Avro 683 Lancaster (2. WK): Bücher - Geschichte (1/2)

Ein Buch über Avro 683 Lancaster Bomber? Entdecken Sie hier Bildbände über die Geschichte, Technik und Einsatz der Avro Bomber aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (1/2).

The Merlin: The Engine That Won the Second World War

Der Rolls-Royce Merlin ist eines der bekanntesten Flugzeugtriebwerke der Geschichte. Er trieb wichtige Flugzeuge des Zweiten Weltkriegs an, darunter die Spitfire und Hurricane, die Großbritannien während der Luftschlacht um England 1940 verteidigten. Er wurde auch in den Lancaster- und Halifax-Bombern bei Einsätzen über Deutschland sowie in der Mosquito eingesetzt, die für ihre Präzisionsbombardements und Aufklärungsflüge bekannt war.
Für die USA war der Merlin das Triebwerk der P-51 Mustang, die B-17- und B-29-Bomber bei Tagesangriffen eskortierte. Die Mustang wurde auch in Nordafrika, im Mittelmeerraum und im Pazifik eingesetzt. Der Motor spielte eine entscheidende Rolle für den alliierten Sieg.
Der Merlin bleibt eine Ikone, und sein charakteristischer Klang ist noch heute in England zu hören, insbesondere bei Vorführungen der Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Zuletzt war er bei den Feierlichkeiten zum 100-jährigen Bestehen der RAF zu sehen, als eine Lancaster Spitfires und Hurricanes in Formation anführte.
Der ehemalige Pilot Gordon Wilson beleuchtet die Entwicklung und den Kriegseinsatz dieses Motors und gibt mit Berichten von Flugzeugbesatzungen Einblicke in seine technische und historische Bedeutung.


Autor:Gordon A. A. Wilson
Ausführung:256 Seiten, 19.5 x 12.5 x 1.8 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:50 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2020)
The Merlin: The Engine That Won the Second World War

The Merlin: The Engine That Won the Second World War

Sprache: Englisch

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The Lancaster

The Avro Lancaster took the RAF's bombing campaign right to the heart of Nazi Germany, night after night, despite sometimes suffering appalling losses. The unique airframe, with one continuous long bomb bay and four powerful Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, allowed the Lancaster to carry a variety of bomb loads suited to the target being attacked. There is no doubt that without the Lancaster, RAF Bomber Command's offensive against Germany would not have had the devastating and controversial impact that it achieved.

This book is both the story of the Lancaster and that of its seven-man crews: pilot, bomb aimer/nose gunner, wireless operator, flight engineer, navigator and mid-upper and rear gunners.
Illustrated with over 250 photographs, including several wartime images as well and many in full colour, it is also the history of the four most complete surviving airframes: the only two flying Lancasters in the world (PA474 and FM213) and the two ground-running aircraft (NX611 and FM159).

Lancaster NX611 has been extensively photographed inside and out by Martin Keen, to give a real sense of what it was like to fly in this aircraft.


Autor:Gordon A.A. Wilson
Ausführung:288 Seiten, 17 x 25 x 1.9 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:300 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2017)
The Lancaster

The Lancaster

Sprache: Englisch

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Avro Lancaster (Osprey)

The Avro Lancaster was one of the finest bombers of World War II and became the spearhead of the RAF's strategic bombing campaign over the Third Reich.
Richard Marks draws on extensive research and detailed technical drawings to explore the evolution of this heavy bomber, revealing how its design developments transformed an old airframe from a dangerous liability into one of the most powerful weapons in the RAF arsenal. It demonstrated excellent performance, ruggedness and good handling qualities and it was soon at the fore of all the RAF's bombing campaigns.

This book tells the story of the iconic Lancaster in full, providing a comprehensive account of the design, development and operational history of the aircraft and its evolution into successor aircraft.

Contents: Introduction - Design and Development - Technical Specifications and Variants - Operational History - Conclusion - Bibliography and Further Reading.


