type AODE) or AXOD (type AXODE).

  • Over 1000 photos and complete step-by-step instructions for the overhaul of the complete transmission (torque converter, planetary gears, brake bands, oil pump and switch block).
  • Also chapters about working principles, identification, tools, measuring instruments, removal and assembly.


Author:Jeff Killingsworth, John H Haynes
Details:272 pages, 27 x 21 x 1.4 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 x 0.55 in, paperback
Illustrations:1000 b&w photos
Publisher:Haynes Manuals, Inc. (USA, 2002)
Series:Haynes TechBook (10355)
Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul Manual (1964-1996) - Fundamentals, diagnosis, overhaul, modifications | Haynes TechBook

Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul Manual (1964-1996) - Fundamentals, diagnosis, overhaul, modifications

Language: English

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How to Rebuild and Modify Ford C4 and C6 Automatic Transmissions

The Ford C4 and C6 automatic transmissions, introduced in the 1960s (C4 in 1964, C6 in 1966), have been used in millions of rear-wheel-drive cars and trucks. They remained in production until the 1980s, when overdrive transmissions took over.

Despite this, the C4 and C6 are still favored by enthusiasts, racers, and restorers for their simplicity, durability, and affordability.
Rebuilding these transmissions is not overly difficult but requires care, specialized tools, and following the correct procedure.

In this manual, author George Reid provides a detailed, step-by-step guide, covering everything from removing the transmission to disassembly, cleaning, reassembly, re-installation, and road testing. For high-performance or competition use, the author also includes steps to enhance the transmission's strength using aftermarket parts.

Each chapter includes special notes, sidebars, and technical tips, covering safety, time-saving advice, and modifications that can improve durability or shift firmness. Reid's in-depth research and experience with these transmissions make this a comprehensive, full-color guide for rebuilding and improving the C4 and C6.


Author:George Reid
Details:144 pages, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1 cm / 10.8 x 8.5 x 0.39 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous colour photos
Publisher:CarTech Inc (USA, 2012)
Series:S-A Design Workbench (SA227)

More information on the CarTech Workbench books

How to Rebuild and Modify Ford C4 and C6 Automatic Transmissions

How to Rebuild and Modify Ford C4 and C6 Automatic Transmissions

Language: English

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Ford AOD Transmissions - Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W

While millions of Ford rear-wheel-drive cars are equipped with the durable and simple C4 and C6 transmissions of the 1960s, early in the 1980s Ford replaced those old designs with the AOD transmission for a new generation of cars.

Overdrive gears, once popular before WWII, were now becoming popular again, as manufacturers were under increasing pressure to raise fuel economy to meet ever more demanding EPA standards.
A nice byproduct of that was more comfortable cruising speeds, where your engine didn't have to work so hard in addition to getting better fuel economy.

In "Ford AOD Transmissions: Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W", author George Reid walks you through the process step-by-step, from removing the transmission from the vehicle, to complete disassembly and cleaning, to careful reassembly, to proper re-installation and road testing.
Performance modifications are also covered, as well as an ID guide for various model numbers, evolutionary design changes, shift kit installation, and torque converter selection.


Author:George Reid
Details:144 pages, 28 x 21.5 cm / 11 x 8.5 in, paperback
Illustrations:500 photos
Publisher:CarTech Inc (USA, 2014)
Series:S-A Design Workbench (SA279)

More information on the CarTech Workbench books

Ford AOD Transmissions - Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W

Ford AOD Transmissions - Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W

Language: English

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Ford-Mercury-Getriebe - Ford-O-Matic und Merc-O-Matic | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Bucheli Reparaturanleitung for service and repair of the Ford-O-Matic and Merc-O-Matic automatic transmissions from the 1950s and 60s.

Pages of the book [0017] Ford-O-Matic und Merc-O-Matic (1)

This Bucheli manual on the Ford-O-Matic and Merc-O-Matic automatic transmissions covers in detail maintenance and repair.

  • Dozens of clear illustrations and technical drawings.
  • Includes comprehensive technical data and torque wrench settings.


Details:46 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Bucheli Verlag (CH, 2018)
Series:Bucheli Reparaturanleitung (17)

More information on the Bucheli repair manuals

Ford-Mercury-Getriebe - Ford-O-Matic und Merc-O-Matic | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Ford-Mercury-Getriebe - Ford-O-Matic und Merc-O-Matic

Language: German

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Last update: 24/03/2025