Mercury Pkw: V-8 FE (1958-1976) und 385 (1968-1998) - Reparaturanleitungen

Eine Reparaturanleitung für den V-8 FE (1958-1976) oder Series 385 (1968-1998) Benzinmotor Ihres Mercury? Hier finden Sie Werkstatthandbücher für Mercury Pkw. Sie enthalten detaillierte Anweisungen zur Fehlerbehebung und zum Austausch von Teilen.

Ford V8 Engine Overhaul Manual (1961-1993) | Chilton Repair Manual

Chilton Repair Manual zur Wartung, Reparatur und Überholung von amerikanischen Ford V8 Benzinmotoren: 90° V Small Block, 335 Serien Small Block, FE Serien Big Block und 385 Serien Big Block.

Behandelde Typen:

Small Block: 255 (4.2 Liter, 1979-1982), 260 (4.3 Liter, 1962-1964), 289 (4.7 Liter, 1963-1968), 302 (4.9 Liter, ab 1968), 302 Boss (4.9 Liter, 1969-1970), 351W (5.7 Liter, ab 1969), 351C (5.7 Liter, 1970-1974), 351 Boss (5.7 Liter, 1970-1974), 351M (5.7 Liter, 1975-1985) und 400 (6.5 Liter, 1971-1981).

Big Block: 352 (5.7 Liter, 1960-1966), 390 (6.4 Liter, 1961-1971), 406 (6.6 Liter, 1962-1963), 410 (6.7 Liter, 1966-1967), 427 (7.0 Liter, 1963-1968), 428 (7.0 Liter, 1966-1970), 429 STD (7.0 Liter, 1968-1973), 429 CJ (7.0 Liter, 1969-1970), 429 SCJ (7.0 Liter, 1969-1970), 429 Boss (S) (7.0 Liter, 1969), 429 Boss (T) (7.0 Liter, 1969-1970) und 460 (7.5 Liter, ab 1969).

Diese Chilton Anleitung für amerikanische Ford V8-Benzinmotoren beschreibt die Wartung, Reparatur und Überholung des gesamten Motors (darunter Nockenwellenantrieb, Nockenwelle, Einlass- und Auslassventile, Zylinderkopf, Kurbelwelle, Schmiersystem und Dichtungen) sowie das Kühl- und Kraftstoffsystem.

  • Schritt-für-Schritt Anweisungen zum Aus- und Einbau des Motors sowie zur Überholung vom Zylinderkopf und Motorblock

    • Für US-amerikanische und kanadische Modelle.
    • Enthält technische Daten, Einstelldaten und Anzugsdrehmomente.


    Ausführung:272 Seiten, 27.5 x 20.5 x 2.2 cm, kartoniert
    Abbildungen:zahlreiche Fotos und Zeichnungen
    Verlag:Chilton Automotive Books (USA, 2001)
    Serie:Chilton Auto Repair Manual (8793)

    Mehr Info über die Chilton Repair Manuals

  • Ford V8 Engine Overhaul Manual (1961-1993) | Chilton Repair Manual

    Ford V8 Engine Overhaul Manual (1961-1993)

    Sprache: Englisch

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    Ford FE Engines - How to Rebuild: Complete Step-by-Step Instruction for 330- to 428-ci Engines

    Ford FE-Motoren, die von den späten 1950er- bis Mitte der 1970er-Jahre hergestellt wurden, galten als die Motoren mit dem größten Hubraum in der Ford-Produktpalette. FE steht für Ford Edsel und spiegelt eine Ära wider, in der Ford versuchte, den Namen Edsel zu fördern. Das Design dieser Motoren wurde umgesetzt, um den Hubraum gegenüber dem Vorgänger, den Y-Block-Motoren des vorangegangenen Jahrzehnts, zu vergrößern.

    Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie einen dieser legendären Motoren wiederaufbauen. Das einzigartige Konzept der Workbench-Reihe von CarTech führt Sie Schritt für Schritt durch den gesamten Wiederaufbauprozess.
    Behandelt werden Motoridentifikation und -auswahl, Demontage, Reinigung, Teileanalyse und -bewertung, Werkstattprozesse, Auswahl von Ersatzteilen, Wiederzusammenbau und Start-/Einfahrtechniken. Unterwegs finden Sie hilfreiche Tipps zu Leistungssteigerungen, Problemstellen, auf die Sie achten sollten, erforderliche Spezialwerkzeuge und Tipps von professionellen Konstrukteuren.


    Autor:Barry Rabotnick
    Ausführung:144 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 x 1 cm, kartoniert
    Abbildungen:388 Farbfotos
    Verlag:CarTech Inc (USA, 2016)
    Serie:S-A Design Workbench (SA352)

    Mehr Info über die CarTech Workbench Bücher

    Ford FE Engines - How to Rebuild: Complete Step-by-Step Instruction for 330- to 428-ci Engines

    Ford FE Engines - How to Rebuild: Complete Step-by-Step Instruction for 330- to 428-ci Engines

    Sprache: Englisch

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    Ford 429 / 460 Engines - How to Rebuild (Revised Edition)

    Ford was unique in that it had two very different big-block engine designs during the height of the muscle car era. The original FE engine design was pioneered in the late 1950s, primarily as a more powerful replacement for the dated Y-block design. What began as a torquey engine meant to move heavyweight sedans morphed into screaming high-performance mill that won Le Mans and drag racing championships throughout the 1960s.

    By the late 1960s, the FE design was dated, so Ford replaced it with the 385 series in displacements of 429 and 460 cu in, which was similar to the canted-valve Cleveland design being pioneered at the same time.
    It didn't share the FE pedigree of racing success, mostly due to timing, but the new design was better in almost every way; it exists via Ford Motorsports' offerings to this day.

    Beginning in 1971, the 429 found its way between the fenders of Mustangs and Torinos in high-compression 4-barrel versions called the Cobra Jet and Super Cobra Jet, and it was one of the most powerful passenger car engines that Ford had ever built. If the muscle car era had not died out shortly after the release of these powerful engines, without a doubt, the 429 performance variants would be ranked with the legendary big-blocks of all time.

    In this revised edition of "How to Rebuild Big-Block Ford Engines", now titled "Ford 429/460 Engines: How to Rebuild", Ford expert Charles Morris covers all the procedures, processes, and techniques required to rebuild your powerplant.
    Step-by-step text provides details for determining whether your engine actually needs a rebuild, preparation and removal, disassembly, inspection, cleaning, machining and parts selection, reassembly, start-up, and tuning.

    Also included is a chapter on building the special Boss 429 engines, as well as a bonus chapter on the Ford 351 Cleveland, Ford's little brother to the big-block.
    If you are planning to rebuild a Ford 429 or 460 engine, are in the process of a rebuild, or just want to learn more about Ford's storied engines, this book is a must-have item for your shelf.


    Autor:Charles Morris
    Ausführung:144 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 cm, kartoniert
    Abbildungen:599 Farbfotos
    Verlag:CarTech Inc (USA, 2019)
    Serie:S-A Design Workbench (SA162P)

    Mehr Info über die CarTech Workbench Bücher

    Ford 429 / 460 Engines - How to Rebuild (Revised Edition)

    Ford 429 / 460 Engines - How to Rebuild (Revised Edition)

    Sprache: Englisch

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    Ford Big Block (Musclecar & Hi Po Engines)

    Brooklands Portfolio Buch über die Ford 352, 385, 390, 406, 427, 428, 429 und 460 Big-Block V8-Motoren.

    Die Artikel, die damals in der amerikanischen Zeitschrift 'Hot Rod Magazine' veröffentlicht wurden, bieten viele Informationen über Blueprinting, Tuning, Wechseln der Zylinderköpfe, Überholen und Restaurieren.


