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Citroën cars: model overviews

A book on Citroën cars? Explore here illustrated books with overviews of the history, types and construction of Citroën cars.

The Classic Citroëns, 1935-1975

When the final list for the Car of the Century competition was announced in November 1999, only one company had three finalists: Automobiles Citroen. All three models - the Traction Avant, the 2CV and the DS 19 - were developed during the era when the company was owned by the Societe Michelin (Michelin Tire Company). All three were created by the engineer Andre Lefebvre and the stylist Flaminio Bertoni.
This industry recognition highlighted the unique Citroen-Michelin affiliation, demonstrating anew how this relationship made the automaker the benchmark for progressive design and creative engineering within both the international automotive community and the general motoring public.

From its origins in 1919 under the watchful eye of Andre Citroen, a history of the automaker's early years is provided. Next, the author takes a detailed look at the cars of the golden age of Citroen: the Traction Avant, the 2CV, the DS/ID, the Ami-6 and Ami-8, the GS/GSA, the CX, and the Citroen-Maserati SM.
The innovations, the unique designs, and the new standards of technical excellence that these cars offered are all fully covered, heavily illustrated with rare photographs of the classic automobiles.

This work provides the first in-depth examination of the Citroen-Michelin era, focusing on the interrelationship between these firms in the development of the revolutionary Michelin X radial tire and its impact on Citroen's avant-garde automobiles.


Author:John Reynolds
Details:280 pages, 28 x 23 x 2 cm / 11 x 9.1 x 0.79 in, paperback
Illustrations:235 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:McFarland & Co Inc (USA, 2012)
The Classic Citroëns, 1935-1975

The Classic Citroëns, 1935-1975

Language: English

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Citroën Cars 1934 to 1986 - A Pictorial History

Of all the French car manufacturers, Citroën has the most enthusiastic following. During the half-century covered by this book, it produced the most technologically advanced cars of the time, including the Traction Avant, 2CV, DS and SM. This handy full-colour guide has a chapter devoted to each of these models, together with the Ami, GS, CX, BX and the first models produced under Peugeot's ownership. UK-built models and car-derived vans are also included.

Chapters provide an introduction to the design and evolution of each model, as well as detailed technical information. Production numbers and dates are given, and there are details of special coachbuilt versions and limited editions. The guide is illustrated in full colour, with recent and archive photographs. Dashboard instrument layouts and gearchange patterns are also shown.

  • The pictorial history of all Citroën cars from 1934 to 1986
  • Extensive full-colour photographs
  • Background information on the design of individual models
  • Detailed technical information for each model
  • Evolution of each model during its career
  • Covers special coachbuilt versions and limited editions
  • Includes cars built in the UK
  • Also features car-derived vans
  • Informative dashboard instrument diagrams
  • Production numbers and dates.


Author:Julian Parish
Details:152 pages, 20 x 15 x 1 cm / 7.9 x 5.9 x 0.39 in, paperback
Illustrations:350 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2022)
Citroën Cars 1934 to 1986 - A Pictorial History

Citroën Cars 1934 to 1986 - A Pictorial History

Language: English

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Citroën - Un génie d'avance

No French brand has embodied avant-garde technology for so long. If Citroën still prides itself on having a modern clientele today, it owes it to the genius of its founder, André Citroën.

The spirit of the "boss" has instilled in the company a culture of technology and progress. The Traction Avant, the 2 CV and the DS will take his idea of genius at the service of all far and wide. The style of the DS and the SM will confirm the idea, although not widespread among direct competitors, that a car can be beautiful without failing in its role as a vehicle.

Nearly a hundred years after the release of the first Citroën in 1919, this book, treated chronologically, takes stock of all the passenger car models produced, and lists the types as well as their technical characteristics.

Pages of the book Citroen - Un genie d'avance (1)

The entire production of the essential brand with the chevrons is analyzed and illustrated using unpublished documents and technical tables. An essential reference work for identifying a Citroën, this chronological file provides a fresh perspective on the history of a certain idea of automotive genius, that of advancement.


Author:Dominique Pagneux
Details:304 pages, 31 x 23.5 cm / 12.2 x 9.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:850 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2016)
Citroën - Un génie d'avance

Citroën - Un génie d'avance

Language: French

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Citroën, les plus authentiques (1936-2006) (Autofocus)

This book covers sixty years of the double chevron brand through thirteen models that have shaped its history. Some have become iconic due to their extraordinary avant-gardism, such as the Traction Avant, the DS or the SM. Others, less iconic, have nevertheless marked the history of this atypical manufacturer as much through their commercial success as through their technology or simply their different personality, such as the 2 CV and its derivatives.

Rediscover the Traction Avant 11 and 15 CV, the DS saloon and convertible, the SM but also the Ami 6, the GS, the Méhari, the BX, the CX and the XM without forgetting the most recent C6 which can be considered as the last remaining model still possessing the DNA of the Citroëns of the past.


