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Carburetors: general workshop manuals - service and repair

A repair manual on carburetors? Explore here general workshop manuals for service and repair of carburetors. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

Haynes Carburettors Manual: Adjusting, tuning and overhauling - Ford, Pierburg, Solex and Weber

Haynes workshop manual for regulating, tuning and rebuilding of Ford, Pierburg, Solex and Weber carburettors. Step-by-step instructions with 1000 photos.

Covers theory, specifications, troubleshooting, repairs and adjustment of the following makes and types:
Ford Motorcraft1V and Variable Venturi (VV)
Pierburg1B1, 1B3, 2B5, 2B6, 2B7, 2BE, 2E2 and 2E3
Pierburg (Solex)PDSI and PIC-7
SolexBIS, EEIT, PBISA, SEIA, Z1, Z10 and Z11


Author:Charles White, Christopher Rogers
Details:256 pages, 27 x 21 x 2 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 x 0.79 in, paperback
Illustrations:1000 b&w photos
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2013)
Series:Haynes Manual (4177)
Haynes Carburettors Manual: Adjusting, tuning and overhauling - Ford, Pierburg, Solex and Weber

Haynes Carburettors Manual: Adjusting, tuning and overhauling - Ford, Pierburg, Solex and Weber

Language: English

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How to Build Horsepower (Volume 2) - Carburetors and Intake Manifolds

S-A Design tuning book about building winning race engines for road and track.
In this second part information about Carter, Holley, Predator, Weber, Dellorto and Mikuni carburetors, intake manifolds, ram intakes, etc. Also information about carburetor calibration, analysis of different designs and mixture ratios.


Author:David Vizard
Details:132 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 0.7 cm / 11 x 8.5 x 0.28 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous b&w photos
Publisher:CarTech Inc (USA, 1997)
Series:S-A Design (SA52P)

More information on the CarTech S-A Design books

How to Build Horsepower (Volume 2) - Carburetors and Intake Manifolds

How to Build Horsepower (Volume 2) - Carburetors and Intake Manifolds

Language: English

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GPL - Technologie et systèmes

This book from the "Auto-Savoir" series is dedicated to LPG technology and systems.


Author:D. Rouche
Details:100 pages, 29 x 21 cm / 11.4 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:photos and drawings
Publisher:ETAI (F, 1997)
GPL - Technologie et systèmes

GPL - Technologie et systèmes

Language: French

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Ottomotorsteuerung für Young- und Oldtimer: Vergaser, Benzineinspritzung, Zündsysteme

This German book explains the basics of gasoline engines in a clear manner, especially the topics of mixture preparation and ignition. In addition to classic carburettors and ignition systems, all Jetronic systems are also shown.
A chapter on the early Motronic, which combines ignition and mixture preparation for the first time, rounds off the overall picture.
The book is therefore an enormous source of knowledge for technology-savvy owners of vintage and classic vehicles, enabling them to better understand the technical functions of historical technology.

Pages of the book Ottomotorsteuerung fur Young- und Oldtimer (1)

The contents:
- Mixture formation in the gasoline engine
- Fuel delivery in carburettor systems
- Carburetors for motor vehicles
- History of gasoline injection
- Jetronic systems
- Motronic
- Components of the Jetronic and Motronic
- Ignition systems
- Spark plugs
- Exhaust gas purification
- Glossary.


Author:Robert Bosch GmbH
Details:406 pages, 24.5 x 18 x 2.8 cm / 9.7 x 7.1 x 1.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Heel-Verlag GmbH (D, 2016)
Ottomotorsteuerung für Young- und Oldtimer: Vergaser, Benzineinspritzung, Zündsysteme

Ottomotorsteuerung für Young- und Oldtimer: Vergaser, Benzineinspritzung, Zündsysteme

Language: German

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Vergaser-Handbuch - alle Modelle | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

This general automotive technical manual by Bucheli describes all models of carburettors.


Details:181 pages, 28 x 21 cm / 11 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Bucheli Verlag (CH, 2017)
Series:Bucheli Reparaturanleitung (165-166)

More information on the Bucheli repair manuals

Vergaser-Handbuch - alle Modelle | Bucheli Reparaturanleitung

Vergaser-Handbuch - alle Modelle

Language: German

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Related titles:

How to Build Carter/Edelbrock Carburetors

How to Build and Modify Carter / Edelbrock Carburetors - Performance, Street and Off-Road Applications

Dave Emanual | English | paperback | 136 p. | 2007

Rebuild & Powertune Carter / Edelbrock Carburetors

Rebuild & Powertune Carter / Edelbrock Carburetors - AFB, AVS and TQ Models for Street, Performance and Racing

Larry Shepard | English | paperback | 176 p. | 2010

Last update: 03/02/2025