Autobusy i autokary Mercedes-Benz: książki - historia (2/2)
Książka o autobusach i autokarach Mercedes-Benz? Znajdziesz tu ilustrowane książki o historii i modelach autobusów i autokarów Mercedes-Benz (2/2).
The Mercedes Benz Midibus
Ta książka obejmuje ważny aspekt brytyjskiej oferty autobusowej, który nie został wcześniej w pełni udokumentowany. Mercedes-Benz Midibus mógł być mały, ale miał ogromny wpływ. Stał się szanowany przez inżynierów flotowych i dobrze spełniał swoje zadanie. Ta historia nie dotyczy tylko udanego pojazdu, koncentruje się na kilku małych firmach zajmujących się budową nadwozi, które wyrosły na czoło brytyjskiego przemysłu wytwórczego dzięki pracy ich projektantów, rzemieślników i sprzedawców. Różnorodność, jaką oferował Mercedes-Benz Midibus, była naprawdę niezwykła!
Between 2002 and 2006 six of London's bus companies put into service 390 articulated 'bendy' buses on twelve routes for transport in London.
During what turned out to be a foreshortened nine years in service, the Mercedes-Benz Citaro G buses familiar on the continent and worldwide earned an unenviable reputation in London; according to who you read and who you believed, they caught fire at the drop of a hat, they maimed cyclists, they drained revenue from the system due to their susceptibility to fare evasion, they transported already long-suffering passengers in standing crush loads like cattle and they contributed to the extinction of the Routemaster from frontline service. In short, it was often referred to as 'the bus we hated'.
This account is an attempt by a long-time detractor of the bendy buses to set the vehicles in their proper context - not quite to rehabilitate them, but to be as fair as is possible towards a mode of transport which felt about as un-British as could be.
Abschied vom Standard-1-Bus : Die letzten Standard-Linienbusse der ersten Generation im Einsatz
From the end of the 1960s to the 1990s, the first generation of standard buses dominated local public transport in the Federal Republic of Germany. They have long since been phased out by the large urban and municipal transport companies, but some private bus companies still rely on the robust Standard 1 buses from the manufacturers MAN, Mercedes Benz and Magirus - mostly for school transport.
However, due to the trend towards modern low-floor buses, air-conditioned vehicles and increasingly strict environmental regulations, the number of Standard 1 buses still in use in Germany has fallen rapidly in recent years. The foreseeable end of this generation of buses in scheduled services is therefore a reason to dedicate the first volume of the "tadtverkehr-Bildarchiv" book series to the Standard 1 buses.
Climb aboard and accompany us on our trip through Germany to the last examples of the MB O 305/O 305 G and O 307, MAN SL 200 and SÜ 240 types as well as several other Standard 1 models that have now become real rarities.
Christian Budych, Moritz Pressler, Patrick Steigerwald
96 strony, 16.5 x 23.5 cm, twarda oprawa
120 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2012)
Abschied vom Standard-1-Bus : Die letzten Standard-Linienbusse der ersten Generation im Einsatz
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