Autor:Richard Marks
Ausführung:64 Seiten, 25 x 18.5 x 0.7 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2015)
Serie:Air Vanguard (21)
Avro Lancaster (Osprey)

Avro Lancaster

Sprache: Englisch

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Avro Lancaster - RAF Bomber Command's Heavy Bomber in World War II (Legends of Warfare)

The Avro Lancaster was the Royal Air Force's main four-engine bomber in World War II. Its superb design, overall performance, and load-carrying capacity proved key factors in successfully prosecuting the nocturnal bombing offensive against Hitler's industrial and military base.
With its ability to carry up to 16,000 pounds in explosives and incendiaries, specialist Lancasters could also deliver the 12,000-pound "Tallboy" and 22,000-pound "Grand Slam" bombs, which took out key targets.

The Lancaster was also featured in the classic 1955 British film The Dam Busters, the story of the famed May 1943 low-level bombing raid in Germany's Ruhr River valley.
By the end of the war, upward of sixty squadrons operated the Lancaster, demonstrating clear proof of its preeminent presence within the RAF's offensive.

Part of the Legends of Warfare series.


Autor:Ron Mackay
Ausführung:112 Seiten, 23 x 23 x 1.6 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:193 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2019)
Serie:Legends of Warfare
Avro Lancaster - RAF Bomber Command's Heavy Bomber in World War II (Legends of Warfare)

Avro Lancaster - RAF Bomber Command's Heavy Bomber in World War II

Sprache: Englisch

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The Lancaster Story

Here is the unique story of the RAF's Avro Lancaster bomber. Peter R. March covers the Lancaster's genesis, first flight and flight testing; its part in the bomber offensive during the Second World War and how this iconic aircraft lives on in the 21st Century, with a listing of surviving Lancasters and where to see them.
The text is supported by a comprehensive selection of colour and black and white photographs.


Autor:Peter R. March
Ausführung:119 Seiten, 13 x 19.5 x 1.3 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:50 s/w-Abbildungen und 30 Farbfotos
Verlag:The History Press Ltd (GB, 2008)
The Lancaster Story

The Lancaster Story

Sprache: Englisch

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Last of the Lancasters

This riveting and highly intriguing collection of pilot and civilian reminiscences works to commemorate the spirit of the almighty Lancaster bomber. Each chapter is dedicated to a unique individual or group of individuals who took part in its history in some capacity. Be they pilot, civilian, or journalist, each played their own part and their accounts offer a host of fascinating insights.

Episodes featured include the battle for Munich and the Nuremburg and Berlin Raids. Stories of PoWs downed in their Lancasters and captured in enemy territory also feature, communicating a real sense of peril experienced behind enemy lines. Two sections of fascinating black and white photographs supplement and complete this trawl through the history of the Lancaster bomber and the men and women who witnessed its glory days.


Autor:Martin Bowman
Ausführung:264 Seiten, 23.5 x 15.5 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:32 Seiten s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2014)
Last of the Lancasters

Last of the Lancasters

Sprache: Englisch

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Ton-Up Lancs : A Photographic Record

Ton-Up Lancs : A Photographic Record of the 35 RAF Lancasters That Each Completed One Hundred Sorties

Norman Franks | Englisch | kartoniert | 224 S. | 2015

Avro Lancaster in Military Service 1945-1964

Avro Lancaster in Military Service 1945-1964

Neil Robinson, Martin Derry | Englisch | kartoniert | 96 S. | 2014

Avro Lancaster, Lincoln and York

Avro Lancaster, Lincoln and York in post-war RAF service 1945-1950

Martin Derry | Englisch | kartoniert | 112 S. | 2010

[DUE] Bf 110 vs Lancaster - 1942-45

Bf 110 vs Lancaster - 1942-45

Robert Forczyk | Englisch | kartoniert | 80 S. | 2013

Sinking the Beast : The RAF 1944 Lancaster Raids

Sinking the Beast : The RAF 1944 Lancaster Raids Against Tirpitz

Jan Forsgren | Englisch | gebunden | 160 S. | 2014

Letzte Aktualisierung: 22/02/2025