    Ausführung:100 Seiten, 27 x 20.5 x 0.7 cm, kartoniert
    Abbildungen:200 Fotos und Zeichnungen
    Verlag:Brooklands Books (GB, 1992)
    Serie:Musclecar & Hi Po

    Mehr Info über die Brooklands Portfolio Bücher

    Ford Big Block (Musclecar & Hi Po Engines)

    Ford Big Block

    Sprache: Englisch

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    How to Build Max Performance Ford FE Engines

    The Ford FE (Ford Edsel) engine is one of the most popular engines Ford ever produced, and it powered most Ford and Mercury cars and trucks from the late 1950s to the mid-1970s. For many of the later years, FE engines were used primarily in truck applications.

    However, the FE engine is experiencing a renaissance; it is now popular in high-performance street, strip, muscle cars, and even high-performance trucks. While high-performance build-up principles and techniques are discussed for all engines, author Barry Rabotnick focuses on the max-performance build-up for the most popular engines: the 390 and 428.
    With the high-performance revival for FE engines, a variety of builds are being performed from stock blocks with mild head and cam work to complete aftermarket engines with aluminum blocks, high-flow heads, and aggressive roller cams.

    This book shows you how to select the ideal pistons, connecting rods, and crankshafts to achieve horsepower requirements for all applications. The chapter on blocks discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each particular block considered.
    The book also examines head, valvetrain, and cam options that are best suited for individual performance goals. Also covered are the best-flowing heads, rocker-arm options, lifters, and pushrods. In addition, this volume covers port sizing, cam lift, and the best rocker-arm geometry.

    Covers 332, 352, 361, 390, 406, 410, 427 and 428 cu in FE engines.


    Autor:Barry Robotnick
    Ausführung:144 Seiten, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1 cm, kartoniert
    Abbildungen:400 Farbfotos
    Verlag:CarTech Inc (USA, 2010)
    Serie:S-A Design (SA183)

    Mehr Info über die CarTech S-A Design Bücher

    How to Build Max Performance Ford FE Engines

    How to Build Max Performance Ford FE Engines

    Sprache: Englisch

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    Ford Big-Block Parts Interchange - Covers all FE, MEL & 385 Series Engines

    The FE engine was a design pioneered in the late 1950s, primarily as a more powerful replacement for the dated Y-block design because cars were becoming bigger and heavier, and therefore, necessitated more power to move.
    What started as torquey engines meant to move heavyweight sedans morphed into screaming high-performance mills that won Le Mans and drag racing championships through the 1960s.

    By the late 1960s, the design was dated, so Ford replaced the FE design with the "385" series, also known as the "Lima" design, which was more similar to the canted-valve Cleveland design being pioneered at the same time.
    It didn't share the 1960s pedigree of racing success, but the new design was better in almost every way; it exists via Ford motorsports offerings to this day.

    In this book Ford expert and historian George Reid covers these engines completely. Interchange and availability for all engine components are covered including cranks, rods, pistons, camshafts, engine blocks, intake and exhaust manifolds, carburetors, distributors, and more.

    Expanding from the previous edition of High-Performance Ford Parts Interchange that covered both small- and big-block engines in one volume, this book cuts out the small-block information and devotes every page to the MEL, FE and 385 series big-blocks from Ford, which allows for more complete and extensive coverage.


    Autor:George Reid
    Ausführung:144 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 cm, kartoniert
    Abbildungen:400 Farbfotos
    Verlag:CarTech Inc (USA, 2018)
    Serie:S-A Design (SA397)

    Mehr Info über die CarTech S-A Design Bücher

    Ford Big-Block Parts Interchange - Covers all FE, MEL & 385 Series Engines

    Ford Big-Block Parts Interchange - Covers all FE, MEL & 385 Series Engines

    Sprache: Englisch

    Kaufen bei Amazon DE
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    Nicht nur technische Bücher über Mercury finden Sie im TMB Bookshop. Klicken Sie hier, um alle Bücher über Mercury zu entdecken (einschließlich Markenhistorien, Typübersichten, Bücher über bestimmte Modelle, Tests usw.).

    Jahre: 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

    Letzte Aktualisierung: 03/02/2025