Pick-upy Ford: V-8 Modular (4.6, 5.0, 5.4 i 5.6 L) - instrukcje napraw
Instrukcja napraw silnika benzynowego V-8 Modular (4.6, 5.0, 5.4 albo 5.6 L) twojego Ford? Znajdziesz tu instrukcje napraw i konserwacji pick-upów Ford.
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How to Rebuild 4.6L & 5.4L Ford Engines
Podręcznik S-A Workbench dotyczący kompletnej przebudowy silników benzynowych Ford Modular V8 o pojemności 4.6 l i 5.4 l stosowanych w samochodach osobowych, furgonetkach i pickupach marek Ford, Lincoln i Mercury od lat 90. XX wieku.
- 4.6 l SOHC (2 lub 3 zawory na cylinder)
- 4.6 l DOHC (4 zawory na cylinder).
- 5.4 l SOHC (2 lub 3 zawory na cylinder).
- 5.4 l DOHC (4 zawory na cylinder).
- Instrukcje krok po kroku i setki zdjęć jasno opisują prace przy silnikach benzynowych V8 o pojemności 4.6 l i 5.4 l firmy Ford.
- Rozdziały poświęcone planowaniu, rozbiórce i kontroli, czyszczeniu, wyborowi odpowiednich części, obróbce mechanicznej, montażowi silnika, pierwszemu uruchomieniu i docieraniu.
- Omówiono blok silnika, wał korbowy i tłoki, układ smarowania, wałki rozrządu, głowice cylindrów, mechanizm zaworowy, zapłon, układ paliwowy i gaźniki.
- W komplecie z danymi dotyczącymi regulacji, takimi jak luz zaworowy i momenty dokręcania.
- Książka zawiera również przydatne porady dotyczące poprawy niezawodności i wydajności.
Autor: | George Reid |
Wydanie: | 144 strony, 28 x 21.5 cm, miękka oprawa |
Ilustracje: | 456 kolorowych zdjęć |
Wydawca: | CarTech Inc (USA, 2015) |
Seria: | S-A Design Workbench (SA155) |
ISBN: | 9781613252284 |
How to Build Max-Performance 4.6- & 5.4-Liter Ford Engines
When the '96 Mustang came out with the 4.6-liter V-8, some performance enthusiasts were scared away by its technology. But those days are long gone. Ford added horsepower and torque to its 2- and 4-valve V-8s over the years, and the number and quality of available aftermarket performance parts has exploded. Ford took things to the next level with the new 3-valve Mustang GT engine, the 5.4-liter GT and the Shelby GT500, adding even more high-performance options.
In this updated edition of "How To Build Max-Performance 4.6-Liter Ford Engines", Sean Hyland gives you a comprehensive guide to building and modifying Ford's 2-, 3-, and 4-valve 4.6- and 5.4-liter engines. You will learn everything from block selection and crankshaft prep, to cylinder head and intake manifold modifications. He also outlines eight recommended power packages and provides you with a step-by-step buildup of a naturally aspirated 405-horsepower Cobra engine. This is the definitive guide to getting the most from your 4.6- and 5.4-liter Ford.
Autor: | Sean Hyland |
Wydanie: | 146 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, miękka oprawa |
Ilustracje: | bogato ilustrowane, czarno-białych zdjęć |
Wydawca: | CarTech Inc (USA, 2004) |
Seria: | S-A Design (SA82P) |
ISBN: | 9781613250815 |
Building 4.6/5.4L Ford Horsepower On The Dyno - 4.6- and 5.6-Liter Modular Engines (2-, 3- & 4-Valve)
The 4.6- and 5.4-liter modular Ford engines are finally catching up with the legendary 5.0L in terms of aftermarket support and performance parts availability. Having a lot of parts to choose from is great for the enthusiast, but it can also make it harder to figure out what parts and modifications will work best.
"Building 4.6/5.4L Ford Horsepower on the Dyno" takes the guesswork out of modification and parts selection by showing you the types of horsepower and torque gains expected by each modification.
Author Richard Holdener uses over 340 photos and 185 back-to-back dyno graphs to show you which parts increase horsepower and torque, and which parts don't deliver on their promises. Unlike sources that only give you peak numbers and gains, this guide includes complete before-and-after dyno graphs, so you can see where in the RPM range these parts make (or lose) the most horsepower and torque.
Holdener covers upgrades for 2-, 3-, and 4-valve modular engines, with chapters on throttle bodies and inlet elbows, intake manifolds, cylinder heads, camshafts, nitrous oxide, supercharging, turbocharging, headers, exhaust systems, and complete engine buildups.
Autor: | Richard Holdener |
Wydanie: | 208 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 1.1 cm, miękka oprawa |
Ilustracje: | 340+ czarno-białych zdjęć |
Wydawca: | CarTech Inc (USA, 2006) |
Seria: | S-A Design (SA115P) |
ISBN: | 9781613250082 |
Ford 5.0L Coyote Engines (2011 to present): How to Build Max Performance
In 2011 Ford introduced the 5.0L "Coyote" engine with Twin Independent Variable Cam Timing (Ti-VCT); it was an evolution of the earlier 4.6L and 5.4L Modular designs.
Although the new Coyote engine had increased displacement, it still had far fewer cubes than the competition. Despite less displacement, the Coyote could hold its own against bigger Chevy and Chrysler mills thanks to advanced technology such as 4V heads with better port and valvetrain geometry.
The Coyote is also Ford's first foray into technology such as Ti-VCT and cam-torque-actuated (CTA) function, which is a fancy way of saying variable cam timing for an incredible power curve over a broader RPM range.
Even with all of this new technology, there is always room for improvement, and both Ford and the aftermarket have produced an array of parts to squeeze even more power out of your Coyote.
In this book veteran Ford writer and historian, Jim Smart, explains and highlights all of the latest and greatest options to achieve more horsepower and torque, and of course, faster quarter-mile times.
Some of the upgrades covered are engine building techniques, cold-air induction kits, supercharger and pulley kits, better exhaust headers, fuel system and ECU tuning upgrades, and more.
Autor: | Jim Smart |
Wydanie: | 144 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 1 cm, miękka oprawa |
Ilustracje: | 453 kolorowych zdjęć |
Wydawca: | CarTech Inc (USA, 2017) |
Seria: | S-A Design (SA380) |
ISBN: | 9781613252895 |
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