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Fordson Major, New Major i Dexta: książki - historia

Książka o ciągnikach rolniczych Fordson Major, New Major albo Dexta? Znajdziesz tu książki o historii, typach i technice ciągników rolniczych Fordson.

Fordson New Major E1A Manual (1951-1964) - An insight into the development, engineering, production and uses of Fords first all-new tractor

The Fordson Major tractor was produced in large numbers at Ford's UK Dagenham factory from 1951 until 1964, and was exported across the world, including to the USA (where it was called the Ford 5000 diesel).
Produced with petrol, diesel and kerosene-burning engines, the E1A was the subject of continuous development during its life and was a huge success.

Strony książki Fordson New Major E1A Manual (1951-1964) (1)

Many examples of the E1A can still be found at work on farms today, 50 years after the first models entered production. This extensively illustrated book provides a unique insight into this classic tractor.

Autor:Pat Ware
Szczegóły:168 strony, 26.5 x 21 x 1.1 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:95 zdjęć czarno-białych i 189 kolorowych
Wydawca:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2017)
Fordson New Major E1A Manual (1951-1964) - An insight into the development, engineering, production and uses of Fords first all-new tractor

Fordson New Major E1A Manual (1951-1964) - An insight into the development, engineering, production and uses of Fords first all-new tractor

Język: angielski

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Najnowsza aktualizacja:01-09-2024