Junkers Ju 87 Stuka (2. WK): Bücher - Geschichte (1/2)

Ein Buch über Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Sturzkampfbomber? Entdecken Sie hier Bücher über die Geschichte und Einsatz der Junkers Sturzkampfbomber aus dem 2. WK (1/2).

Junkers Ju-87 Stuka

Die Junkers Ju-87 - besser bekannt als "Stuka" (für Sturzkampfflugzeug) - gehört wohl zu den bekanntesten Maschinen des Zweiten Weltkrieges und ist bis heute das erfolgreichste Muster dieser Gattung.
Die Maschine mit den unverwechselbaren Knickflügeln und der charakteristischen Sturzflug-Sirene kam während des gesamten Krieges und an fast allen Kriegsschauplätzen zum Einsatz und war vor allem in den ersten Einsatzjahren sehr wirkungsvoll. Fast 6.000 Flugzeuge verließen die Junkers-Fertigung bis 1944.

Dieser Band mit seinen zahllosen Details und zeitgenössischen Fotos stellt zweifellos das aktuell beste Buch zum Stuka dar.


Autor:Jonathan Falconer
Ausführung:192 Seiten, 26.5 x 23 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:200 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2021)
Junkers Ju-87 Stuka

Junkers Ju-87 Stuka

Sprache: Deutsch

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The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka - A Complete History

A full history of the Ju.87 Stuka from its origins and development to accounts of active operations in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa. Used throughout World War II, the story of all the Ju.87's roles as dive-bomber, close support aircraft, ship-buster, tank-smasher to night attack bomber are covered including all variants, details of Stuka units, battle orders and losses.
Includes prototypes and loss tables, diagrams and first-hand accounts plus Stukas used by the Luftwaffe, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Yugoslavia and Japan.


Autor:Peter Charles Smith
Ausführung:432 Seiten, 25 x 19.5 x 3.4 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:320 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen, 20 Profilzeichungen in Farbe
Verlag:Crecy Publishing (GB, 2011)
The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka - A Complete History

The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka - A Complete History

Sprache: Englisch

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Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Manual (1935-1945) - Insights into the design, construction and operation (Haynes Aircraft Manual)

With its cranked wing and vulture-like looks the Junkers Ju 87 Stuka dive-bomber came to symbolise the terror of the German Blitzkrieg.
In the early years of the Second World War the Ju 87 lived up to its fearsome reputation, but it eventually met its match when pitted against more modern adversaries.

Seiten aus dem Buch Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Manual (1935-1945) (1)

Supported by a comprehensive selection of photographs and technical drawings, Jonathan Falconer describes the design, construction and operation of the feared Stuka, which saw frontline action wherever the German Army went - from Norway, western Europe and Russia, to North Africa.

Seiten aus dem Buch Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Manual (1935-1945) (2)


Autor:Jonathan Falconer
Ausführung:192 Seiten, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1.5 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:zahlreiche farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2018)
Serie:Haynes Aircraft Manual

Mehr Info über die Haynes Aircraft Manuals

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Manual (1935-1945) - Insights into the design, construction and operation (Haynes Aircraft Manual)

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Manual (1935-1945) - Insights into the design, construction and operation

Sprache: Englisch

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Junkers Ju 87 Stuka (Flight Craft)

The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka (a contraction of the German word Sturzkampfflugzeug, ie dive bomber) was arguably the Luftwaffe's most recognisable aeroplane, with its inverted gull wings and fixed spatted undercarriage. Designed by Hermann Pohlmann as a dedicated dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft, the prototype first flew in 1935, and made its combat debut in 1937 with the Luftwaffe's Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War.

After several design changes in the light of operational experiences, the Stuka went on to serve the Luftwaffe and Axis forces, from the invasion of Poland in 1939, through the Battles of France and Britain in 1940, over the North African desert and the across Mediterranean, the invasion of Russia and the subsequent bitter fighting in that vast area, and following several more design changes and upgrades, continued to serve through to the end of World War Two.

This latest addition to the growing Flight Craft range, follows the previous well established format, in that it is split in to three main sections. The first section, after offering a concise design and development history, continues with coverage of the various sub-types, from Anton to Gustav and their operational use from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War Two.
This is followed by a 16-page full colour illustration section featuring detailed profiles and 2-views of the colour schemes and markings carried by the type in Luftwaffe and Axis service.

The final section lists as many of the injection-moulded plastic model kits produced of the Junkers Ju 87 in all the major scales that the authors could find details of, including the brand new Airfix 1/72 and 1/48 scale kits which were released while this book was being written, with photos of many finished models made by some of the world's best modellers.


Autor:Martin Derry
Ausführung:96 Seiten, 29.5 x 21 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2017)
Serie:Flight Craft (12)
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka (Flight Craft)

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka

Sprache: Englisch

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Stuka: Hitler's Lethal Dive Bomber - Rare photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War)

The photographs in this collection belonged to Luftwaffe Stuka rear gunner and radio operator Erich Heine. The collection includes photographs of flights of Stukas in formation, operating training aircraft, and a selection of different Luftwaffe uniforms and flight gear. The photographer was based for a period in Czechoslovakia, was shot down over the Ukraine in August 1943 and for a time was listed as missing in action.
This collection offers a unique insight into the German experience of World War Two, providing the opportunity to access materials that have never been published before.


Autor:Alistair Smith
Ausführung:160 Seiten, 24.5 x 19 x 0.9 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:120 s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2012)
Serie:Images of War
Stuka: Hitler's Lethal Dive Bomber - Rare photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War)

Stuka: Hitler's Lethal Dive Bomber - Rare photographs from Wartime Archives

Sprache: Englisch

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Junkers Ju 87 Stuka (Osprey)

In the opening days of the Blitzkrieg campaign, few aircraft could invoke as much terror as the Junkers Ju 87. Nicknamed the "Stuka" (an abbreviation of Sturzkampfflugzeug - the German term for "dive-bomber"), the Ju 87 was perhaps the most feared tactical bomber of the ETO. With its fixed landing gear and inverted gull wings, the Stuka was the most recognizable aircraft of the Blitzkrieg era.
With profile plates, close-up photographs and battlescene artwork, this book reveals the design and development history of the aircraft and how the inclusion of its dive-activated siren changed it from a reliable and sturdy dive bomber into a psychological weapon, spreading panic in ground units. Mike Guardia goes on to explain how the Stuka became easy prey for Allied aircraft and how its influence waned in the final years of the war.

Contents: Introduction - Design and Development - Technical Specifications and Variants - Operational History - Conclusion - Bibliography and Further Reading.


Autor:Mike Guardia
Ausführung:64 Seiten, 25 x 18.5 x 0.5 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2014)
Serie:Air Vanguard (15)
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka (Osprey)

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka

Sprache: Englisch

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Ju 87 Stuka vs Royal Navy Carriers : Mediterranean

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Junkers Ju 87 Picchiatello

Junkers Ju 87 Picchiatello

M. Di Terlizzi | Englisch + Italienisch | kartoniert | 64 S. | 2000

Letzte Aktualisierung: 03/02/2025