Author:Patrice Vergès, Nicolas Delpierre
Details:160 pages, 29 x 24 cm / 11.4 x 9 in, hardback
Illustrations:300 colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2020)
Citroën, les plus authentiques (1936-2006) (Autofocus)

Citroën, les plus authentiques (1936-2006)

Language: French

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Les Citroën C4 et C6 de mon père

André Citroën, the leading European manufacturer in the 1920s, revolutionized the automobile industry with the C4 and C6 models, unveiled at the 1928 Motor Show. These vehicles marked a radical turning point for the brand, standing out for their comfort, safety, speed, elegance, and near-indestructibility.
The C4 and C6 embodied the first resolutely modern Citroën automobiles, remaining at the head of French construction for five years thanks to their exceptional qualities, which were regularly improved.

Backed by strong advertising, a strong and dedicated network, bold initiatives, international expansion, and notable victories at Montlhéry, the C4 and C6 became icons of their time.
Today, collectors actively seek them out, preserving these beloved rear-wheel-drive "square bodies" with dedication. These models remain legends, testifying to André Citroën's innovation and early success in automotive history.


Author:Fabien Sabatès, Wouter Jansen
Details:120 pages, 22 x 25 x 1.7 cm / 8.7 x 9.8 x 0.67 in, paperback
Illustrations:240 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Sophia Éditions (F, 2023)
Series:De mon père
Les Citroën C4 et C6 de mon père

Les Citroën C4 et C6 de mon père

Language: French

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Citroën - Les sportives de série

Today, there is no longer any doubt: Citroën is one of the sportiest brands, with several titles in the world rally championship, but also many other victories in various disciplines such as rally-raids or rallycross...

However, for a long time the double chevron will have shunned sports cars in its range. It was not until the 1970s that the revival would be timid. Integration into the PSA group would allow the explosion of performance in the Citroën range in the 1980s: CX, Visa, BX... The genealogy will be long until the current DS3 Racing!

This book aims to review all the sports models offered in series by the brand up to the present day, recalling their technical specificities, their commercial career, their evolution and their glorious feats in competition.


Author:Rogé Rémond
Details:144 pages, 25.5 x 25.5 cm / 10 x 10 in, hardback
Illustrations:314 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2013)
Citroën - Les sportives de série

Citroën - Les sportives de série

Language: French

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Die großen Citroën - Avantgarde aus Frankreich: Traction Avant 15 Six H, DS, SM, CX, XM, C5, C6

Einfallsreichtum, Visionen and Mut - dafür steht die Marke Citroën, die stets den Ruf hatte, ein wenig anders zu sein als die Konkurrenz. Zum ersten Mal für Furore im Oberklasse-Segment sorgte die französische Marke mit dem 15 Six, besser bekannt als "Gangsterlimousine".
Sein Nachfolger setzte sogar zur Himmelfahrt an: Der Citroën ID/DS wurde bereits auf dem Pariser Autosalon als "Göttin" bezeichnet.

Pages of the book Die grossen Citroen - Avantgarde aus Frankreich (1)

Mit viel Hintergrundwissen and Bildschätzen aus den Citroën-Werksarchiven zeigt Immo Mikloweit die Geschichte der großen, legendären Citroën-Modelle auf, von der DS über den SM and CX bis hin zum C5 and C6.


Author:Immo Mikloweit
Details:208 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:250 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2020)
Die großen Citroën - Avantgarde aus Frankreich: Traction Avant 15 Six H, DS, SM, CX, XM, C5, C6

Die großen Citroën - Avantgarde aus Frankreich: Traction Avant 15 Six H, DS, SM, CX, XM, C5, C6

Language: German

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André Citroën, ingénieur, explorateur, entrepreneur

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Andre Lefebvre and the cars he created

Andre Lefebvre and the cars he created for Voisin and Citroën

Gijsbert-Paul Berk | English | hardback | 144 p. | 2009

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André Lefèbvre - de la Voisin Laboratoire à la Citroën DS

Gijsbert-Paul Berk | French | hardback | 160 p. | 2019

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Citroën - L'histoire et les secrets de son bureau d'études depuis 1917 (Tome 1)

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Citroen - L'histoire de son bureau d'etudes (Tome 2)

Citroën - L'histoire et les secrets de son bureau d'études depuis 1917 (Tome 2)

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Une vie de Citroeniste - Histoires et anecdotes

Une vie de Citroëniste - Histoires et anecdotes

Yves Dussin, Solange Dussin | French | hardback | 192 p. | 2011

The TMB Bookshop presents not only general books on Citroën . Click here to discover all books on Citroën (including technical books like workshop manuals, restauration manuals, driver's handbooks, parts catalogues, etc.).

Last update: 03/02/2025